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刘鹏 周扬 鲁锡兰 王岚岚 潘铁英 张德祥

刘鹏, 周扬, 鲁锡兰, 王岚岚, 潘铁英, 张德祥. 先锋褐煤在水热处理过程中的结构演绎[J]. 机械工程学报, 2016, 44(2): 129-137.
引用本文: 刘鹏, 周扬, 鲁锡兰, 王岚岚, 潘铁英, 张德祥. 先锋褐煤在水热处理过程中的结构演绎[J]. 机械工程学报, 2016, 44(2): 129-137.
LIU Peng, ZHOU Yang, LU Xi-lan, WANG Lan-lan, PAN Tie-ying, ZHANG De-xiang. Structural evolution of Xianfeng lignite during hydrothermal treatment[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2016, 44(2): 129-137.
Citation: LIU Peng, ZHOU Yang, LU Xi-lan, WANG Lan-lan, PAN Tie-ying, ZHANG De-xiang. Structural evolution of Xianfeng lignite during hydrothermal treatment[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2016, 44(2): 129-137.



国家重点基础研究发展规划 973计划, 2011CB201304

  • 中图分类号: TQ520.61

Structural evolution of Xianfeng lignite during hydrothermal treatment

More Information
  • 摘要: 以先锋褐煤 (XF) 为原料, 在高压反应釜中考察了水热处理过程中褐煤的结构变化, 通过13C固体核磁共振 (NMR) 和傅里叶变换红外光谱进行了分析表征。结果表明, 在低于240℃的水热处理条件下, 煤有机分子结构中的弱化学键有一定断裂, 含氧官能团逐步减少; 水中氢以离子形态迁移至褐煤中, 处理后褐煤结构中甲基比例先增加后减少, 次甲基比例由原煤的4.80%增加至XF-240的13.16%;释放的气体中主要是CO2, 烃类气体组分随处理温度的升高略有增加。当水热处理温度高于240℃时, 褐煤中部分共价键开始断裂, 释放的烃类气体 (C1-4) 由240℃时的2.13%增加至300℃时的8.59%, 脂肪碳比例由XF-240的44.83%降低至XF-300的39.49%, 与氧连接的碳比例由XF-240的12.57%降低至XF-300的1.49%。水热处理对褐煤的脱氧提质效果显著, 300℃时氧含量降低约30%, 芳香碳比例增加至60.50%, 比原煤提高19%。


  • 图  13C-NMR波谱谱图

    Figure  1.  13C-NMR spectra

    图  13C-NMR谱图分峰拟合模拟图

    Figure  2.  Fitted 13C-NMR spectra

    图  FT-IR光谱谱图

    Figure  3.  Fitted FT-IR spectra

    图  XF褐煤水热处理结构演绎图

    Figure  4.  Schematic for structural evolution of XF during hydrothermal treatment

    表  1  褐煤干燥提质工艺参数

    Table  1.   Comparison of process parameters of lignite upgrading

    ProjectEvaporation dryingNon-evaporation drying
    Temperature t/℃100-120105-110180-240150-220220-300
    Operating pressure p/MPa0.30-0.40atmospheric1710saturated vapor pressure
    Heavy water absorptionyesnononono
    Pore structureunchangeddecreasedecreasedecreasedecrease
    Oxygen contentunchangedunchangeddecreasedecreasedecrease
    Dewaterability t/h110110125-
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    表  2  先锋褐煤处理前后工业与元素分析

    Table  2.   Proximate and ultimate analyses of XF and treated XF

    SampleRecovery a
    Proximate analyses w/%Ultimate analyses wdaf /%
    AdVdafFCdafCHNSO c
    XF-200 b93.158.1051.5148.4972.905.072.350.8118.87
    a: recovery is the mass ratio of treated lignite to raw lignite during hydrothermal treatment; b: “XF-200” indicates the IM was treated at 200℃for 30min; c: by difference
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    表  3  先锋褐煤13C-NMR中不同类型碳对应的化学位移

    Table  3.   Main assignments of chemical shift values for different structural carbons in solid-state 13C-NMR spectra of XF lignite

    AssignmentLocationChemical shift δCharacter
    Aliphatic methylR-CH314-22fal3
    Aromatic methyl22-26fala
    Quaternery sp3 C-CH--C37-50fal1, fal*
    Oxygen aliphatic carbonR-O-R,50-95falO
    Protonated aromatic carbon95-124faH
    Bridging ring junction aromatic carbon124-137faB
    Aliphatic substituted aromatic carbon137-149faS
    Oxygen aromatic carbon149-164faO
    Carboxyl, quinone and carbonyl carbonRCOOH, RCOR164-220faCC
    fal3: fraction of aliphatic methyl carbon; fala: fraction of aromatic methyl carbon; fal2: fraction of methylene carbon; fal1: fraction of methine carbon; fal*: fraction of carbon that is aliphatic and either quaternary, methyl, or mobile methylene; falO: fraction of total carbon associated with aliphatic ethers and alcohols; faH: protonated aromatic carbon; faB: bridgehead aromatic carbon; faS: alkyl substituted aromatic carbon; faO: oxygenated aromatic carbon; faCC: fraction of carbonyl, quinone and carboxyl carbons
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    表  4  XF褐煤含氧官能团在FT-IR光谱谱图中对应的位置

    Table  4.   Band assignments of oxygen functional groups for the FT-IR spectrum of XF lignite

    Wavenumber σ/ cm-1Assignment
    1690-1720C-O, ketone, aldehyde and -COOH
    1600-1660conjugated C=O
    1450-1600aromatic C=C
    1375-1450CH3-Ar, CH3 and CH2
    1110-1300C-O phenol
    1000-1110ash, alkyl ethers,
    Si-O and aryl ethers
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    表  5  先锋褐煤处理前后不同类型有机碳的分布

    Table  5.   Carbon structure distributions of the raw and treated XF

    SampleDistribution /%
    fal3: fraction of aliphatic methyl carbon; fala: fraction of aromatic methyl carbon; fal2: fraction of methylene carbon; fal1: fraction of methine carbon; fal*: fraction of carbon that is aliphatic and either quaternary, methyl, or mobile methylene; falO: fraction of total carbon associated with aliphatic ethers and alcohols; faH: protonated aromatic carbon; faB: bridgehead aromatic carbon; faS: alkyl substituted aromatic carbon; faO: oxygenated aromatic carbon; faCC: fraction of carbonyl, quinone and carboxyl carbons
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    表  6  先锋褐煤FT-IR光谱谱图上含氧官能团区域的变化

    Table  6.   Oxygen functional groups band of the raw and treated XF for the FT-IR spectrum

    PeakPosition σ/cm-1AssignmentXF area percentage /%XF-240 area percentage /%
    11035alkyl ethers,Si-O8.6211.45
    21100aryl ethers6.825.69
    31167C-O phenol2.420.45
    41207C-O phenol4.4017.36
    51269C-O phenol3.390.42
    61310C-O phenol3.974.35
    81442CH3, CH28.1613.02
    91502aromatic C=C2.122.37
    101556aromatic C=C5.600.23
    111588aromatic C=C16.548.63
    121620conjugated C=O13.4826.53
    131656conjugated C=O0.610.68
    141696carboxyl acids17.946.63
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    表  7  褐煤在水热处理过程中析出气体组分的变化

    Table  7.   Variation of gas composition during hydrothermal treatment

    Temperature t/℃Volume percentage φ/%
    *:the hydrothermal treatment temperature
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