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Ecological Environment and Landscape
A Brief Analysis of the Categories and Characteristics of Reservoir Area Towns' Cityscape Changes along the River in the Post Three Gorges Period: Case Studies of Wanzhou, Wushan and Yunyang
LUO Rongrong, LUO Dan, XIAO Jing
2020, 38(9): 5-11,43. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-1483.2020.09.002
The Three Gorges Reservoir Area is an important geographic and cultural unit in central and western China. Its regional landscape system is affected by unique natural elements and cultural structures. Relying on the structure of mountain and river, towns along the river organize their urban forms and functions, forming a unique landscape system within the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. Since the construction of the Three Gorges project, the natural and social environment of the reservoir area has changed dramatically, and the urban landscape system has also evolved with the development of the city. The relationship between the evolution of landscape system and the change of city site is concluded by analyzing and comparing the ways of urban relocation in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. Taking Wanzhou, Wushan and Yunyang as examples, this paper discusses the evolution process of three types of landscape system, summarizes the evolution characteristics of the landscape system, including the ‘river-city-mountain’ multi-scale collaborative operation in structure, the integration of ecological and social services in function, and the local scenic connotation reconstruction in culture, and puts forward the corresponding prospect.