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刘美 赵海玲 孙琦 赵德智

刘美, 赵海玲, 孙琦, 赵德智. 沙特常压渣油超临界流体萃取分馏宽馏分中含硫化合物的分子表征[J]. 机械工程学报, 2016, 44(2): 177-183.
引用本文: 刘美, 赵海玲, 孙琦, 赵德智. 沙特常压渣油超临界流体萃取分馏宽馏分中含硫化合物的分子表征[J]. 机械工程学报, 2016, 44(2): 177-183.
LIU Mei, ZHAO Hai-ling, SUN Qi, ZHAO De-zhi. Molecular characterization of sulfur-containing compounds in the wide fractions of Saudi Arabia atmospheric residue by supercritical fluid extraction fractionation[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2016, 44(2): 177-183.
Citation: LIU Mei, ZHAO Hai-ling, SUN Qi, ZHAO De-zhi. Molecular characterization of sulfur-containing compounds in the wide fractions of Saudi Arabia atmospheric residue by supercritical fluid extraction fractionation[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2016, 44(2): 177-183.



中国海洋石油总公司 HL00FW (P)2014-0005

  • 中图分类号: TE624.4

Molecular characterization of sulfur-containing compounds in the wide fractions of Saudi Arabia atmospheric residue by supercritical fluid extraction fractionation

More Information
  • 摘要: 采用超临界流体萃取分馏 (SFEF) 装置, 将沙特中质原油常压渣油 (SZAR) 按照分子大小和极性强弱进行多级萃取分馏, 得到四个宽馏分和一个萃余残渣。考察了四个宽馏分沸程分布、密度、残炭值、黏度、相对分子质量、硫和氮含量以及结构族组成等基本性质均随萃取压力的变化趋势。采用甲基衍生化作用使含硫化合物转化为含有极性的甲基硫盐, 结合正离子模式下的电喷雾 (ESI) 电离源的傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱 (FT-ICR MS) 分析各馏分中所包含的含硫化合物的分子组成。结果表明, 超临界萃取分馏技术可以将馏分按照分子大小进行分离, 且对于非烃类化合物具有富集作用。各个馏分中含量最高的均为包含一个硫原子的S1类化合物, 且二苯并噻吩 (DBE=6) 类含量最高。馏分越重, S1、S2类化合物含量越高、种类越繁多、且缩合程度更高, 包含的更多的大分子含硫化合物。


  • 图  宽馏分的烃类族组成

    Figure  1.  SARA compositions of SFEF fractions

    : res. ;: aro. ;: sat.

    图  宽馏分的模拟蒸馏曲线

    Figure  2.  Simulated distillation curves of SFEF fractions

    图  宽馏分SFEF-1-SFEF-4的红外光谱谱图

    Figure  3.  FT-IR spectra of SFEF fractions

    图  SZAR宽馏分的正离子模式下FT ICR-MS质谱图 (a) 及局部放大图 (b)

    Figure  4.  Broadband (a) and expanded (b) mass spectra for wide fractions of SZAR from positive-ion ESI FT-ICR MS

    图  宽馏分中S1、S2类化合物DBE碳数分布

    Figure  5.  Plots of DBE as a function of the carbon number for S1 and S2 class species in wide fractions from positive-ion ESI FT-ICR MS

    表  1  原油常渣的主要性质

    Table  1.   Bulk properties of SZAR

    Density (20℃) ρ/(g·cm-3)0.9682
    Carbon residue w/%10.99
    Viscosity (100℃) μ/(mPa·s)48.36
    Molecular weight512
    Carbon w/%84.91
    Hydrogen w/%11.15
    H/C (atomic ratio)0.64
    Nitrogen w/%0.27
    Sulfur w/%3.44
    Nickel w/(μg·g-1)22.38
    Vanadium w/(μg·g-1)69.95
    Saturates w/%45.88
    Aromatics w/%34.96
    Resins w/%17.36
    C7asphaltene w/%1.80
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    表  2  SZAR的萃取分馏条件

    Table  2.   Conditions for the supercritical fluid extraction fractionation (SFEF) of Saudi Arabia atmospheric residue (SZAR)

    quantity m/g
    applied pressure
    Rate of
    Temperature t/℃Cut
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    表  3  SZAR各个宽馏分随压力变化的收率

    Table  3.   Extracted pressure and yield of each cut in SFEF of SZAR

    Cut numberExtract pressure
    Yield w/%Comment
    End cutN/A15.62solids
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    表  4  宽馏分的基本性质

    Table  4.   Properties of SFEF subfractions

    Cut numberρ20℃aμ100℃b
    Elemental analysis w/%C/H
    (atomic ratio)
    a: GB/T 13377-1992; b: GBT-11137; c: ASTM D189; d: ASTM D5291; e: ASTM D5453; f: ASTM D5762
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