Investigation on test technique for hypersonic flow-through model nozzle outlet airflow parameters measurement
摘要: 准确测量内流道出口参数是获得高超声速通气模型内流道气动特性的基础。目前采用的单排测压耙或多排测压耙、固定位置测量的方法不能全面而准确地反映出口流动的实际情况,因此开展了新方法的研究工作。选取一个去除所有安定面和舵面的带进气道升力体布局飞行器模型作为研究对象,开展了试验方法研究:用CFD方法研究相邻静压管之间不同距离以及静压管与气流夹角对测量结果的影响;研制了专用的三自由度压力测量装置;开展了Ma6条件下的风洞试验,获得了喷管出口附近的壁面压力、出口处的静压和皮托压力。试验结果表明:壁面压力和出口静压总体呈两侧高、中间低的趋势;模型壁面温度对重复性精度有较大影响;测压排架与喷管壁面之间的相互干扰对静压测量准度产生影响。Abstract: The accurate measurement of hypersonic flow-through model nozzle outlet airflow parameters is significant for the estimation of the inner flow path aerodynamic characteristics. The presently available test methods are not satisfactory. A new test technique for measuring the outlet parameters is investigated, using a lifting body with air-breathing inlet, but without rudders, elevators and all stabilizers. The interference of two static tubes at different distances and the possible measurement error caused by the angle of airflow and static tube were studied by CFD. And a three degrees of freedom pressure measurement device was developed. The tests at Mach 6 were conducted to measure the nozzle wall pressure, static pressure and pitot pressure of nozzle outlet in Φ1m hypersonic wind tunnel of CARDC. Results indicate that the temperature of the nozzle outlet wall has significant impact on the repeatability of the measurement. When the distance between the nozzle outlet wall and the pressure harrow is less than six times of the static pressure tube diameter, the accuracy of the static pressure measurement would decrease.
Key words:
- inner flow path /
- air-breathing hypersonic vehicle /
- pitot pressure /
- static pressure /
- wind tunnel test
表 1 计算参数和计算条件
Table 1. Computation parameters and conditions
Ma p /Pa T/K V/(m·s-1) 6 1520 60 929 表 2 不同静压管距离时的静压
Table 2. Static pressure at a distance of different times of tube diameter
Distance Single 2d 4d 8d p /Pa 1463 1629 1468 1470 表 3 气流偏角的影响
Table 3. The interference of the angle of airflow and static tube
Angel/(°) 0 1 2 4 p /Pa 1463 1460 1448 1239 表 4 试验参数与试验条件
Table 4. Test parameters and conditions
Ma p0
/m-16 2.0 470 1.267 57.3 31.92 1.86×107 -
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