Volume 43 Issue 2
Sep 2022
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GUO Donglin, XUE Liugen, HU Yuqin. Robust Estimation of Mean in Partially Linear Model With Missing Responses[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2017, 43(2): 313-319. doi: 10.11936/bjutxb2016040017
Citation: GUO Donglin, XUE Liugen, HU Yuqin. Robust Estimation of Mean in Partially Linear Model With Missing Responses[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2017, 43(2): 313-319. doi: 10.11936/bjutxb2016040017

Robust Estimation of Mean in Partially Linear Model With Missing Responses

doi: 10.11936/bjutxb2016040017
  • Received Date: 07 Apr 2016
    Available Online: 13 Sep 2022
  • Issue Publish Date: 01 Feb 2017
  • To improve the robustness of an estimator, based on the covariate balancing propensity score and the augmented inverse probability weighted methods, a robust estimator of the population mean was obtained for the partially linear model, when the responses were missing at random. It is proved that the proposed estimator is asymptotically normal, and hence it can be applied to constructing the confidence region of the population mean.


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