Research advances on mesenchymal stem cells and their derivatives in the treatment of acne scars
摘要: 痤疮是一种常见的好发于面部的慢性炎症性皮肤疾病,愈合后常遗留痤疮瘢痕,导致患者容貌受损和心理障碍。痤疮瘢痕的治疗极为棘手,随着再生医学的发展,干细胞移植成为治疗痤疮瘢痕的新兴疗法。近年来,已有较多的文献报道干细胞及其衍生物可有效拮抗痤疮瘢痕的形成。基于此,该文就有关采用各种间充质干细胞及其衍生物治疗痤疮瘢痕的基础及临床研究作一简要综述,旨在为痤疮瘢痕的干细胞疗法提供理论依据与参考。Abstract: Acne is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the skin that often occurs on the face, and acne scars are often secondary to the healing process of acne, which often leads to impaired appearance and psychological disorders of patients. The current treatment for acne scars is extremely difficult. With the development of regenerative medicine, stem cell transplantation has become a new treatment for acne scars. In recent years, it has been reported that stem cells and their derivatives can effectively antagonize the formation of acne scars. Therefore, this paper briefly reviews the basic and clinical researches on the treatment of acne scars with various mesenchymal stem cells and their derivatives, aiming to provide theoretical basis and reference for the stem cell therapy of acne scars.
Key words:
- Mesenchymal stem cells /
- Skin /
- Derivatives /
- Fat transplantation /
- Acne scar
卞惠娟 陈宾 陈蕾 陈泽林 陈郑礼 褚志刚 邓欢 丁华荣 丁羚涛 窦懿 杜伟力 段伟强 樊桂成 樊华 付妍婕 高欣欣 郭菲 郭峰 胡少华 黄广涛 黄晓琴 黄勇 黄志锋 江琼 江旭品 蒋南红 李海胜 李华涛 李洁 李科 李娜 李伟人 李正勇 林佳佳 刘竣彰 刘名倬 刘锐 刘腾飞 卢才教 罗锦花 罗鹏飞 苗盈盈 缪玉兰 彭源 钱卫 阮琼芳 舒斌 宋玫 苏琳琳 田彭 王春华 王峰 王洪瑾 王坤 王亚荣 王燕妮 王野 王玉振 王耘川 王志勇 温春泉 吴英 肖斌 肖海涛 谢春晖 薛刚 杨光 杨子晨 有传刚 张琮 张伟 章祥洲 赵筱卓 赵遵江 郑兴锋 朱美抒 朱志军 -
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