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Laminar Combustion Characteristics of Jet-A surrogate Fuel /Ethanol
HE Xu, JIANG Zhenghui, SANG Zheng, LIU Zechang, FENG Guangyuan, YANG Qin, JIANG Houshi
 doi: 10.123456/j.rhnk.0000-00
[Abstract](108) [FullText HTML](170) [PDF 1651KB](1)

To study the effect of ethanol blending on the combustion characteristics of aviation kerosene laminar flame at an initial temperature of 470K and an initial pressure of 0.1MPa, a constant volume incendiary bomb was used in this paper to conduct a comparative analysis combined with simulation. The results show that the addition of ethanol significantly improves the laminar burning velocity of aviation kerosene, but there is a large deviation between the simulation results and the experimental data, especially at low equivalence ratios, and the mechanism needs to be further optimized. On this basis, a sensitivity analysis was carried out, finding a great influence of four elementary reactions on the laminar burning speed. Adjusting the parameters of the four elementary reactions, a new model was obtained, being in good agreement with the experimental values.

Guidelines and Consensuses
National expert consensus on prone position therapy in adult burn patients (2022 version)
The Burn and Trauma Branch of Chinese Geriatrics Society, Critical Care Group of Chinese Burn Association
2022, 38(7): 601-609.   doi: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501120-20211208-00407
[Abstract](236) [FullText HTML](147) [PDF 26887KB](4)

Prone position ventilation (PPV) is attracting more and more attention as a part of mechanical ventilation treatment, and relevant consensus and guidelines have been formulated. Prone position therapy (PPT) is widely used in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of burns. Compared with traditional PPV, burn PPT is significantly different in indications, process details, precautions, etc. Therefore, the Burn and Trauma Branch of Chinese Geriatric Society and Critical Care Group of Chinese Burn Association collected the evidence,led the formulation of National expert consensus on prone position therapy in adult burn patients (2022 version), and formulated recommendations on action mechanism, indications, use process of PPT for clinical guidance.

Original Aticles·The Role of Growth Factors in Wound Healing
Effects of in situ cross-linked graphene oxide-containing gelatin methacrylate anhydride hydrogel on wound vascularization of full-thickness skin defect in mice
Liang Liting, Song Wei, Zhang Chao, Li Zhao, Yao Bin, Zhang Mengde, Yuan Xingyu, Enhejirigala, Fu Xiaobing, Huang Sha, Zhu Ping
2022, 38(7): 616-628.   doi: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501225-20220314-00063
[Abstract](357) [FullText HTML](251) [PDF 0KB](0)

To prepare graphene oxide (GO)-containing gelatin methacrylate anhydride (GelMA) hydrogel and to investigate the effects of in situ photopolymerized GO-GelMA composite hydrogel in wound vascularization of full-thickness skin defect in mice.


The experimental study method was used. The 50 μL of 0.2 mg/mL GO solution was evenly applied onto the conductive gel, and the structure and size of GO were observed under field emission scanning electron microscope after drying. Human skin fibroblasts (HSFs) were divided into 0 μg/mL GO (without GO solution, the same as below) group, 0.1 μg/mL GO group, 1.0 μg/mL GO group, 5.0 μg/mL GO group, and 10.0 μg/mL GO group treated with GO of the corresponding final mass concentration, and the absorbance value was detected using a microplate analyzer after 48 h of culture to reflect the proliferation activity of cells (n=6). HSFs and human umbilical vein vascular endothelial cells (HUVECs) were divided into 0 μg/mL GO group, 0.1 μg/mL GO group, 1.0 μg/mL GO group, and 5.0 μg/mL GO group treated with GO of the corresponding final mass concentration, and the migration rates of HSFs at 24 and 36 h after scratching (n=5) and HUVECs at 12 h after scratching (n=3) were detected by scratch test, and the level of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) secreted by HSFs after 4, 6, and 8 h of culture was detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method (n=3). The prepared GO-GelMA composite hydrogels containing GO of the corresponding final mass concentration were set as 0 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group, 0.1 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group, 1.0 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group, and 5.0 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group to observe their properties before and after cross-linking, and to detect the release of GO after soaking with phosphate buffer solution for 3 and 7 d (n=3). The full-thickness skin defect wounds were made on the back of 16 6-week-old female C57BL/6 mice. The mice treated with in situ cross-linked GO-GelMA composite hydrogel containing GO of the corresponding final mass concentration were divided into 0 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group, 0.1 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group, 1.0 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group, and 5.0 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group according to the random number table, with 4 mice in each group. The general condition of wound was observed and the wound healing rate was calculated on 3, 7, and 14 d of treatment, the wound blood perfusion was detected by laser Doppler flowmetry on 3, 7, and 14 d of treatment and the mean perfusion unit (MPU) ratio was calculated, and the wound vascularization on 7 d of treatment was observed after hematoxylin-eosin staining and the vascular density was calculated (n=3). The wound tissue of mice in 0 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group and 0.1 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group on 7 d of treatment was collected to observe the relationship between the distribution of GO and neovascularization by hematoxylin-eosin staining (n=3) and the expression of VEGF by immunohistochemical staining. Data were statistically analyzed with analysis of variance for repeated measurement, one-way analysis of variance, and Tukey's method.


GO had a multilayered lamellar structure with the width of about 20 μm and the length of about 50 μm. The absorbance value of HSFs in 10.0 μg/mL GO group was significantly lower than that in 0 μg/mL GO group after 48 h of culture (q=7.64, P<0.01). At 24 h after scratching, the migration rates of HSFs were similar in the four groups (P>0.05); at 36 h after scratching, the migration rate of HSFs in 0.1 μg/mL GO group was significantly higher than that in 0 μg/mL GO group, 1.0 μg/mL GO group, and 5.0 μg/mL GO group (with q values of 7.48, 10.81, and 10.20, respectively, P<0.01). At 12 h after scratching, the migration rate of HUVECs in 0.1 μg/mL GO group was significantly higher than that in 0 μg/mL GO group, 1.0 μg/mL GO group, and 5.0 μg/mL GO group (with q values of 7.11, 8.99, and 14.92, respectively, P<0.01), and the migration rate of HUVECs in 5.0 μg/mL GO group was significantly lower than that in 0 μg/mL GO group and 1.0 μg/mL GO group (with q values of 7.81 and 5.33, respectively, P<0.05 or P<0.01 ). At 4 and 6 h of culture, the VEGF expressions of HSFs in the four groups were similar (P>0.05); at 8 h of culture, the VEGF expression of HSFs in 0.1 μg/mL GO group was significantly higher than that in 0 μg/mL GO group and 5.0 μg/mL GO group (with q values of 4.75 and 4.48, respectively, P<0.05). The GO-GelMA composite hydrogels in the four groups were all red liquid before cross-linking, which turned to light yellow gel after cross-linking, with no significant difference in fluidity. The GO in the GO-GelMA composite hydrogel of 0 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group had no release of GO at all time points; the GO in the GO-GelMA composite hydrogels of the other 3 groups was partially released on 3 d of soaking, and all the GO was released on 7 d of soaking. From 3 to 14 d of treatment, the wounds of mice in the 4 groups were covered with hydrogel dressings, kept moist, and gradually healed. On 3, 7, and 14 d of treatment, the wound healing rates of mice in the four groups were similar (P>0.05). On 3 d of treatment, the MPU ratio of wound of mice in 0.1 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group was significantly higher than that in 0 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group, 1.0 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group, and 5.0 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group (with q values of 10.70, 11.83, and 10.65, respectively, P<0.05 or P<0.01). On 7 and 14 d of treatment, the MPU ratios of wound of mice in the four groups were similar (P>0.05). The MPU ratio of wound of mice in 0.1 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group on 7 d of treatment was significantly lower than that on 3 d of treatment (q=14.38, P<0.05), and that on 14 d of treatment was significantly lower than that on 7 d of treatment (q=27.78, P<0.01). On 7 d of treatment, the neovascular density of wound of mice on 7 d of treatment was 120.7±4.1 per 200 times of visual field, which was significantly higher than 61.7±1.3, 77.7±10.2, and 99.0±7.9 per 200 times of visual field in 0 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group, 1.0 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group, and 5.0 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group (with q values of 12.88, 7.79, and 6.70, respectively, P<0.01), and the neovascular density of wound of mice in 1.0 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group and 5.0 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group was significantly higher than that in 0 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group (with q values of 5.10 and 6.19, respectively, P<0.05). On 7 d of treatment, cluster of new blood vessels in wound of mice in 0.1 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group was significantly more than that in 0 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group, and the new blood vessels were clustered near the GO; a large amount of VEGF was expressed in wound of mice in 0.1 μg/mL GO composite hydrogel group in the distribution area of GO and new blood vessels.


GO with mass concentration lower than 10.0 μg/mL had no adverse effect on proliferation activity of HSFs, and GO of 0.1 μg/mL can promote the migration of HSFs and HUVECs, and can promote the secretion of VEGF in HSFs. In situ photopolymerized of GO-GelMA composite hydrogel dressing can promote the wound neovascularization of full-thickness skin defect in mice and increase wound blood perfusion in the early stage, with GO showing an enrichment effect on angiogenesis, and the mechanism may be related to the role of GO in promoting the secretion of VEGF by wound cells.

Investigation on the growth factor regulatory network of dermal fibroblasts in mouse full-thickness skin defect wounds based on single-cell RNA sequencing
Sun Lixiang, Wu Shuai, Zhang Xiaowei, Liu Wenjie, Zhang Lingjuan
2022, 38(7): 629-639.   doi: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501225-20220215-00029
[Abstract](238) [FullText HTML](69) [PDF 0KB](0)

To explore the heterogeneity and growth factor regulatory network of dermal fibroblasts (dFbs) in mouse full-thickness skin defect wounds based on single-cell RNA sequencing.


The experimental research methods were adopted. The normal skin tissue from 5 healthy 8-week-old male C57BL/6 mice (the same mouse age, sex, and strain below) was harvested, and the wound tissue of another 5 mice with full-thickness skin defect on the back was harvested on post injury day (PID) 7. The cell suspension was obtained by digesting the tissue with collagenase D and DNase Ⅰ, sequencing library was constructed using 10x Genomics platform, and single-cell RNA sequencing was performed by Illumina Novaseq6000 sequencer. The gene expression matrices of cells in the two kinds of tissue were obtained by analysis of Seurat 3.0 program of software R4.1.1, and two-dimensional tSNE plots classified by cell group, cell source, and gene labeling of major cells in skin were used for visual display. According to the existing literature and the CellMarker database searching, the expression of marker genes in the gene expression matrices of cells in the two kinds of tissue was analyzed, and each cell group was numbered and defined. The gene expression matrices and cell clustering information were introduced into CellChat 1.1.3 program of software R4.1.1 to analyze the intercellular communication in the two kinds of tissue and the intercellular communication involving vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signal pathways in the wound tissue, the relative contribution of each pair of FGF subtypes and FGF receptor (FGFR) subtypes (hereinafter referred to as FGF ligand receptor pairs) to FGF signal network in the two kinds of tissue, and the intercellular communication in the signal pathway of FGF ligand receptor pairs with the top 2 relative contributions in the two kinds of tissue. The normal skin tissue from one healthy mouse was harvested, and the wound tissue of one mouse with full-thickness skin defect on the back was harvested on PID 7. The multiple immunofluorescence staining was performed to detect the expression and distribution of FGF7 protein and its co-localized expression with dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4), stem cell antigen 1 (SCA1), smooth muscle actin (SMA), and PDGF receptor α (PDGFRα) protein.


Both the normal skin tissue of healthy mice and the wound tissue of full-thickness skin defected mice on PID 7 contained 25 cell groups, but the numbers of cells in each cell group between the two kinds of tissue were different. Genes PDGFRα, platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1, lymphatic endothelial hyaluronic acid receptor 1, receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase C, keratin 10, and keratin 79 all had distinct distributions on two-dimensional tSNE plots, indicating specific cell groups respectively. The 25 cell groups were numbered by C0-C24 and divided into 9 dFb subgroups and 16 non-dFb groups. dFb subgroups included C0 as interstitial progenitor cells, C5 as adipose precursor cells, and C13 as contractile muscle cells related fibroblasts, etc. Non-dFb group included C3 as neutrophils, C8 as T cells, and C18 as erythrocytes, etc. Compared with that of the normal skin tissue of healthy mice, the intercellular communication in the wound tissue of full-thickness skin defected mice on PID 7 was more and denser, and the top 3 cell groups in intercellular communication intensity were dFb subgroups C0, C1, and C2, of which all communicated with other cell groups in the wound tissue. In the wound tissue of full-thickness skin defected mice on PID 7, VEGF signals were mainly sent by the dFb subgroup C0 and received by vascular related cell groups C19 and C21, PDGF signals were mainly sent by peripheral cells C14 and received by multiple dFb subgroups, EGF signals were mainly sent by keratinocyte subgroups C9 and C11 and received by the dFb subgroup C0, and the main sender and receiver of FGF signals were the dFb subgroup C6. In the relative contribution rank of FGF ligand receptor pairs to FGF signal network in the normal skin tissue of healthy mice and the wound tissue of full-thickness skin defected mice on PID 7, FGF7-FGFR1 was the top 1, and FGF7-FGFR2 or FGF10-FGFR1 was in the second place, respectively; compared with those in the normal skin tissue, there was more intercellular communication in FGF7-FGFR1 signal pathway, while the intercellular communication in FGF7-FGFR2 and FGF10-FGFR1 signal pathways decreased slightly or did not change significantly in the wound tissue; the intercellular communication in FGF7-FGFR1 signal pathway in the wound tissue was stronger than that in FGF7-FGFR2 or FGF10-FGFR1 signal pathway; in the two kinds of tissue, FGF7 signal was mainly sent by dFb subgroups C0, C1, and C2, and received by dFb subgroups C6 and C7. Compared with that in the normal skin tissue of healthy mouse, the expression of FGF7 protein was higher in the wound tissue of full-thickness skin defected mouse on PID 7; in the normal skin tissue, FGF7 protein was mainly expressed in the skin interstitium and also expressed in the white adipose tissue near the dermis layer; in the two kinds of tissue, FGF7 protein was co-localized with DPP4 and SCA1 proteins and expressed in the skin interstitium, co-localized with PDGFRα protein and expressed in dFbs, but was not co-localized with SMA protein, with more co-localized expression of FGF7 in the wound tissue than that in the normal skin tissue.


In the process of wound healing of mouse full-thickness skin defect wound, dFbs are highly heterogeneous, act as potential major secretory or receiving cell populations of a variety of growth factors, and have a close and complex relationship with the growth factor signal pathways. FGF7-FGFR1 signal pathway is the main FGF signal pathway in the process of wound healing, which targets and regulates multiple dFb subgroups.

Effects of methacrylic anhydride gelatin hydrogel loaded with silver and recombinant human basic fibroblast growth factor on deep partial-thickness burn wounds in rabbits
Chen Xiangjun, Wu Xing, Lin Huanhuan, Liu Zhaoxing, Liu Sha
2022, 38(7): 640-649.   doi: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501120-20210726-00260
[Abstract](150) [FullText HTML](101) [PDF 0KB](0)

To investigate the effects of methacrylic anhydride gelatin (GelMA) hydrogel loaded with silver and recombinant human basic fibroblast growth factor (rh-bFGF) on deep partial-thickness burn wounds in rabbits.


The experimental research method was adopted. Low-concentration GelMA materials, medium-concentration GelMA materials and high-concentration GelMA materials containing different concentrations of methacrylic anhydride (MA) were prepared, after adding photoinitiator, low-concentration GelMA hydrogels, medium-concentration GelMA hydrogels, and high-concentration GelMA hydrogels were obtained, respectively. The nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was performed to detect the hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of the above-mentioned three concentrations of GelMA materials, and to calculate the degree of substitution according to the spectrum diagram. The three-dimensional microstructure and pore size of 3 types of above-mentioned GelMA hydrogels were detected by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), with 9 samples measured. According to the selected concentration of MA, ten kinds of solutions of GelMA with different concentration of silver (silver-containing GelMA) were synthesized, and the silver-containing GelMA solution of each concentration was divided into three parts, and then exposed to ultraviolet light lasting for 20, 25, and 35 s, respectively. After adding photoinitiator,the corresponding silver-containing GelMA hydrogels were obtained. The residual degradation rate of silver-containing GelMA hydrogel with different photocrosslinking times was detected by collagenase degradation method at degradation of 12, 24, 36, and 48 h; and the time required for complete degradation was detected, and the sample number was 5. The inhibition zone diameter of GelMA hydrogel under above screened photocrosslinking times containing 10 concentrations of silver against Staphylococcus aureus was measured to reflect its antibacterial ability, and the sample numbers were all 5. The silver-containing GelMA hydrogel with statistical significance compared with the antibacterial circle diameter of the silver-containing GelMA hydrogel containing the lowest concentration (no silver) was considered as having antibacterial activity. The three-dimensional microstructure and pore size of the silver-containing GelMA hydrogels with antibacterial activity and the lowest drug concentration selected were detected by FESEM, and the sample numbers were all 9. The freeze-dried alone GelMA hydrogel and the freeze-dried silver-containing GelMA hydrogel were soaked in phosphate buffer solution for 24 h, respectively, then the swelling rate of the two GelMA hydrogel were calculated and compared by weighing method, and the sample number was 5. GelMA hydrogel containing silver and rh-bFGF, namely compound hydrogel for short, was prepared according to the preliminary experiment and the above experimental results. The appearance of the composite hydrogel was observed in general, and its three-dimensional microstructure and pore size were detected by FESEM. The deep partial-thickness burn wound was made on the back of 30 rabbits (aged 4-6 months, female half and half). Meanwhile, with the rabbit head as the benchmark, the wounds on the left side of the spine were treated as composite hydrogel treatment group, and the wounds on the right side were treated as gauze control group, and which were treated accordingly. On post injury day (PID) 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28, the healing of wounds in the two groups was observed. On PID 7, 14, 21, and 28, the wound healing area was recorded and the healing rate was calculated, with a sample number of 30. Data were statistically analyzed with analysis of variance for repeated measurement, one-way analysis of variance, and independent sample t test.


The substitution degree among low-concentration GelMA materials, medium-concentration GelMA materials, and high-concentration GelMA materials was significantly different (F=1 628.00, P<0.01). The low-concentration GelMA hydrogel had a loose and irregular three-dimensional spatial network structure with a pore size of (60±17) μm; the medium-concentration GelMA hydrogel had a relatively uniform three-dimensional spatial network and pore size with a pore size of (45±13) μm; the high-concentration GelMA hydrogel had the dense and disordered three-dimensional spatial network with a pore size of (25±15) μm, the pore sizes of 3 types of GelMA hydrogels were significantly differences (F=12.20, P<0.01), and medium concentration of MA was selected for the concentration of subsequent materials. The degradability of silver-containing GelMA hydrogels with different concentrations of the same photocrosslinking time was basically same. The degradation residual rates of silver-containing GelMA hydrogels with 20, 25, and 35 s crosslinking time at 12 h were (74.2±1.7)%, (85.3±0.9)%, and (93.2±1.2)%, respectively; the residual rates of degradation at 24 h were (58.3±2.1)%, (65.2±1.8)%, and (81.4±2.6)%, respectively; the residual rates of degradation at 36 h were (22.4±1.9)%, (45.2±1.7)%, and (68.1±1.4)%, respectively; the residual rates of degradation at 48 h were (8.2±1.7)%, (32.4±1.3)%, and (54.3±2.2)%, respectively, and 20, 25, and 30 s photocrosslinking time required for complete degradation of silver-containing GelMA hydrogels were (50.2±2.4), (62.4±1.4), and (72.2±3.2) h, and the difference was statistically significant (F=182.40, P<0.01), 25 s were selected as the subsequent photocrosslinking time. The antibacterial diameters of 10 types of silver-containing GelMA hydrogels against Staphylococcus aureus from low to high concentrations were (2.6±0.4), (2.5±0.4), (3.2±0.4), (12.1±0.7), (14.8±0.7), (15.1±0.5), (16.2±0.6), (16.7±0.5), (16.7±0.4), and (16.7±0.6) mm, respectively, and which basically showed a concentration-dependent increasing trend, and the overall difference was statistically significant (F=428.70, P<0.01). Compared with the silver-containing GelMA hydrogel with the lowest concentration, the antibacterial circle diameters of other silver-containing GelMA hydrogels with antibacterial ability from low to high concentration were significantly increased (with t values of 26.35, 33.84, 43.65, 42.17, 49.24, 55.74, and 43.72, respectively, P<0.01). The silver-containing GelMA hydrogel with the antibacterial diameter of (12.1±0.7) mm had the lowest antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and the lowest drug loading concentration, and the concentration of silver was selected for the concentration of subsequent materials. The microscopic morphology of the silver-containing GelMA hydrogel containing silver element with a pore size of (45±13) μm had a regular and linear strip-like structure. After soaking for 24 h, the swelling ratio of silver-containing GelMA hydrogel was similar to that of alone GelMA hydrogel. The composite hydrogel was colorless, clear and transparent, and its three-dimensional microstructure was a regular and uniform grid, with a filament network structure inside, and the pore size of (40±21) μm. On PID 3, a large amount of necrotic tissue and exudate of rabbit wound in composite hydrogel group were observed, and scattered scabs, a small amount of necrotic tissue and exudate of rabbit wound in gauze control group were observed. On PID 7, the area of rabbit wound in composite hydrogel group was significantly reduced, and adhesion of rabbit wound and gauze in gauze control group was observed. On PID 14, In composite hydrogel group, the rabbit wound surface was ruddy, and the growth of granulation tissue was observed, and in gauze control group, the rabbit wound base was pale, and the blood supply was poor. On PID 21, the rabbit wounds in composite hydrogel group healed completely, and rabbit wound in gauze control group had healing trend. On PID 28, new hair could be seen on rabbit wound surface in composite hydrogel group; oval wound of rabbit in gauze control group still remained. On PID 7, 14, 21, and 28, the wound healing areas of rabbit in composite hydrogel group were significantly larger than those in gauze control group (with t values of 2.24, 4.43, 7.67, and 7.69, respectively, P<0.05 or P<0.01).


The medium-concentration GelMA hydrogel has good physical and chemical properties in terms of swelling and degradability. The screened silver-containing GelMA hydrogels had the lowest antibacterial activity and the lowest drug loading concentration. Composite hydrogel can significantly shorten the healing time of deep partial-thickness burn wounds in rabbits.

Original Articles
Effects and molecular mechanism of exogenous L-carnitine on excessive endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated hepatic pyroptosis in severely scald rats
Fan Fuxiao, Li Pengtao, Xia Zhengguo, Xie Chaoqiong, Xu Jiegou, Xu Qinglian
2022, 38(7): 667-676.   doi: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501225-20220120-00010
[Abstract](101) [FullText HTML](108) [PDF 0KB](0)

To investigate the effects and molecular mechanism of exogenous L-carnitine on hepatic pyroptosis mediated by excessive endoplasmic reticulum stress in severely scald rats.


The experimental research method was adopted. According to the random number table (the same group method below), fifteen female Sprague Dawley rats aged 6-8 weeks were divided into sham-injury group, scald alone group, and scald+carnitine group (with 5 rats in each group), and full-thickness scald of 30% total body surface area were made on the back of rats in scald alone group and scald+carnitine group, and rats in scald+carnitine group were additionally given intraperitoneal injection of L-carnitine. At post injury hour (PIH) 72, The levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine dehydrogenase (ALT) of biochemical indicators of liver injury were detected by automatic biochemical analyzer with the sample number of 5. At PIH 72, liver tissue damage was detected by hematoxylin-eosin staining. At PIH 72, The mRNA levels of nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein-like receptor family pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3), cysteine aspartic acid specific protease 1 (caspase-1), gasderminD (GSDMD), and interleukin 1β(IL-1β) in liver tissue as pyroptosis-related markers and glucose regulatory protein 78 (GRP78) and CCAAT/enhancer binding protein homologous protein (CHOP) in liver tissue as endoplasmic reticulum stress-related markers were detected by real-time fluorescence quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). Protein expression levels of GRP78, CHOP, NLRP3, caspase-1, caspase-1/p20, GSDMD-N, and cleaved IL-1β in liver tissue were detected by Western blotting, and the sample numbers were all 5. HepG2 cells as human liver cancer cells were divided into dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) group, 0.1 μmol/L tunicamycin (TM) group, 0.2 μmol/L TM group, 0.4 μmol/L TM group, and 0.8 μmol/L TM group and were treated accordingly. After 24 h of culture, cell viability was detected by cell counting kit 8, and the intervention concentration of TM was screened, and the sample number was 5. HepG2 cells were divided into DMSO group, TM alone group, and TM+carnitine group, and treated accordingly. After 24 h of culture, the protein expression levels of GRP78, CHOP, NLRP3, caspase-1, caspase-1/p20, GSDMD-N, and cleaved IL-1β in cells were detected by Western blotting, and the sample numbers were all 3. Data were statistically analyzed with one-way analysis of variance and least significant difference-t test.


At PIH 72, the AST and ALT levels of serum in scald alone group were (640±22) and (157±8) U/L, which were significantly higher than (106±13) and (42±6) U/L in sham-injury group, respectively, with t values of -46.78 and -25.98, respectively, P<0.01. The AST and ALT levels of serum in scald+carnitine group were (519±50) and (121±10) U/L, which were significantly lower than those in scald alone group, respectively, with t values of 4.93 and 6.06, respectively, P<0.01. At PIH 72, the morphology of liver tissue of rats in sham-injury group were basically normal with no obvious inflammatory cell infiltration; compared with those in sham-injury group, the liver tissue of rats in scald alone group showed a large number of inflammatory cell infiltration and disturbed cell arrangement; compared with that in scald alone group, the liver tissue of rats in scald+carnitine group showed a small amount of inflammatory cell infiltration. At PIH 72, the mRNA expression on levels of NLRP3, caspase-1, GSDMD, and IL-1β in liver tissue of rats in scald alone group were significantly higher than those in sham-injury group (with t values of 34.42, 41.93, 30.17, and 15.68, respectively, P<0.01); the mRNA levels of NLRP3, caspase-1, GSDMD, and IL-1β in liver tissue of rats in scald+carnitine group were significantly lower than those in scald alone group (with t values of 34.40, 37.20, 19.95, and 7.88, respectively, P<0.01). At PIH 72, the protein expression levels of NLRP3, caspase-1, caspase-1/p20, GSDMD-N, and cleaved IL-1β in liver tissue of rats in scald alone group were significantly higher than those in sham-injury group (with t values of 12.28, 26.92, 5.20, 10.02, and 24.78, respectively, P<0.01); compared with those in scald alone group, the protein expression levels of NLRP3, caspase-1, caspase-1/p20, GSDMD-N, and cleaved IL-1β in liver tissue of rats in scald+carnitine group were significantly decreased (with t values of 10.99, 27.96, 12.69, 8.96, and 12.27, respectively, P<0.01). At PIH 72, the mRNA levels of GRP78 and CHOP in liver tissue of rats in scald alone group were significantly higher than those in sham-injury group (with t values of 21.00 and 16.52, respectively, P<0.01), and the mRNA levels of GRP78 and CHOP in liver tissue of rats in scald+carnitine group were significantly lower than those in scald alone group (with t values of 8.92 and 8.21, respectively, P<0.01); the protein expression levels of GRP78 and CHOP in liver tissue of rats in scald alone group were significantly higher than those in sham-injury group (with t values of 22.50 and 14.29, respectively, P<0.01), and the protein expression levels of GRP78 and CHOP in liver tissue of rats in scald+carnitine group were significantly lower than those in scald alone group (with t values of 14.29 and 5.33 respectively, P<0.01). After 24 h of culture, the cell survival rates of 0.1 μmol/L TM group, 0.2 μmol/L TM group, 0.4 μmol/L TM group, and 0.8 μmol/L TM group were significantly decreased than that in DMSO group (with t values of 4.90, 9.35, 18.64, and 25.09, respectively, P<0.01). Then 0.8 μmol/L was selected as the intervention concentration of TM. After 24 h of culture, compared with that in DMSO group, the protein expression levels of GRP78 and CHOP in cells in TM alone group were significantly increased (with t values of 10.48 and 17.67, respectively, P<0.01), and the protein expression levels of GRP78 and CHOP in TM+carnitine group were significantly lower than those in TM alone group (with t values of 8.08 and 13.23, respectively, P<0.05 or P<0.01). After 24 h of culture, compared with those in DMSO group, the protein expression levels of NLRP3 and GSDMD-N in cells in TM alone group were significantly increased (with t values of 13.44 and 27.51, respectively, P<0.01), but the protein expression levels of caspase-1, caspase-1/p20, and cleaved IL-1β in cells were not significantly changed (P>0.05); compared with that in TM alone group, the protein expression levels of NLRP3 and GSDMD-N in cells in TM+carnitine group were significantly decreased (with t values of 20.49 and 21.95, respectively, P<0.01), but the protein expression levels of caspase-1, caspase-1/p20, and cleaved IL-1β in cells were not significantly changed (P>0.05).


In severely scald rats, exogenous L-carnitine may play a protective role against liver injury by inhibiting the pathways related to excessive endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated pyroptosis.

Intelligent unmanned vehicle technology
Graph Representation Method for Pedestrian Intention Recognition of Intelligent Vehicle
LÜ Chao, CUI Gege, MENG Xianghao, LU Junyan, XU Youzhi, GONG Jianwei
2022, 42(7): 688-695.   doi: 10.15918/j.tbit1001-0645.2021.330
[Abstract](226) [FullText HTML](103) [PDF 0KB](0)

The problem of pedestrian-vehicle conflict in intelligent driving scenes is closely related to pedestrian crossing behavior. In order to enable advanced driving assistance system (ADAS) to have the function of identifying pedestrian crossing intentions and raising advanced warning of pedestrian-vehicle collision events, a pedestrian crossing intention recognition framework based on graph representation learning (GRL) method is proposed. It uses open source tools to generate pedestrian skeleton information. Then it establishes a graph model to represent the characteristics of pedestrian action sequence by taking the skeleton key points of each frame of pedestrian within a sequence as nodes, as well as taking the natural connections, the topological correlations and time-domain relationships between skeleton joints as edges. Taking the graph structure data as the input, the pedestrian crossing intention recognition model is trained based on support vector machine (SVM). The results show that the classification accuracy of pedestrian crossing intention can reach 90.29%. The proposed method can effectively identify the pedestrian crossing intention, which is of great significance to improve the safety of intelligent vehicle decision-making.

Local Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance Path Planning Algorithm for Unmanned Vehicles Based on Potential Field Method
ZHAI Li, ZHANG Xueying, ZHANG Xian, WANG Chengping
2022, 42(7): 696-705.   doi: 10.15918/j.tbit1001-0645.2021.333
[Abstract](124) [FullText HTML](240) [PDF 0KB](0)

To achieve dynamic real-time obstacle avoidance of unmanned vehicles, a local obstacle avoidance path planning algorithm was proposed based on artificial potential field method. Firstly, improving the potential field environment and the potential field force were arranged in the new method to solve the local minimum value and target unreachable problem of the traditional potential field method. And then, considering the safety of vehicle collisions, the working conditions of lateral dynamic obstacles and the same direction dynamic obstacles were analyzed, and a dynamic window method was used for real-time dynamic obstacle avoidance planning. To ensure path flatness and traceability, a BSL curve was used to smoothing the planned path. Finally, the proposed control algorithm was verified under the co-simulation platform of CarSim and Matlab/Simulink. The simulation results show the effectiveness, safety and traceability of the planning algorithm for obstacle avoidance.

Dual Closed-Loop Control of Intelligent Vehicles Trajectory Tracking Based on Steering Response Characteristics
XU Bin, ZHANG Dapeng, YANG Haiyang, HAN Ziyong
2022, 42(7): 706-712.   doi: 10.15918/j.tbit1001-0645.2021.328
[Abstract](93) [FullText HTML](116) [PDF 0KB](0)

The accuracy and robustness of intelligent vehicle trajectory tracking are important characteristic of vehicle motion control performance. Many Researches of tracking control based on path preview information have significantly improved vehicle performance. However, the insufficient response of the vehicle steering system have caused many difficulties for the vehicle to accurately track the reference trajectory based on the preview information in real time. To solve this problem, introducing state of the steering system in real time, a dual closed-loop trajectory tracking control structure was established to ensure the robustness of the intelligent vehicle trajectory tracking control algorithm for the insufficient response of the steering system. Concretely, in the outer loop of this structure, a model predictive control method was used to solve the optimal steering angle based on preview information. And in the inner loop of this structure, a PID method was used to design a feedback control law based on steering state error to compensate for insufficient steer­ing response. Coupling control input, the dual closed-loop structure can ensure the robust optimal tracking control of the vehicle. Finally, the effectiveness of the dual closed-loop control struc­ture was verified in Carsim and Simulink co-simulation.

Vehicle Mass-Centroid Sideslip Angle Estimation Based on Extension Fusion of Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Observer and Sensor Signal Integral
WANG Hongbo, XU Shihan, ZHOU Daolin, WANG Xiangyu, LIU Xinyu
2022, 42(7): 713-722.   doi: 10.15918/j.tbit1001-0645.2021.300
[Abstract](150) [FullText HTML](88) [PDF 0KB](0)

Vehicle mass-centroid sideslip angle plays an important role in the judgment of vehicle lateral stability. Overestimation or underestimation of the sideslip angle will affect the stability control system. At present, the estimation of sideslip angle still has a large error and has not been practically used in engineering. In order to reduce the observation error and improve the practicability of the estimation system, a robust fuzzy second-order sliding-mode observer was proposed to calculate the observed value of the sideslip angle, and the integral value of the sideslip angle was calculated by using the inertial measurement unit signal. Then, the advantages and disadvantages of the two estimation methods were analyzed, and the observation estimation value and the integral estimation value of the sideslip angle were extensively fused to realize the correction of the observation value with the sensor signal. Finally, the estimation method of sideslip angle was verified by Simulink/TruckSim simulation and hardware in the loop simulation. The effectiveness of the proposed method is proved based on the control effect in real vehicle test under the constant circular acceleration condition. The results show that the proposed method can accurately reflect the actual sideslip angle, and has good reliability and practicability.

Fault Estimation Based Fault-Tolerant Control Method for Unmanned Vehicle
XIA Qiu, CHEN Long, XU Xing, CAI Yingfeng, CHEN Te, WU Xiaohan
2022, 42(7): 723-732.   doi: 10.15918/j.tbit1001-0645.2021.161
[Abstract](155) [FullText HTML](84) [PDF 0KB](0)

In order to improve the reliability of unmanned-vehicle control system, a fault-tolerant control method was proposed for unmanned vehicle path following, considering the influence of both steering control system fault and unknown disturbance on path-tracking effect of unmanned vehicle. Firstly, analyzing the input fault of steering control system and characterizing nominal fault from the unknown system interference, a mathematical model was established. And then, a differential equation of nominal fault was constructed with a high-order sliding mode observer, and the estimation method of vehicle sideslip angle and nominal fault was designed based on adaptive cubature Kalman filter, providing reliable information source for fault-tolerant control of unmanned vehicle. Finally, a fault-tolerant controller was designed based on sliding mode control method for path following of unmanned vehicle to prove its convergence. The results of co-simulation and hardware in the loop test show that, the proposed estimation method can get accurate and reliable estimation results of vehicle sideslip angle and nominal fault, and compared with no fault-tolerant control, the designed fault-tolerant path following controller can significantly improve the control performance of vehicle in the face of fault and interference, and at the same time ensure the path following ability and its own stability of vehicle.

Review on Machine Learning Methods for Motion Planning and Control Policy of Intelligent Vehicles
GONG Jianwei, GONG Cheng, LIN Yunlong, LI Zirui, LÜ Chao
2022, 42(7): 665-674.   doi: 10.15918/j.tbit1001-0645.2022.095
[Abstract](204) [PDF 0KB](0)

Intelligent vehicles have achieved a considerable development in technologies and can fulfill the basic functions of autonomous driving in a limited closed environment. However, results of actual road tests show that the current technologies of intelligent vehicles still have many limitations and their large-scale application in complex urban and off-road environments still faces many challenges. As one of the key technologies, the motion planning and control technology has basically formed a complete theoretical system and has been widely applied in engineering. However, the traditional methods still have some defects in practical application, such as the inability of understanding dynamic and complex scenes, poor adaptability for different scenes, high complexity of the model, and difficulty in parameter tuning. Due to the strong ability in knowledge representation and model fitting, machine learning methods have been widely applied in perception and navigation technology for intelligent vehicles. In order to solve the problems of generalization and applicability in traditional motion planning and control techniques, many researchers have also devoted themselves to exploring the usage of deep learning, reinforcement learning, and so on machine learning methods in motion planning and control policy for intelligent vehicles. In this paper, machine learning-based methods were reviewed for motion planning and control in intelligent vehicles, analyzing the existing policy learning methods for motion planning and control from three aspects, including basic framework, basic learning paradigms, and different planning and control methods based on learning. Finally, the research status and future development directions were summarized and prospected.

Fuel Economy of Lane Changing Trajectory for Intelligent Vehicle
JIN Hui, ZHAO Yanjie, GUANG Hao
2022, 42(7): 675-681.   doi: 10.15918/j.tbit1001-0645.2021.250
[Abstract](59) [PDF 0KB](0)

In this article, the fuel economy of lane changing trajectories was studied based on the space and trajectory curvature constraints of intelligent vehicle. Based on an engine transient fuel consumption model, the most economical speed for driving on the flat roads was calculated, and the third-order Bezier lane changing trajectory model was established for various constraints. The results of Matlab/Simulink and Carsim co-simulation verification show that, the fuel consumption of the Bezier lane changing trajectory developed in the paper is 3.49% and 0.77% less than the existing sin-tanh and x-sin lane changing trajectories, and its maximum lateral acceleration value is also 31.75% and 7.45% lower than sin-tanh and x-sin lane changing trajectories respectively. Therefore, on the basis of ensuring the safe and comfortable driving of intelligent vehicles, the fuel consumption of vehicle is the least by Bezier lane changing trajectory, and the corresponding maximum lateral acceleration is also the smallest. All those prove the superiority of the Bezier lane-changing trajectory.

Trajectory Planning of Dynamic Take-off and Landing of Deformable Aerial-Ground Platform
WEI Wei, FAN Kangdi, WANG Ruolin, ZHAO Molei, ZHAO Zhiran, WANG Jianfeng
2022, 42(7): 682-687.   doi: 10.15918/j.tbit1001-0645.2021.325
[Abstract](279) [FullText HTML](102) [PDF 0KB](0)

Aerial-ground platform has multi-domain maneuverability and can adapt to various complex environments through the conversion of land and air mode, but the land and air mode conversion is mostly static take-off or hovering descent, which is not conducive to the full display of the maneuverability of the aerial-ground platform. Aiming at a deformable aerial-ground amphibious platform with deflectable power mechanism, the flight dynamics model of the aerial-ground platform was established based on the Newton-Euler equation, the time sequence of the deflection angle was planned to obtain dynamic constraints, and the relative time optimal objective function was determined. The fifth-order polynomial was used to fit the two-dimensional trajectory, and the trajectory tracking controller was designed according to the PID control method, and the trajectory planning and control simulation were carried out. The results show that the dynamic switching time is shortened by 23.02% compared with the static switching time, the dynamic switching planning trajectory is smooth, there is no overshoot in the altitude direction, and the controller can better track the target flight trajectory.

Engineering Mechanics
Numerical Simulation Research on Impact Failure and Damage Evolution of Cemented Backfill
LI Xianglong, LI Qiang, WANG Jianguo, YANG Changhui, TAO Zihao, ZUO Ting, ZHAO Zehu
2022, 42(7): 733-740.   doi: 10.15918/j.tbit1001-0645.2021.189
[Abstract](64) [FullText HTML](77) [PDF 0KB](0)

In order to quantitatively describe the damage degree and failure process of the cemented backfill under dynamic load, numerical simulation software was used to perform SHPB dynamic impact on the cemented backfill, and the feasibility of the numerical simulation method was verified by the indoor SHPB impact test results. For 4 kinds of cemented fillings (with cement-sand mass ratios of 1∶4, 1∶6, 1∶8 and 1∶10 respectively) made under different impact speeds (1.5, 1.7, 1.8, and 2.0 m/s), the micro-crack density method was used to define the damage variable value d, and a numerical simulation study of the damage law and the failure process was conducted. The results are as follows. The wave shaper can be used in the numerical simulation to obtain a more ideal rectangle wave, making the stress on the same plane element of the specimen uniform without stress concentration. The numerical simulation results show the dynamic failure process of the cemented filling body, and the overall failure trend is that the edge peels off and the crack extends to the inside. In the process of increasing the loading speed from 1.7 m/s to 1.8 m/s, the damage variable increases by more than 10%; during the process of increasing the impact speed from 1.5 m/s to 2.0 m/s, the variation ranges of the damage variable d of the cemented filling body with the cement-sand mass ratios of 1∶4, 1∶6, 1∶8 and 1∶10 are 0.238~0.336, 0.274~0.413, 0.391~0.547, and 0.473~0.617, respectively. When the lime-to-sand ratio changes from 1:6 to 1:8, the damage “jumps” remarkably.

Informatics and Control
Performance Analysis and Structure Optimization of Synchronous Switched Reluctance Motor
DONG Lei, RAN Maoying, SHAO Liwei, GAO Mengqi, YU Kunyang
2022, 42(7): 741-748.   doi: 10.15918/j.tbit1001-0645.2021.172
[Abstract](75) [FullText HTML](92) [PDF 0KB](0)

In order to solve the problem of complex rotor structure, deficient mechanical strength, and difficulty in high-speed applications of synchronous reluctance motor, a new type of synchronous switched reluctance motor (SSRM) was proposed. Taking the both advantages of switched reluctance motor and a synchronous reluctance motor, the new motor rotor was designed with several excellences including simple manufacturing process for punching sheet, strong reliability, suitable for high-speed fields, high salient pole rate and strong torque output capability. Based on the electromagnetic design of the new SSRM, the parameters of the motor were optimized by the orthogonal method, taking the average torque, torque ripple and motor efficiency as the optimized performance indicators. The finite element simulation and experiment results show that the optimized SSRM possesses the characteristics of low torque ripple and high efficiency.

A Micro-Expression Apex Frame Spotting Method Based on Optical-Flow-Dual-Input Network
ZHENG Shuhua, CHEN Mengxin, WANG Xiangzhou, GONG Xueya
2022, 42(7): 749-754.   doi: 10.15918/j.tbit1001-0645.2021.135
[Abstract](100) [FullText HTML](112) [PDF 0KB](0)

Micro-expression apex frame contains abundant micro-expression information. In order to spot the apex frame accurately, a neural network classification was proposed based on optical flow characteristics. Taking prior knowledge as rules, a detection method was designed to realize micro-expression apex frame spotting. Firstly, optical flow information was extracted from the image in a fixed size sliding window. And then, the spatial and temporal features of optical flow information in x and y directions was extracted and classified based on dual input network. Finally, according to the trade-off rules based on prior knowledge of micro expression, a post-processing was carried out to improve the detection accuracy. The experimental results on data set CASMEⅡtesting show that the apex spotting rate (ASR) and F1-score can reach up to 0.945 and 0.925 respectively.

Optics and Electronics
Influence of Dual Stealth Aircraft Coherent Jamming on Monopulse Radar and Impact Effectiveness Study
WANG Chunyang, LIU Mingjie, ZENG Huiyong, ZHOU Changlin
2022, 42(7): 755-763.   doi: 10.15918/j.tbit1001-0645.2021.185
[Abstract](95) [FullText HTML](162) [PDF 0KB](0)

Due to the insufficient analysis on the specific impact of dual stealth aircraft formation self-defense coherent jamming on monopulse radar and the lack of rational evaluation to error effectiveness, considering the random characteristics of the phase difference between the dual aircraft echoes, a dual stealth aircraft coherent jamming model and an angle error evaluation model were established. Setting the track of dual aircraft and extracting the dynamic RCS of dual aircraft, a calculation formula was deduced for the random angle error caused by the dual aircraft coherent jamming under the echo. And then several processes were carried out including solving the first order digital characteristics of random angle errors, establishing the angle error validity evaluation criterion according to the miss distance, and calculating the validity probability of angle error. Simulation results show that the angle error caused by the dual stealth aircraft coherent jamming is relatively larger and the random fluctuation is weak. The stable jamming effect and large error validity probability to radar can insure the security of formation penetration.

Materials Science
Dynamic Response of E36 Shipbuilding Steel Under High Pressure Impact
ZHAO Pengduo, HUO Guojing, WANG Qi, ZHANG Lei, LI Mao, LI Xianyu, ZHANG Zhaohui, ZHANG Shunzhong, HE Jianye
2022, 42(7): 764-772.   doi: 10.15918/j.tbit1001-0645.2021.188
[Abstract](97) [FullText HTML](95) [PDF 0KB](0)

To indicate clearly the dynamic response mechanism and deformation strengthening mechanism of shipbuilding steel materials under ultra-high strain rate, the free surface velocity-time curve of E36 shipbuilding steel under impact pressure of 10, 20 and 30 GPa was measured through one-dimensional plate impact test, and the Hugoniot elastic limit and spall strength of E36 shipbuilding steel were calculated. ANSYS software was used to simulate the temperature field under different impact pressure. The damage evolution law and deformation strengthening mechanism of E36 shipbuilding steel under high-pressure impact were studied based on SEM, TEM and other techniques. The results show that the spalling occurs in the materials under the above mentioned impact pressures, and the damage mechanism is the nucleation, growth and aggregation of micropores and microcracks. With the increase of impact pressure, the Hugoniot elastic limit of E36 shipbuilding steel change little while the spalling strength gradually increases. Phase transformation strengthening, dislocation strengthening and twin strengthening are the main strengthening mechanisms of E36 shipbuilding steel under high pressure and high strain rate.

Combustion,Heat and Mass Transfer
Phase transition characteristics of ice crystal particles in motion
HUANG Ping, BU Xueqin, LIN Guiping, YU Jia
2022, 37(7): 1379-1391.   doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20210484
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In view of the phase transition phenomenon of solid⁃liquid⁃vapor coupling when ice crystals moved in a warm environment,the phase transition model and calculation method of ice crystals were established based on Eulerian method.The melting phase transition processes of ice crystals under forced convection were calculated,and the comparison with the experimental results verified the accuracy of the movement phase transition model and calculation method.The thermodynamic characteristics of ice crystals moving around the NACA0012 airfoil were calculated,and the motion characteristics of ice crystals in a warm environment and the melting ratio were analyzed when they reached the impact surface.The influences of initial particle size,initial particle sphericity,air relative humidity and temperature on the movement phase transition were studied.The results showed that the ice crystal particle movement phase transition model can effectively evaluate the ice crystal icing risk,and the melting rate of ice crystal particles mainly counted on the particle diameter,sphericity,airflow temperature and humidity.When the air temperature was 288 K,the melting time of ice crystal particles was 27.5 s,while the melting time was only 5.2 s when the air temperature was 302 K under the same conditions.