Transformation relation between coherence and entanglement for two-qubit states
doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ac7454
Abstract: Entanglement and coherence are two important resources in quantum information theory. A question naturally arises: Is there some connection between them? We prove that the entanglement of formation and the first-order coherence of two-qubit states satisfy an inequality relation. Two-qubit pure state reaches the upper bound of this inequality. A large number of randomly generated states are used to intuitively verify the complementarity between the entanglement of formation and the first-order coherence. We give the maximum accessible coherence of two-qubit states. Our research results will provide a reliable theoretical basis for conversion of the two quantum resources.
Key words:
- entanglement /
- coherence /
- first-order coherence /
- entanglement of formation
1. The regional map of entanglement of formation ( E) versus the first-order coherence ( C) in binary entropy for arbitrary two-qubit states. The upper bounds (purple line) are denoted by E + C = 1. The figure plots the entanglement of formation ( E) along the y-axis, and the C along the x-axis, for 50000 randomly generated two-qubit states.
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