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HE Xu, JIANG Zhenghui, SANG Zheng, LIU Zechang, FENG Guangyuan, YANG Qin, JIANG Houshi. Laminar Combustion Characteristics of Jet-A surrogate Fuel /Ethanol[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. doi: 10.123456/j.rhnk.0000-00
Citation: HE Xu, JIANG Zhenghui, SANG Zheng, LIU Zechang, FENG Guangyuan, YANG Qin, JIANG Houshi. Laminar Combustion Characteristics of Jet-A surrogate Fuel /Ethanol[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. doi: 10.123456/j.rhnk.0000-00

Laminar Combustion Characteristics of Jet-A surrogate Fuel /Ethanol

doi: 10.123456/j.rhnk.0000-00
  • Received Date: 24 Oct 2022
    Available Online: 10 Jul 2023
  • To study the effect of ethanol blending on the combustion characteristics of aviation kerosene laminar flame at an initial temperature of 470K and an initial pressure of 0.1MPa, a constant volume incendiary bomb was used in this paper to conduct a comparative analysis combined with simulation. The results show that the addition of ethanol significantly improves the laminar burning velocity of aviation kerosene, but there is a large deviation between the simulation results and the experimental data, especially at low equivalence ratios, and the mechanism needs to be further optimized. On this basis, a sensitivity analysis was carried out, finding a great influence of four elementary reactions on the laminar burning speed. Adjusting the parameters of the four elementary reactions, a new model was obtained, being in good agreement with the experimental values.


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