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Study on the Overload and Dwell-Fatigue Property of Titanium Alloy in Manned Deep Submersible

WANG Ke WU Li LI Yong-zheng SUN Xiao-peng

WANG Ke, WU Li, LI Yong-zheng, SUN Xiao-peng. Study on the Overload and Dwell-Fatigue Property of Titanium Alloy in Manned Deep Submersible[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2020, 34(5): 738-745. doi: 10.1007/s13344-020-0067-8
Citation: WANG Ke, WU Li, LI Yong-zheng, SUN Xiao-peng. Study on the Overload and Dwell-Fatigue Property of Titanium Alloy in Manned Deep Submersible[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2020, 34(5): 738-745. doi: 10.1007/s13344-020-0067-8

Study on the Overload and Dwell-Fatigue Property of Titanium Alloy in Manned Deep Submersible

doi: 10.1007/s13344-020-0067-8
More Information
  • Figure  1.  Tensile test specimen geometry (unit: mm).

    Figure  2.  Schematic with CT sample sizes (unit: mm).

    Figure  3.  Constant load spectrum of fatigue and dwell fatigue.

    Figure  4.  Overload dwell-fatigue load.

    Figure  5.  Test instrumentations.

    Figure  6.  aN curves under constant amplitude loading.

    Figure  7.  Fatigue crack growth rates under constant amplitude loading.

    Figure  8.  Fatigue crack growth under different dwell time and OLRs.

    Figure  9.  Comparison between the prediction and experiments under constant amplitude loading.

    Figure  10.  Crack growth rate with OLR=1.2.

    Figure  11.  Crack growth rate with OLR=1.5.

    Table  1.   Chemical composition of Ti-6Al-4V (wt%)

    Ti Al V Fe C N H O
    Base 6.2 4.1 0.12 0.01 0.01 0.002 0.11
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    Table  2.   Tensile properties of Ti-6Al-4V

    No. d (mm) Fm (kN) Yield strength RP0.2 (MPa) Ultimate strength Rm (MPa) Elastic modulus E (MPa) Elongation A(%)
    #1 10 84.83 1032.86 1080.12 131838.18 15.44
    #2 9.98 82.79 1025.45 1058.3 131628.25 7.14
    #3 9.98 83.67 1023.75 1069.57 131404.9 13.46
    Average 9.99 83.76 1027.35 1069.33 131623.78 12.01
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    Table  3.   Fracture toughness test data of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V

    No. #1 #2 #3 Average
    KIC( ${\rm{MPa}}\sqrt {\rm{m}} $) 61.278 62.371 63.277 62.278
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    Table  4.   Experimental results of transient zone size (mm)

    Fatigue type Overload ratio
    OLR=1.2 OLR=1.5
    Without dwell time 0.325 0.795
    Dwell time=10 s 0.617 0.945
    Dwell time=60 s 0.752 1.238
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    Table  5.   Model parameters

    Parameter Value Parameter Value Parameter Value
    ${A_1}$ $\left({{\rm{MPa}}{^{ - {m_1}}}{{\rm{m}}^{1 - {m_1}/2}}} \right)$ 5×10−9 ${{\textit{σ}} _{\rm{u}}}$(MPa) 1069 k (m−1) 20874
    ${A_2}$ $\left({{\rm{MPa}}{^{ - {m_2}}}{{\rm{m}}^{1 - {m_2}/2}}{{\rm{s}}^{ - 1}}} \right)$ 2.2×10−12 ${n_1}$ 6 $n$ 14.96
    $\Delta {K_{{\rm{thR}}}}$ $\left({{\rm{MPa}}\sqrt {\rm{m}} } \right)$ 5.6 ${n_2}$ 9 $B$ 4.79×10−53
    $\Delta {K_{{\rm{th - s}}}}$ $\left({{\rm{MPa}}\sqrt {\rm{m}} } \right)$ 1.1 ${m_1}$ 3.62 $E$(MPa) 131624
    ${K_{\rm{C}}}$ $\left({{\rm{MPa}}\sqrt {\rm{m}} } \right)$ 62.278 ${m_2}$ 2 $In$ 3.7925
    ${{\textit{σ}} _{\rm{y}}}$(MPa) 1027 R 0.03 ${F_{{\rm{cr}}}}_{\left({\textit{θ}} \right)}$ 0.3985
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    Table  6.   Experimental results and predicted results of transient zone size

    Fatigue type Overload ratio Experiment (mm) Prediction (mm) Error (%)
    Without dwell time OLR=1.2 0.325 0.608 46.54
    OLR=1.5 0.795 0.863 7.87
    Dwell time =10 s OLR=1.2 0.617 0.633 2.52
    OLR=1.5 0.945 1.091 13.38
    Dwell time=60 s OLR=1.2 0.752 0.794 5.29
    OLR=1.5 1.238 1.043 18.69
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  • 收稿日期:  2019-11-05
  • 修回日期:  2020-06-11
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