Issue 4
Aug 2020
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ZhaoDuo WANG, ChunChang HUANG, JiangLi PANG, AnNa LIU, YaLi ZHOU, XiaoChun ZHA. Provenance Analysis and Reconstruction of the Climate Change for the Holocene Loess profile in the Zhuanglang Country of Gansu Province, China[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2020, 38(4): 781-789. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2019.077
Citation: ZhaoDuo WANG, ChunChang HUANG, JiangLi PANG, AnNa LIU, YaLi ZHOU, XiaoChun ZHA. Provenance Analysis and Reconstruction of the Climate Change for the Holocene Loess profile in the Zhuanglang Country of Gansu Province, China[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2020, 38(4): 781-789. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2019.077

Provenance Analysis and Reconstruction of the Climate Change for the Holocene Loess profile in the Zhuanglang Country of Gansu Province, China

doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2019.077

National Natural Science Foundation of China 41771110

The Research Funds for the Hubei Provincial Department of Education 19Q187

  • Received Date: 15 Apr 2019
  • Publish Date: 10 Aug 2020
  • Through detailed field investigation of the loess area on the western side of Liupan Mountains, a loess paleosol profile with a thickness of 3 m was found on the flat ground of the third⁃level terrace of the Shuiluo River in northern Zhuanglang county, Gansu province. The paleosol provenance analysis, paleoclimate restoration, and loess reconstruction were determined. Based on the observation and analysis of the macroscopic characteristics of the soil and sedimentology of the profile, 170 samples were obtained from top to bottom and continuously sampled every 2 cm. Physical and chemical index analysis and OSL dating, particle size component end⁃member analysis, and time⁃process wavelet analysis were performed in the laboratory. The results show that four endmembers can be identified from the Holocene loess paleosol in the study area, and it represents the weathering and pedogenesis under the action of the East Asian summer monsoon after sediment deposition, the late eluviation dynamic characteristic, northwest winter monsoon, and regional north wind. Furthermore, the summer monsoon end member components on the Holocene time scale with oscillation periods of 0.3 ka, 0.7 ka, 1.2 ka, 1.5 ka, 1.8 ka, and 2.4 ka can be divided on the corresponding time scales. The results of this study are of great significance for promoting quantitative analysis of the Holocene paleosol provenance in the Loess Plateau of the Liupan Mountains and restoring and reconstructing the climate change laws of the region. It can also provide reference materials for the restoration and reconstruction of the Holocene climate change process and regional comparison in other regions.


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