Volume 42 Issue 7
Aug 2022
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HUANG Ping,BU Xueqin,LIN Guiping,et al.Phase transition characteristics of ice crystal particles in motion[J].Journal of Aerospace Power,2022,37(7):1379‑1391. doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20210484
Citation: HUANG Ping,BU Xueqin,LIN Guiping,et al.Phase transition characteristics of ice crystal particles in motion[J].Journal of Aerospace Power,2022,37(7):1379‑1391. doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20210484

Phase transition characteristics of ice crystal particles in motion

doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20210484
  • Received Date: 02 Sep 2021
    Available Online: 06 Sep 2022
  • Issue Publish Date: 28 Jul 2022
  • In view of the phase transition phenomenon of solid⁃liquid⁃vapor coupling when ice crystals moved in a warm environment,the phase transition model and calculation method of ice crystals were established based on Eulerian method.The melting phase transition processes of ice crystals under forced convection were calculated,and the comparison with the experimental results verified the accuracy of the movement phase transition model and calculation method.The thermodynamic characteristics of ice crystals moving around the NACA0012 airfoil were calculated,and the motion characteristics of ice crystals in a warm environment and the melting ratio were analyzed when they reached the impact surface.The influences of initial particle size,initial particle sphericity,air relative humidity and temperature on the movement phase transition were studied.The results showed that the ice crystal particle movement phase transition model can effectively evaluate the ice crystal icing risk,and the melting rate of ice crystal particles mainly counted on the particle diameter,sphericity,airflow temperature and humidity.When the air temperature was 288 K,the melting time of ice crystal particles was 27.5 s,while the melting time was only 5.2 s when the air temperature was 302 K under the same conditions.


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