Issue 4
Aug 2020
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JianMing QIN, JiQuan CHEN, Yuan GAO, DangPeng XI, ChengShan WANG. Quantitative Paleotemperature Reconstruction of Late Cretaceous Nenjiang Formation in Songliao Basin: A case study of the LD6⁃7 Core[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2020, 38(4): 759-770. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2019.079
Citation: JianMing QIN, JiQuan CHEN, Yuan GAO, DangPeng XI, ChengShan WANG. Quantitative Paleotemperature Reconstruction of Late Cretaceous Nenjiang Formation in Songliao Basin: A case study of the LD6⁃7 Core[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2020, 38(4): 759-770. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2019.079

Quantitative Paleotemperature Reconstruction of Late Cretaceous Nenjiang Formation in Songliao Basin: A case study of the LD6⁃7 Core

doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2019.079

National Natural Science Foundation of China 41790450

Project of Excellent Teachers Fund for Fundamental Research Business Fees in Central Colleges and Universities 2652018119

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program for Undergra duates of China University of Geosciences (Beijing) 2018AB004

  • Received Date: 24 Jun 2019
  • Publish Date: 10 Aug 2020
  • The Nenjiang Formation Members 1+2 (K2n1+2), which formed during the Late Cretaceous in the Songliao Basin, is a lacustrine mudstone deposition, on which abundant terrestrial paleoclimate information is preserved. This study examined mineralogy, as well as the major elemental and trace elemental geochemistry, of K2n1+2 and attempted to reconstruct the terrestrial paleotemperature quantitatively. Results show that the bulk rock mineralogy is mainly composed of clay mineralogy (46.2% average), minor quartz (21.7% average). and negligible plagioclase and K⁃feldspar. Values of the Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA, 63 average), Mafic Index of Alteration for Oxidative condition (MIA⁃O, > 64), Plagioclase Index of Alteration (PIA, > 53), and Weathering Index of Parker (PIA, > 44) indicate medium chemical weathering intensity of K2n1+2. The analysis of the sediment chemical composition by provenance, transportation, and diagenesis satisfies the precondition of calculating the annual mean temperature (MAT) by element geochemistry: (1) High annual precipitation rate (> 400 mm/yr), (2) moderate physical erosion rate, (3) no significant sedimentary sorting and recycling, (4) weak diagenesis, and (5) Chinese acid rock as the protolith. This study suggests a MAT of ~14.19 °C based on the τNa-MAT transfer function from K2n1+2 of the LD6⁃7 core in Songliao Basin. This estimated MAT is consistent with previous research results, which is a subtropical climate. It is proven that the method of reconstructing paleotemperature by means of element geochemistry is feasible for K2n1+2 of the LD6⁃7 core in Songliao Basin, which can provide a reference for the quantitative study of the terrestrial paleoclimate concerning "deep time" in the future.


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