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Knockdown factor of buckling load for axially compressed cylindrical shells: state of the art and new perspectives

Wang Bo Hao Peng Ma Xiangtao Tian Kuo

轴压筒壳屈曲载荷折减因子评估方法的最新进展[J]. 机械工程学报, 2022, 38(1): 421440. doi: 10.1007/s10409-021-09035-x
引用本文: 轴压筒壳屈曲载荷折减因子评估方法的最新进展[J]. 机械工程学报, 2022, 38(1): 421440. doi: 10.1007/s10409-021-09035-x
B. Wang, P. Hao, X. Ma, and K. Tian,Knockdown factor of buckling load for axially compressed cylindrical shells: state of the art and new perspectives. Acta Mech. Sin., 2022, 38, http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' xlink:href='https://doi.org/10.1007/s10409-021-09035-x'>https://doi.org/10.1007/s10409-021-09035-x
Citation: B. Wang, P. Hao, X. Ma, and K. Tian,Knockdown factor of buckling load for axially compressed cylindrical shells: state of the art and new perspectives. Acta Mech. Sin., 2022, 38, http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s10409-021-09035-x">https://doi.org/10.1007/s10409-021-09035-x

Knockdown factor of buckling load for axially compressed cylindrical shells: state of the art and new perspectives

doi: 10.1007/s10409-021-09035-x

the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant

the National Defense Basic Research Program Grant

the Project supported by Liaoning Provincial Natural Science Foundation Grant

Liaoning Revitalization Talents Program Grant

the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities Grant

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    Corresponding author: Corresponding author. E-mail address: wangbo@dlut.edu.cn (Bo Wang)
  • 摘要: 薄壁筒壳结构作为航空航天的主承力构件, 在轴压载荷下易发生屈曲失稳, 并且对几何缺陷表现为强敏感性. 尽管经过数十年的研究, 精准地预测几何缺陷影响下轴压筒壳的折减因子仍是一个非常具有挑战的科学难题. 直至现在, NASA 20世纪提出航天薄壁轴压筒壳折减因子下限设计准则SP-8007仍被广泛使用, 随着制造工艺的进步和发展, SP-8007已经被证明过于保守. 近年来, 学者们基于数值方法和实验技术发展了一系列折减因子的确定方法, 本文对这些方法进行了全面综述, 其中作者提出的多点最不利扰动载荷法(WMPLA)是最具代表性的方法之一, 其以合理的方式有效地降低了传统折减因子预测方法的保守程度. 另外, 本文还基于搜集的1990~2020年轴压筒壳屈曲实验数据, 对原始的折减因子下限准则曲线进行了改进. 可以发现, 相比于原始的SP-8007准则, 新折减因子准则曲线整体上提升了0.1~0.3, 并且使用WMPLA预测的折减因子非常接近于新准则曲线的边界. 本文的研究工作有助于新一代轴压筒壳设计准则的建立, 并可服务于大直径航天运载器主承力薄壁结构的轻量化设计.


  • 1.  Schematic diagrams of buckling shells. a The CZ-5 launch vehicle; b buckling of stringer stiffened cylindrical shell; c buckling of grid stiffened cylindrical shell; d buckling of unstiffened cylindrical shell.

    2.  Curve of lower-bound KDFs in NASA SP-8007 [6].

    3.  Schematic diagrams of the energy barrier and non-destructive experimental technique for cylindrical shells proposed in Ref. [52].

    4.  DIC equipment and obtained the initial measured geometric imperfections before tests [61,62].

    5.  Imperfection sensitivity curve of SPLA [70].

    6.  Flowchart of Worst Multiple Perturbation Load Approach (WMPLA).

    7.  Applications of the WMPLA. a Cylindrical shell [21]; b equivalent model of stiffened cylindrical shell [78]; c composite cylindrical shell with delamination imperfections [58]; d stiffened conical shells [80]; e stiffened shells with weld lands [79].

    8.  Loading system for axial compression. a Schematic diagram of 3D model; b photograph of the real device [61].

    9.  Loading system for axial compression combined with external pressure. a Schematic diagram of 3D model; b photograph of the real device.

    10.  Measurement system of buckling experiment [61].

    11.  KDFs obtained by the experimental test of axially compressed cylindrical shells from 1957 to 2020 compared with NASA SP-8007 and DLR threshold. a KDFs of cylindrical shell tests from 1990 to 2020; b KDFs of cylindrical shell tests from 1968 to 2020 combined with data in NASA SP-8007.

    Table 1.   Comparison of different KDF determination methods and test results [81]

    MethodNASA SP-8007Eigenmode imperfection methodSPLAWMPLATest
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    Table 2.   Summary of experimental data of axially compressed cylindrical shells

    No.Ref.YearMaterialStructural typeR (mm)R/tL (mm)Number of specimensBuckling load (kN)KDFNote
    1Harris [107]19572S-H18 aluminumCylindrical shell222175054620.28-0.29
    Hard stainless steel100640.76-0.89
    Hard stainless steel273480.14-0.23
    2Ricardo [108]1967MylarCylindrical shell102400279.490.75-0.820.60-0.66
    3Muggeridge [69]1969Photo-elastic plasticCylindrical shell67/100110-280188-282110.57-0.92
    4Caswell [109]1971EpoxyCylindrical shell100100-198259-279140.53-0.76
    5Hutchinson [110]1971EpoxyCylindrical shell100175-21927970.35-0.92
    6Carri [111]1973Boron-EpoxyCylindrical shell46.3519.90464.32713.82-753.920.75-0.79[45/−45/05/90/45/−45/90/05/45/−45]
    7Wilkins [112]1975Graphite-Epoxy Narmco5505/T300Cylindrical shell190.5354381156.810.68[45/−45]s
    8Herakovich [113]1978Boron-EpoxyCylindrical shell75.3681355.6155.6[0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0]
    9Arbocz [65]1979CopperCylindrical shell101.6844-915196.85-203.2073.04-3.85
    NickelCylindrical shell101.61030-1042196.8532.68-3.91
    BrassCylindrical shell101.6386-681140.97-196.8547.18-16.66
    Welded stainless steelCylindrical shell117.86-118.49258-261148.59641.70-56.05
    AluminumStringer stiffened cylindrical shell101.6362-517139.7314.29-22.36
    AluminumRing stiffened cylindrical shell101.6384-492133.35-146.30119.74-24.95
    10Uemura [114]1982T300A/EpoxyCylindrical shell100100300282.51-84.36[0/90/0/90]s
    11Hirano [115]1983T300/S305Cylindrical shell100122.85300361.8-63.70.75-0.77[20/−20/0/0/40/−40]
    12Tennyson [116]19833M SP288 T300Cylindrical shell83.974.91282.71129.83[0/45/90/−45/0/45/90/−45]
    13Kobayashi [117]1984CFRPCylindrical shell100238.1200113.270.956[20/−20/90]
    14Foster [118]1987EpoxyCylindrical shell50255-39849-5840.15-0.380.84-0.99No imposed imperfections
    288-33462-7340.12-0.240.52-0.83With imposed imperfections
    15Sun [119]1987AS/3501-6Cylindrical shell83.31166.62152.4130.100.86[26/−42/76/−3]
    16Dancy [66]1988Low carbon steelCylindrical shell33330100333.05-4.68
    17Geier [120]1991CFRPCylindrical shell2502005102221.48-227.760.80-0.82[60/−60/0/0/68/−68/52/−52/37/−37]
    18Giavotto [121]1991Kevlar fabricCylindrical shell350336.54550232.480.88[0/90/90/0]
    19Krishnakumar [122]1991Araldite LC 261/hardener LC 249Cylindrical shell77197.44-596.969.3-192.5360.66-0.98
    20Waters [123]1996AS4/3502Cylindrical shell203.2201.19355.61133.590.74[45/0/90]s
    21Schneider [124]1996Polycarbonate plasticCylindrical shell19.115.0438.1313.41-13.61Perfect
    25.26-7.37Axisymmetric imperfectionwo/t = 0.3
    22Bisagni [125]1999CFRP fabricCFRP unidirectionalCylindrical shell350265.155404151.62-172.880.63-0.72[0/45/−45/0]
    23Kim [126]1999IM7/997-2Isogrid stiffened cylindrical shell624.8368.31117.88
    24Meyer-Piening [127]2001CFRPCylindrical shell2502005102208-212.6[60/−60/0/0/68/−68/52/−52/37/−37]
    25Bisagni [128]2003CFRP fabricCFRP unidirectionalCylindrical shell350292540174.93[45/−45]2s
    26Hilburger [129]2006AS4/3502Cylindrical shell203.2200406.43123.60.929[−45/45/0/0]s
    27Bisagni [91]2006CFRPStringer stiffened cylindrical shell3505402360.2-380.32.78-3.68[45/−45]
    28Hilburger [130]2008Al-LiOrthogrid stiffened cylindrical shell1219.21981.213065.71
    29Fan [94]2009T700/bisphenol epoxyCFRC sandwich cylindrical shell with kagome cores312.53751524.6
    30Degenhardt [131]2010IM7/8552Cylindrical shell2505005401021.32-25.690.68-0.82[24/−24/41/−41]
    31Haynie [132]2012Aluminum alloy 2024Cylindrical shell228.6225787.43168-169
    32Priyadarsini [133]2012CFRPCylindrical shell150.5150.5400477.1[0/45/−45/0]
    33Chen [95]2013T700/EpoxyCarbon fiber reinforced lattice-core sandwich cylindrical shell60030160011200
    34Bisagni [134]2015IM7/8552Cylindrical shell250500520213.01-15.34[45/−45/−45/45]
    35Schillo [135]2015AS7/8552Cylindrical shell115147215255.4-62.1[90/30/−30]s
    36Kalnins [136]2015IM7/8552Cylindrical shell251.13479.99500125.380.65[24/−24/41/−41]
    37Takano [137]2016TR/HSXCylindrical shell68.00139.34136113.1970.6[−70/70/0/0/70/−70]
    38Wang [61]2016Aluminum alloyStiffened cylindrical shell22502200131510.62
    39Li [96]2016T700/EpoxyCarbon fiber reinforced lattice truss sandwich cylindrical shell312.53751328.03
    40Wang [62,81]2017Aluminum alloyCylindrical shell5003336005335.13-519.390.57-0.89
    41Khakimova [92]2017CFRPCylindrical shell400533800258.3-63.30.65-0.71[34/−34/0/0/53/−53]
    42Rudd [103]2018Al 2219Seamless orthogrid stiffened cylindrical shell1225.6228613302.79
    43Hilburger [102]2018Al-LiStiffened cylindrical shell1219.21981.212878
    44Wu [138]2018T700/EpoxyHierarchical orthogrid stiffened cylindrical shell312.5-315590-5962132.74-359.24
    45Li [97]2018T700/EpoxyHierarchical isogrid stiffened cylindrical shell312.54311741.4[0/60/−60]s
    46Li [98]2020T700/EpoxyFolded lattice-core sandwich cylindrical shell312.53751293.4
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