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Numerical Study on the Unsteady Characteristics of the Propeller Cavitation in Uniform and Nonuniform Wake Flows

GONG Zhao-xin CHEN Ying LI Jie CHEN Xin LU Chuan-jing

GONG Zhao-xin, CHEN Ying, LI Jie, CHEN Xin, LU Chuan-jing. Numerical Study on the Unsteady Characteristics of the Propeller Cavitation in Uniform and Nonuniform Wake Flows[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2020, 34(5): 688-696. doi: 10.1007/s13344-020-0062-0
Citation: GONG Zhao-xin, CHEN Ying, LI Jie, CHEN Xin, LU Chuan-jing. Numerical Study on the Unsteady Characteristics of the Propeller Cavitation in Uniform and Nonuniform Wake Flows[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2020, 34(5): 688-696. doi: 10.1007/s13344-020-0062-0

Numerical Study on the Unsteady Characteristics of the Propeller Cavitation in Uniform and Nonuniform Wake Flows

doi: 10.1007/s13344-020-0062-0
More Information
  • Figure  1.  INSEAN E779A model propeller shape.

    Figure  2.  Scheme of the computational domain.

    Figure  3.  Computational meshes.

    Figure  4.  y+ distribution on both sides of the propeller in uniform wake flow.

    Figure  5.  Cavitation shapes on the propeller blade in the uniform wake flow.

    Figure  6.  Flow condition and the axial velocity distribution in non-homogeneous flow cited from (a) Salvatore et al.’s (2009) experiment and (b) Felli and Di Felice’s (2005) experiment.

    Figure  7.  Sketch for the three slices of the cross section.

    Figure  8.  Axial velocity distribution at three cross sections in different wake flow (unit: m/s).

    Figure  9.  Cavity evolution in the uniform wake flow, and the interval angle between two adjacent pictures being 32.4°.

    Figure  11.  Cavity evolution in the non-uniform wake flow of WF2, the interval angle between two adjacent pictures being 32.4°.

    Figure  10.  Cavity evolution in the non-uniform wake flow of WF1, the interval angle between two adjacent pictures being 32.4°.

    Figure  12.  Contour of pressure at the cross section of x=0, the color bar with the unit of kPa, and the interval angle between two adjacent pictures being 32.4° for each case.

    Figure  13.  Volume variation of the cavity with respect to time.

    Figure  14.  Iso-surface for constant value of Q-criterion (Q=10000 s−2) in three wake flows.

    Figure  15.  Contour of velocity distribution with the streamlines (black solid lines) at the cross section of x=0, and blue dash lines being used to confine the outer region for analytical convenience.

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