Enhancement of electron–positron pairs in combined potential wells with linear chirp frequency
doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ac744b
Abstract: Effect of linear chirp frequency on the process of electron–positron pairs production from vacuum is investigated by the computational quantum field theory. With appropriate chirp parameters, the number of electrons created under combined potential wells can be increased by two or three times. In the low frequency region, frequency modulation excites interference effect and multiphoton processes, which promotes the generation of electron–positron pairs. In the high frequency region, high frequency suppression inhibits the generation of electron–positron pairs. In addition, for a single potential well, the number of created electron–positron pairs can be enhanced by several orders of magnitude in the low frequency region.
1. Contour profile plot of the space-time structure for combined potential wells, i.e., (a) for the oscillating potential well, (b) for the static potential well. The fundamental frequency is set to ω 0 = 0.5 c 2. The chirp parameter is set to b = 0.0067 c 4, where t 1 = 20 π/ c 2 a.u. The space size is set to L = 2. Other parameters are set to V 1 = V 2 = 1.5 c 2, W = 0.3 λ e, D = 10 λ e, λ e = 1/ c, and t 0 = 5/ c 2 a.u.
2. Number of created electrons as a function of chirp parameter b for ω 0 = 1.0 c 2. Other parameters are the same as in Fig. 1.
3. (a) The number of created electrons as a function of time and (b) energy spectrum of created electrons for b = 0 (the black dashed curve), 0.008 c 4 (the red dotted curve), 0.019 c 4 (the blue solid curve), and 0.030 c 4 (the green dotted and dashed curve). The fundamental frequency is set to ω 0 = 1.0 c 2. Other parameters are the same as in Fig. 1.
4. The probability density of created electrons for b = 0 (the black solid curve), 0.0056 c 4 (the red dotted and dashed curve), 0.0087 c 4 (the blue dotted curve). The fundamental frequency is set to ω 0 = 1.0 c 2. Other parameters are the same as in Fig. 1.
5. Energy spectrum of created electrons under the fixed frequency (the black dotted curve) with ω 0 = 1.9 c 2, b = 0 and frequency modulation (the red solid curve) with ω 0 = 1.9 c 2, b = 0.0016 c 4. Other parameters are the same as in Fig. 1.
6. Number of created electrons as a function of chirp parameter b for ω 0 = 0.5 c 2 (the black dotted curve), 1.5 c 2 (the red dotted and dashed curve), 1.9 c 2 (the blue dashed curve), and 2.0 c 2 (the green solid curve). Other parameters are the same as in Fig. 1.
7. Number of created electrons varying with fundamental frequency ω 0 for b = 0. Other parameters are the same as in Fig. 1.
9. Number of created electrons as a function of chirp parameter b for ω 0 = 0.1 c 2 (the black dotted curve), 0.5 c 2 (the red dotted and dashed curve), 1.5 c 2 (the blue dashed curve), and 2.0 c 2 (the green solid curve). The potential well depths are set to V 1 = 0, V 2 = 1.5 c 2. Other parameters are the same as in Fig. 1.
10. The contour plot of the final number varying with fundamental frequency ω 0 and chirp parameter b for (a) a single oscillating potential well with V 1 = 0, V 2 = 1.5 c 2, (b) combined potential wells with V 1 = V 2 = 1.5 c 2. Other parameters are the same as in Fig. 1.
Table 1.. The maximum, the minimum number of created electrons and the ratio between them for different fundamental frequencies.
ω 0/ c 2 N min( b = 0) N max R ( N max/ N min) 0.1 1.87 4.58 ( b = 0.029 c 4) 2.45 0.2 1.85 4.69 ( b = 0.027 c 4) 2.54 0.5 1.77 4.76 ( b = 0.025 c 4) 2.69 1.0 2.30 5.13 ( b = 0.019 c 4) 2.23 1.5 4.18 5.39 ( b = 0.013 c 4) 1.29 1.9 5.42 5.65 ( b = 0.001 c 4) 1.04 -
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