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南极红藻Iridaea cordataCurdiea racovitzae转录组分析及其极端光环境适应相关基因的挖掘

刘晨临 王秀良 林学政

刘晨临,王秀良,林学政. 南极红藻 Iridaea cordata和 Curdiea racovitzae转录组分析及其极端光环境适应相关基因的挖掘[J]. 海洋学报,2020,42(10):110–120 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2020.10.011
引用本文: 刘晨临,王秀良,林学政. 南极红藻 Iridaea cordataCurdiea racovitzae转录组分析及其极端光环境适应相关基因的挖掘[J]. 海洋学报,2020,42(10):110–120 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2020.10.011
Liu Chenlin,Wang Xiuliang,Lin Xuezheng. De nova transcriptome analysis and mining extreme light environments acclimation responding genes of Antarctic seaweed Iridaea cordata (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) and Curdiea racovitzae (Gracilariaceae, Rhodophyta)[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2020, 42(10):110–120 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2020.10.011
Citation: Liu Chenlin,Wang Xiuliang,Lin Xuezheng. De nova transcriptome analysis and mining extreme light environments acclimation responding genes of Antarctic seaweed Iridaea cordata (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) and Curdiea racovitzae (Gracilariaceae, Rhodophyta)[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2020, 42(10):110–120 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2020.10.011

南极红藻Iridaea cordataCurdiea racovitzae转录组分析及其极端光环境适应相关基因的挖掘

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2020.10.011


  • 中图分类号: S917.3

De nova transcriptome analysis and mining extreme light environments acclimation responding genes of Antarctic seaweed Iridaea cordata (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) and Curdiea racovitzae (Gracilariaceae, Rhodophyta)

  • 摘要: 南极红藻具有重要的生态学功能和开发利用价值。南极极端环境赋予了其独特的生理耐受机制,也是发现新基因和代谢途径的理想材料。我们测序分析了南极产胶红藻Iridaea cordata (Turner) Bory和Curdiea racovitzae Hariot的转录组序列,并与其常温近缘种进行了比较,同时挖掘了其与光限制和强紫外线辐射等光环境适应相关的基因。I. cordataC. racovitzae的转录组序列分别拼接成了14055条和12006条非冗余基因,平均长度分别为1473 bp和1448 bp。在I. cordata转录组中发现多条与绿藻基因同源的捕光复合物LHC基因Lhca2Lhca6Lhcb,并且在两种南极红藻中都各发现了1条编码结合岩藻黄质和Chl a/c蛋白的Lhcf基因,目前尚未在其他红藻中发现这类基因。光裂解酶修复紫外线诱导DNA损伤,在I. cordata的转录组序列中发现了6−4光裂解酶,光裂解酶CPD I和CPD II基因,而C. racovitzae转录组序列中仅找到了光裂解酶CPD II基因。尽管南极红藻中这些特有基因的功能有待进一步的验证,但是本文为后续研究红藻的南极极端光环境适应机制提供了方向。


  • 图  南极红藻Iridaea cordata (a)和Curdiea racovitzae (b)的形态

    Figure  1.  The morphology of Iridaea cordata (a) and Curdiea racovitzae (b)

    图  Iridaea cordataCurdiea racovitzae转录组序列的EggNOG功能分类

    Figure  2.  EggNOG function classification of Iridaea cordata and Curdiea racovitzae

    图  角叉菜Chondrus crispusIridaea cordata,龙须菜Gracilariopsis chordaCurdiea racovitzae匹配基因数目的韦恩图


    Figure  3.  Diagram of the matching gene numbers between Chondrus crispus and Iridaea cordata, Gracilariopsis chorda and Curdiea racovitzae

    Red represents the Antarctic red algae, green represents the normal temperate red algae

    图  捕光复合物的系统进化树

    进化树由来自几种主要红藻的基因组或转录组中的所有LHC基因编码的蛋白序列,以及褐藻、绿藻和硅藻的部分LHC蛋白序列组成。5种类型的LHC用不同颜色的方框区分。LHCR为红藻型捕光复合物,LHCF是硅藻和褐藻中主要的天线蛋白,LHCa2、LHCa6和LHCb主要来自绿藻。IcoTRINITYCraTRINITY分别表示Iridaea cordataCurdiea racovitzae的蛋白编码序列。进化树经MEGA-X软件用邻接法构建,得到1 000次检验一致性的系统树,自举值在相应的节点标示

    Figure  4.  Phylogenetic tree of the light harvesting complex superfamily

    All of LHC sequences from the genome or transcriptome of several red algae species, and some LHCs from brown algae, green algae and diatoms are shown in the tree. Five LHC branches are represented by different color boxes. LHCR is from red algae, LHCf is mainly from diatom and brown algae, LHCa2, LHCa6 and LHCb are mainly from green algae. IcoTRINITY and CraTRINITY represent the sequences from Iridaea cordata and Curdiea racovitzae, respectively. The phylogenetic tree is obtained using Neighbor-Joining (NJ) method by MEGA-X software. Bootstrap values referred to 1 000 replicates are shown at the nodes

    图  Iridaea cordataLhca2、Lhca6Lhcb基因编码的蛋白序列与绿藻LHC序列的比较


    Figure  5.  Alignment of Lhca2, Lhca6 and Lhcb of Iridaea cordata with homologous LHCs in green algae

    Three LHC groups are distinguished with green lines; *marks amino acid residues that binding chlorophylls in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii sequences. Ath: Arabidopsis thaliana; Cin: Chlamydomonas incerta; Cre: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Csu: Coccomyxa subellipsoidea; Cva: Chlorella variabilis; Dsa: Dunaliella salina; Ico: Iridaea cordata; Ota: Ostreococcus tauri; Vca: Volvox carteri f. nagariensis

    图  光裂解酶/隐花色素超家族的系统进化树

    进化树中序列的物种包括红藻(红色标记),绿藻和高等植物(绿色标记)以及褐藻和硅藻(褐色标记)。两株南极红藻用红线框标记。聚类的6个分支用不同颜色的边线表示,包括环丁烷嘧啶二聚体光裂解酶CPDI和CPDII,6−4嘧啶酮光裂解酶,隐花色素Cry,Cry-DASH和Cry-DASH II。1 000次检验一致性的系统树经MEGA-X软件用邻接法构建,自举值在相应的节点标示。Ath: 拟南芥; Ccr: 皱波角叉菜; Cme: 红藻; Cra: 南极红藻; Cre: 莱茵衣藻; Esi: 长囊水云; Gch: 绳状龙须菜; Ico: 南极红藻; Gsu: 红藻; Ptr: 三角褐指藻; Tps: 伪矮海链藻

    Figure  6.  Phylogenetic tree of the cryptochrome/photolyase family

    Species in the evolutionary tree include red algae (red marker), green algae and higher plants (green marker), and brown algae and diatoms (brown marker). Two Antarctic red algae are labeled with red frame. The six clusters are represented by different color lines, including photolyase CPD I and CPD II, 6−4 photolyase, and cryptochromes Cry, Cry-DASH and Cry-DASH II. The phylogenetic tree is constructed using Neighbor-Joining (NJ) method by MEGA-X. Bootstrap values referred to 1000 replicates are shown at the nodes. Taxonomic abbreviations: Ath: Arabidopsis thaliana; Ccr: Chondrus crispus; Cme: Cyanidioschyzon merolae; Cra: Curdiea racovitzae; Cre: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Esi: Ectocarpus siliculosus; Gch: Gracilariopsis chorda; Ico: Iridaea cordata; Gsu: Galdieria sulphuraria; Ptr: Phaeodactylum tricornutum; Tps: Thalassiosira pseudonana

    表  1  南极红藻Iridaea cordataCurdiea racovitzae转录本和非冗余基因

    Table  1.   The contigs and unigenes of Iridaea cordata and Curdiea racovitzae

    Iridaea cordata Curdiea racovitzae
    重叠群 非冗余基因 重叠群 非冗余基因
    总长度/bp 23957720 20707433 19982213 17378947
    序列数目 32395 14055 26226 12006
    最大序列长度/bp 24631 24418 27865 26227
    平均序列长度/bp 740 1473 762 1448
    N50/bp 2724 3133 3256 3673
    N50 序列数 2329 1901 1635 1307
    N90/bp 199 537 210 457
    N90 序列数 15816 7637 12822 6213
    GC% 53.82 53.29 47.28 46.88
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    表  2  Iridaea cordataCurdiea racovitzae转录组序列在各个数据库的注释结果

    Table  2.   The annotation results of Iridaea cordata and Curdiea racovitzae transcriptome

    数据库 Iridaea cordata Curdiea racovitzae
    数目 百分比 数目 百分比
    NR 4788 34.07 4468 37.21
    GO 1806 12.85 1838 15.31
    KEGG 2024 14.40 1903 15.85
    EggNOG 4523 32.18 4238 35.3
    Swissprot 4864 34.61 4938 41.13
    全部数据库 972 6.92 947 7.89
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