Dynamic Response of 6MW Spar Type Floating Offshore Wind Turbine by Experiment and Numerical Analyses
doi: 10.1007/s13344-020-0055-z
Abstract: The floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) is widely used for harvesting marine wind energy. Its dynamic responses under offshore wind and wave environment provide essential reference for the design and installation. In this study, the dynamic responses of a 6MW Spar type FOWT designed for the water depth of 100 m are investigated by means of the wave tank experiment and numerical analysis. A scaled model is manufactured for the experiment at a ratio of 65.3, while the numerical model is constructed on the open-source platform FAST (Fatigue, Aerodynamics, Structures, and Turbulence). Still water tests, wind-induced only tests, wave-induced only tests and combined wind-wave-current tests are all conducted experimentally and numerically. The accuracy of the experimental set-up as well as the loading generation has been verified. Surge, pitch and heave motions are selected to analyze and the numerical results agree well with the experimental values. Even though results obtained by using the FOWT calculation model established in FAST software show some deviations from the test results, the trends are always consistent. Both experimental and numerical studies demonstrate that they are reliable for the designed 6MW Spar type FOWT.
Key words:
- floating offshore wind turbine /
- dynamic responses /
- Spar type platform /
- FAST /
- model test
Figure 8. Double plate multi-unit wave generation system (Meng et al., 2017b).
Table 1. 6MW Spar type FOWT system performance parameters
Components Item Unit Value Prototype values Model values Wind turbine Blade length m 78 1.2 Hub radius m 2.35 0.036 Cut-in wind speed m/s 3 0.37 Cut-out wind speed m/s 25 3.09 Rated wind speed m/s 10.5 1.3 Rated rotor speed rpm 10 80.81 Hub center height m 100 1.53 Tower Tower top diameter m 4.8 0.07 Tower top above waterline m 96.8 1.48 Tower bottom diameter m 8 0.12 Tower bottom above waterline m 13 0.20 Spar type platform Design water depth m 100 1.53 Design draft m 76 1.16 Platform length m 89 1.36 Platform COG (Center of Gravity) (including ballast) m −62.3 −0.95 Platform COB (Center of Buoyancy) m −41.2 −0.63 Diameter at waterline m 9.5 0.15 Drainage volume m3 11421 0.04 Moment of inertia (Ixx) kg·m2 2.5×109 2.11 Moment of inertia (Iyy) kg·m2 2.5×109 2.11 Moment of inertia (Izz) kg·m2 2.5×108 0.21 Mooring system Number of the catenary − 3 3 Angle between catenary ° 120 120 Total length of catenary m 400 6.13 Equivalent cross-sectional diameter mm 130 1.99 Weight per meter in water N/m 3495 0.8 The horizontal distance between mooring point and platform center line m 385.5 5.9 Equivalent stiffness kN 801692.19 2.88 Fairlead position m −21 −0.32 Table 2. Conversion relationship between model and prototype
Item Symbol Scale ratio Item Symbol Scale ratio Line scale Ls/Lm ${\textit{λ}} $ Angular velocity ${{{{\textit{φ}} '_{\rm{s}}}} / {{{\textit{φ}} '_{\rm{m}}}}}$ ${{\textit{λ}} ^{ - 1/2}}$ Line speed Vs/Vm ${{\textit{λ}} ^{1/2}}$ Period scale Ts/Tm ${{\textit{λ}} ^{1/2}}$ Line acceleration as/am 1 Frequency scale fs/fm ${{\textit{λ}} ^{ - 1/2}}$ Angle scale ${{{{\textit{φ}} _{\rm{s}}}} / {{{\textit{φ}} _{\rm{m}}}}}$ 1 Wave force Fs/Fm ${\textit{γ}} {{\textit{λ}} ^3}$ Area scale As/Am ${{\textit{λ}} ^2}$ Wave moment Ms/Mm ${\textit{γ}} {{\textit{λ}} ^4}$ Volume scale ${{{\nabla _{\rm{s}}}} / {{\nabla _{\rm{m}}}}}$ ${{\textit{λ}} ^3}$ Thrust scale Fs/Fm ${{\textit{λ}} ^3}$ Water density ${{{{\textit{ρ}} _{\rm{s}}}} / {{{\textit{ρ}} _{\rm{m}}}}}$ ${\textit{γ}} $ Torque scale Ms/Mm ${{\textit{λ}} ^4}$ Quality (displacement) ${{{{\rm{\Delta }}_{\rm{s}}}} / {{{\rm{\Delta }}_{\rm{m}}}}}$ ${\textit{γ}} {{\textit{λ}} ^3}$ Power scale Ps/Pm ${{\textit{λ}} ^{7/2}}$ Table 3. Wind-induced only test conditions
Conditions Mean wind speed (m/s) Rotor speed (rpm) Blade pitch (°) Description Prototype Model Prototype Model Wind-1 8 0.990 9.2 74.344 −3 Below rated wind speed Wind-2 10.5 1.299 10 80.808 0 Rated wind speed Wind-3 25 3.094 10 80.808 15 Cut-out wind speed Table 4. Wave-induced only test conditions
Load cases Significant wave height (m) Peak period (s) Spectral parameter $ {\textit{γ}} $ Description Prototype Model Prototype Model Wave-1 2.5 0.038 9.8 1.213 1.0 Sea state corresponding to below rated wind speed Wave-2 3 0.046 10.0 1.237 1.0 Sea state corresponding to rated wind speed Wave-3 5.9 0.090 11.3 1.398 1.0 Sea state corresponding to cut-out rated wind speed Wave-4 14.4 0.221 13.3 1.646 2.4 Sea state corresponding to wind speed of 50 years a period Table 5. Combined wind, wave and current tests conditions
Load cases Wind load Wave load Current velocity (m/s) Inflow direction (°) Description Prototype Model LC1 Wind-1 Wave-1 0.6 0.074 0 Sea state corresponding to below rated wind speed LC2 Wind-2 Wave-2 0.6 0.074 0 Sea state corresponding to rated wind speed LC3 Wind-3 Wave-3 0.6 0.074 0 Sea state corresponding to cut-out rated wind speed LC4 No wind Wave-4 2.0 0.247 0 Sea state corresponding to wind speed of 50 years a period Table 6. Still water decay results
Motions Natural period Td (s) Test results Calculation values Surge 73.4 73.1 Pitch 41.1 42.4 Heave 25.9 25.1 -
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