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王擎 杨乾坤 许祥成 崔达 张宏喜 王一帆

王擎, 杨乾坤, 许祥成, 崔达, 张宏喜, 王一帆. FLASHCHAIN模型应用于汪清油页岩热解研究[J]. 机械工程学报, 2016, 44(2): 138-145.
引用本文: 王擎, 杨乾坤, 许祥成, 崔达, 张宏喜, 王一帆. FLASHCHAIN模型应用于汪清油页岩热解研究[J]. 机械工程学报, 2016, 44(2): 138-145.
WANG Qing, YANG Qian-kun, XU Xiang-cheng, CUI Da, ZHANG Hong-xi, WANG Yi-fan. Application of FLASHCHAIN model in pyrolysis of Wangqing oil shale[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2016, 44(2): 138-145.
Citation: WANG Qing, YANG Qian-kun, XU Xiang-cheng, CUI Da, ZHANG Hong-xi, WANG Yi-fan. Application of FLASHCHAIN model in pyrolysis of Wangqing oil shale[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2016, 44(2): 138-145.



国家自然科学基金 51276034

  • 中图分类号: TK16

Application of FLASHCHAIN model in pyrolysis of Wangqing oil shale

More Information
  • 摘要: 采用13C-NMR技术表征出汪清三个矿区油页岩的碳原子化学结构, 并获得碳骨架结构的12个重要参数。利用热重和傅里叶红外联用技术 (TG-FTIR) 得出了在50℃/min升温速率和热解终温600℃下油页岩热解时轻质气体的生成规律。采用基于燃料化学结构的FLASHCHAIN模型对热解产物的析出进行了模拟, 并与实验结果相比较。结果表明, FLASHCHAIN模型用来模拟汪清油页岩热解时, 在520℃之前有较好的效果, 当温度高于520℃时, 由于二次热解反应及页岩中矿物质分解对热解过程的影响, 导致模型的预测值与实验值存在一定的误差, 且随着温度的升高两者之间的误差也随之加大。


  • 图  汪清油页岩的13C-NMR谱图

    Figure  1.  13C-NMR spectrum of Wangqing oil shale

    图  FLASHCHAIN模型机理示意图

    Figure  2.  Schematic illustration of the machanisms in Flashchain

    ①: bridge scission; ②: gas from spontaneous condensation of bridges into char links; ③: phase equilibrium

    图  50℃/min升温速率下热解产物产量的预测曲线与实验曲线

    Figure  3.  Prediction curve and the experimental curves of the yield of the product at 50℃/min heating rate

    图  50℃/min升温速率下热解产物产量的预测曲线与实验曲线

    Figure  4.  Prediction and experimental curves of the product yield at 50℃/min

    表  1  油页岩样品的工业分析、元素分析和原子比

    Table  1.   Proximate analysis, ultimate analysis and atomic ratio of oil shale samples

    SampleProximate analysis wad/%Ultimate analysis wad/%Atomic ratio
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    表  2  碳化学位移归属

    Table  2.   Assignments for peaks in 13C-NMR spectra

    Chemical shift δCarbon functionalityWQ1WQ3WQ5
    14-16aliphatic methyl2.482.223.02
    16-22aromatic methyl7.756.069.94
    22-36methylene and aliphatic C (2) carbon47.4334.0558.36
    36-50methine and quaternary carbon18.9112.9721.49
    100-129ortho-oxyaromatic protonated20.4611.8921.70
    129-137bridgehead aromatic carbon8.066.8410.59
    137-148aromatic branched6.204.566.38
    148-164oxy-aromatic carbon2.792.692.09
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    表  3  油页岩样品碳骨架结构参数

    Table  3.   Carbon structural parameters of oil shale sample

    note:fa: total aromatic carbon;fa: aromatic carbons;fac: carbonyl carbon;faH: protonated aromatic carbon;faN: non-protonated aromatic carbon;faP: phenolic hydroxyl carbon;faS: alkyl substituted aromatic carbon;faB: bridgehead aromatic carbon;fal: totalaliphatic carbon;falH: methylene or methane carbon;fal* : methyl and quaternary carbon;falO: oxygen-kinked aliphatic carbon
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    表  4  结构参数的命名及计算公式

    Table  4.   Nomenclature and equations of structural parameters

    No.SymbolStructural parameterEquation
    1xbratio of aromatic bridging carbons and
    aromatic ring carbons
    2Cacarbons of aromatic cluster${x_{\rm{b}}}=\frac{{1 -tan{\rm{h}}\frac{{\left ({{C_{\rm{a}}} -{C_0}} \right)}}{m}}}{2}{{x'}_{\rm{b}}} + \frac{{1 + tan{\rm{h}}\left ({\frac{{{C_{\rm{a}}} -{C_0}}}{m}} \right)}}{2}{{x''}_{\rm{b}}}$
    3Cclcluster carbons${C_{{\rm{cl}}}}={C_{\rm{a}}} + {C_{{\rm{al}}}}$
    4Calaliphatic carbons${C_{{\rm{al}}}}={C_{\rm{a}}}\frac{{{f_{{\rm{al}}}}}}{{{f_{\rm{a}}}}}$
    5Cpcircumferential carbons${C_{\rm{p}}}={C_{{\rm{cl}}}}\left ({f_{\rm{a}}^{\rm{H}} + f_{\rm{a}}^{\rm{S}} + f_{\rm{a}}^{\rm{B}}} \right)$
    6Raaromatic rings${R_{\rm{a}}}=\frac{1}{2}\left ({{C_{\rm{a}}} -{C_{\rm{p}}}} \right) + 1$
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    表  5  油页岩样品的团簇结构参数

    Table  5.   Structural parameters of oil shale aromatic cluster

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