The coupled deep neural networks for coupling of the Stokes and Darcy–Forchheimer problems
doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ac7554
Abstract: We present an efficient deep learning method called coupled deep neural networks (CDNNs) for coupling of the Stokes and Darcy–Forchheimer problems. Our method compiles the interface conditions of the coupled problems into the networks properly and can be served as an efficient alternative to the complex coupled problems. To impose energy conservation constraints, the CDNNs utilize simple fully connected layers and a custom loss function to perform the model training process as well as the physical property of the exact solution. The approach can be beneficial for the following reasons: Firstly, we sample randomly and only input spatial coordinates without being restricted by the nature of samples. Secondly, our method is meshfree, which makes it more efficient than the traditional methods. Finally, the method is parallel and can solve multiple variables independently at the same time. We present the theoretical results to guarantee the convergence of the loss function and the convergence of the neural networks to the exact solution. Some numerical experiments are performed and discussed to demonstrate performance of the proposed method.
Table 1.. The relative errors of Test 1.
400 sampled points 1 layer U S P S U D P D err L 1 2.49 × 10 0 9.15 × 10 0 8.72 × 10 0 2.74 × 10 −1 err L 2 4.84 × 10 0 9.42 × 10 0 1.94 × 10 0 2.99 × 10 −1 2 layers U S P S U D P D err L 1 4.85 × 10 −1 3.59 × 10 0 9.62 × 10 −2 4.03 × 10 −2 err L 2 9.01 × 10 −1 3.21 × 10 0 2.19 × 10 −1 4.18 × 10 −2 3 layers U S P S U D P D err L 1 5.80 × 10 −3 5.26 × 10 −2 1.01 × 10 −2 3.25 × 10 −3 err L 2 1.09 × 10 −2 4.66 × 10 −2 2.29 × 10 −2 3.38 × 10 −3 Table 2.. The relative errors of Test 2.
400 sampled points 1 layer U S P S U D P D err L 1 1.82 × 10 −2 1.19 × 10 −1 1.57 × 10 −2 1.08 × 10 −2 err L 2 3.66 × 10 −2 1.23 × 10 −1 4.62 × 10 −2 1.11 × 10 −2 2 layers U S P S U D P D err L 1 2.27 × 10 −4 1.74 × 10 −3 1.04 × 10 −4 4.67 × 10 −5 err L 2 4.21 × 10 −4 2.00 × 10 −3 3.18 × 10 −4 5.55 × 10 −5 3 layers U S P S U D P D err L 1 1.65 × 10 −4 1.01 × 10 −3 1.13 × 10 −4 7.69 × 10 −5 err L 2 3.37 × 10 −4 1.50 × 10 −3 3.44 × 10 −4 8.32 × 10 −5 Table 3.. The relative errors of Test 3.
400 sampled points 1 layer U S P S U D P D err L 1 3.59 × 10 −1 5.03 × 10 0 5.52 × 10 −2 7.59 × 10 −2 err L 2 6.79 × 10 −1 5.20 × 10 0 1.73 × 10 −1 7.07 × 10 −2 2 layers U S P S U D P D err L 1 8.42 × 10 −4 9.41 × 10 −3 1.15 × 10 −3 1.32 × 10 −3 err L 2 1.65 × 10 −3 1.05 × 10 −2 3.43 × 10 −3 1.56 × 10 −3 3 layers U S P S U D P D err L 1 1.89 × 10 −4 3.04 × 10 −3 2.97 × 10 −4 6.70 × 10 −5 err L 2 3.65 × 10 −4 3.37 × 10 −3 8.98 × 10 −4 8.40 × 10 −5 Table 4.. The errors in interface of Test 4 ( K = 10000).
400 sampled points Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 3 1 layer 6.49 × 10 −2 9.14 × 10 −2 3.03 × 10 −2 2 layers 3.67 × 10 −5 4.74 × 10 −2 6.27 × 10 −4 3 layers 3.37 × 10 −5 7.53 × 10 −3 1.44 × 10 −5 -
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