Mechanism and product characteristics of pyrolysis-activation coupling reaction of Shenfu coal
摘要: 利用两段式固定床反应装置, 研究了神府煤热解-活化耦合产物的特性, 探讨了热解温度及活化剂 (H2O (g)、CO2和H2O (g)/CO2) 对产物性能的影响, 揭示了热解-活化耦合反应机制。结果表明, 热解温度对半焦的CO2化学反应性影响较小; 采用热解-活化两段耦合工艺, 可使神府煤热解的焦油产率明显提高, 产率最高为17.8%;不同活化剂对两段耦合过程产生的混合煤气 (mixture coal gases, MCG) 和焦油产率影响为H2O (g)>H2O (g)/CO2>CO2, 其焦油组分均以饱和分和芳香分为主; 采用H2O (g)/CO2(1:1) 活化剂, 可有效提高活性炭的比表面积, 其BET比表面积为845.37 m2/g。热解-活化耦合机制主要为活化段产生的合成气 (synthesis gases, SG) 为热解段煤的加氢热解提供了氢源, 丰富的氢自由基促进了煤的加氢热解反应, 改变了耦合过程的产物分布和特性。Abstract: The characteristics of products from Shenfu coal pyrolysis-activation coupling reaction were investigated in a two-stage fixed bed reactor.The effect of pyrolysis temperature and activating agents (H2O (g), CO2 and H2O (g)/CO2) on the characteristics of products was analyzed.The mechanism of pyrolysis-activation coupling reaction was revealed.The results show that the pyrolysis temperature has little effect on the CO2 chemical reactivity of the chars.The tar yield of Shenfu coal pyrolysis is significantly increased by using pyrolysis-activation coupling process, and the tar yield is up to 17.8%.The effect of different activating agents on the yield of mixed coal gases (MCG) and tar is in the order of H2O (g)>H2O (g)/CO2>CO2 and the main components of tar are saturates and aromatics.The specific surface area of activated carbon can be effectively improved by using H2O (g)/CO2 as the activating agents, and the BET specific surface area reaches to 845.37 m2/g.The mechanism of pyrolysis-activation coupling process is that the synthesis gases (SG) from the activation section can provide hydrogen source for coal hydropyrolysis in pyrolysis section, and the rich hydrogen radicals can promote the reaction and change the product distribution and properties.
Key words:
- Shenfu coal /
- pyrolysis-activation /
- coupling reaction /
- activated carbon /
- tar composition
图 1 煤热解-活化耦合工艺流程示意图
Figure 1. Flow chart of the coal pyrolysis-activation coupling
1: gas cylinder; 2: commingler; 3: preheater; 4: control cabinet; 5: furnace; 6: tubular reactor; 7: gas/liquid separator;8: refrigeration cycle; 9: soap bubble flow-meter; 10: dryer; 11: gas chromatograph; 12: heating belt; 13: steam generator
表 1 神府煤的工业分析和元素分析
Table 1. Proximate and ultimate analyses of Shenfu coal
Proximate analysis wad/% Ultimate analysis wdaf/% H/C O/C M A V FC* C H N O* S 5.98 7.26 36.75 50.01 79.86 4.88 0.89 14.09 0.28 0.73 0.13 *: by difference 表 2 半焦的工业分析、元素分析和结构参数
Table 2. Proximate analysis, ultimate analysis and structural parameters of chars
Sample Proximate analysis wad/% Ultimate analysis wdaf/% H/C O/C Structural parameters M A V FC* C H N O* S (mol ratio) fa 2(R-1)/C R Char(N2-500) 1.31 7.98 10.84 79.87 89.02 1.32 0.87 8.53 0.26 0.18 0.07 0.868 0.954 4.900 Char(N2-550) 1.29 8.29 8.21 82.21 89.81 1.22 0.55 8.19 0.23 0.16 0.07 0.886 0.951 4.936 Char(N2-600) 1.29 8.48 7.44 82.79 88.67 1.29 0.78 8.99 0.27 0.17 0.08 0.904 0.922 4.775 Char(N2-650) 1.25 8.72 5.38 84.65 89.51 1.15 0.61 8.49 0.24 0.18 0.07 0.915 0.931 4.855 Char(N2-700) 1.23 9.12 4.73 84.92 89.99 1.01 0.73 8.02 0.25 0.18 0.07 0.913 0.952 4.982 Char(N2-750) 1.19 9.24 4.24 85.33 90.07 0.93 0.66 8.12 0.22 0.16 0.06 0.917 0.959 5.019 *: by difference; fa: aromaticity factor; 2(R-1)/C: ring condensation index; R: even ring condensation number 表 3 半焦和活性炭的比表面积和孔结构
Table 3. Surface area and pore structure parameters of char and activated carbons
Sample BET surface area A/(m2·g-1) Pore volume v/(cm3·g-1) Pore size d/nm BET surface
surface areaexternal
surface areatotal pore
pore volumeaverage
pore sizeChar 31.82 28.12 3.70 0.059 0.009 53.25 AC (H2O) 725.19 637.14 88.05 0.219 0.079 3.93 AC (H2O/CO2) 845.37 741.59 103.78 0.243 0.061 4.86 AC (CO2) 591.67 530.22 61.45 0.287 0.058 5.72 表 4 活化剂对SG中气体产量的影响
Table 4. Effect of activating agents on yield of gases in SG
Activating agents H2/(mmol·g-1) CH4/(mmol·g-1) CO /(mmol·g-1) CO2/(mmol·g-1) H2O (g) 50.29 1.92 1.15 19.17 H2O (g)/CO2 20.33 1.51 9.32 36.64 CO2 2.86 0.98 17.46 50.71 表 5 活化剂对热解-活化耦合焦油组成的影响
Table 5. Effect of activating agents on component of tar from pyrolysis-activation coupling process
Activation agent Content w/% saturates aromatics rein asphaltene H2O (g) 32.70 49.69 12.85 4.76 H2O (g)/CO2 31.26 50.32 13.70 4.72 CO2 29.97 51.08 13.94 5.01 表 6 神府煤热解-活化耦合反应主要反应及产物
Table 6. Main reactions and product composition of Shenfu coal pyrolysis-activation coupling process
Reaction zone Product composition Gas composition Chemical reaction[24, 25] Activation zone activated carbon H2, CH4, CO, CO2 C (s)+H2O (g) ↔ H2(g)+CO (g)-131.5 kJ/mol C (s)+2H2O (g) ↔2 H2(g)+CO2(g)-88.0 kJ/mol C (s)+CO2(g) ↔ 2CO (g)-172.7 kJ/mol CO (s)+H2O (g) ↔H2(g)+CO2(g)+40.6 kJ/mol Pyrolysis zone tar, gas, char H2, CH4, CO, CO2, C2-4 cracking reaction secondary reaction crosslinking reaction polycondensation -
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