Issue 6
Jul 2022
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Li ST,Lin Y,Ou BX,et al.Effects of comprehensive treatment of infected wounds in patients with iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome[J].Chin J Burns Wounds,2022,38(6):512-519.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501225-20220329-00106.
Citation: Li ST,Lin Y,Ou BX,et al.Effects of comprehensive treatment of infected wounds in patients with iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome[J].Chin J Burns Wounds,2022,38(6):512-519.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501225-20220329-00106.

Effects of comprehensive treatment of infected wounds in patients with iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome

doi: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501225-20220329-00106

Open Project of Key Laboratory of Guangxi Regenerative Medicine 1704

More Information
  • Corresponding author: Liu Da'en, Email:
  • Received Date: 29 Mar 2022
    Available Online: 12 Aug 2022
  • Issue Publish Date: 20 Jun 2022
  • Objective To investigate the characteristics and comprehensive treatment of infected wounds in patients with iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome.
    Methods A retrospective observational study was conducted. From May 2012 to December 2021, the data of 19 patients with iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome discharged from the Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University were collected, including 8 males and 11 females, aged 28-71 (56±11) years, with 12 cases of infected acute wounds and 7 cases of infected chronic wounds. The lesions were located in the limbs, perianal, and sacrococcygeal regions, with original infection ranging from 9 cm×5 cm to 85 cm×45 cm. After admission, the patients were performed with multidisciplinary assisted diagnosis and treatment, and the wounds were treated with debridement and vacuum sealing drainage, according to the size, severity of infection, suture tension, and bone and tendon tissue exposure of wounds, direct suture or autologous skin and/or artificial dermis and/or autologous tissue flap transplantation was selected for wound repair. The levels of cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) of patients at 8:00, 16:00, and 24:00 within 24 h after admission were counted. After admission, the number of operations, wound repair methods, and wound and skin/flap donor site healing of patients were recorded. During follow-up, the wounds were observed for recurrent infection.
    Results The cortisol levels of 16 patients at 8:00, 16:00, and 24:00 within 24 h after admission were (130±54), (80±16), and (109±39) nmol/L, respectively, and ACTH levels were (7.2±2.8), (4.1±1.8), and (6.0±3.0) pg/mL, respectively; and the other 3 patients had no such statistical results. After admission, the number of surgical operation for patients was 3.4±0.9. The following methods were used for wound repair, including direct suturing in 4 cases and autologous skin and/or artificial dermis grafting in 9 cases, of which 2 cases underwent stage Ⅱ autologous skin grafting after artificial dermis grafting in stage Ⅰ, and 6 cases had pedicled retrograde island flap+autologous skin grafting. The wound healing was observed, showing that all directly sutured wounds healed well; the wounds in 6 cases of autologous skin and/or artificial dermis grafting healed well, and the wounds in 3 cases also healed well after the secondary skin grafting; the flaps in 4 cases survived well with the wounds in 2 cases with distal perforators flap arteries circumfluence obstacle of posterior leg healed after stage Ⅱ debridement and autologous skin grafting. The healing status of skin/flap donor sites was followed showing that the donor sites of medium-thickness skin grafts in the thigh of 4 cases were well healed after transplanted with autologous split-thickness grafts from scalp; the donor sites of medium-thickness skin grafts in 3 cases did not undergo split-thickness skin grafting, of which 2 cases had poor healing but healed well after secondary skin grafting 2 weeks after surgery; the donor sites of split-thickness skin grafts in the head of 2 patients healed well; and all donor sites of flaps healed well after autologous skin grafting. During follow-up of more than half a year, 3 gout patients were hospitalized again for surgical treatment due to gout stone rupture, 4 patients were hospitalized again for surgical treatment due to infection, and no recurrent infection was found in the rest of patients.
    Conclusions The infected wounds in patients with iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome have poor ability to regenerate and are prone to repeated infection. Local wound treatment together with multidisciplinary comprehensive treatment should be performed to control infection and close wounds in a timely manner, so as to maximize the benefits of patients.


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