Research on control method of spraying system in the icing wind tunnel
摘要: 喷雾系统是结冰风洞的核心配套设备,主要用于模拟飞行器穿越云层飞行时的云雾环境。针对该系统结构复杂、控制精度要求高的特点,开展了压力和温度的控制方法研究。通过采用给定水泵转速、预置出入口调节阀开度和闭环调节出口调节阀开度的方法,解决了喷雾耙之间供水压力不一致及相互耦合的问题,实现了宽范围、高精度的供水压力控制。通过在准备阶段循环加热、在试验阶段变参数PID精确调温,实现了供水温度的精确控制。通过采用变比例系数快速PID调压和模糊自适应PID调温的控制策略,解决了供气系统压力和温度耦合及温度大滞后的问题,实现了供气压力和温度的精确控制。试验结果表明,控制方法有效,喷雾系统性能达到技术指标要求。Abstract: Spraying system is the core supporting equipment of the Icing wind tunnel, which is mainly used for simulating aerial environment. The investigation for the precision control method of pressure and temperature was developed, according to the complicated structure and high control accuracy of spraying system. The problem of spray rake pressure inconsistent and mutual coupling were solved, by giving pumps rotating speed, presetting inlet and outlet regulating values opening ratio, and feedback controlling outlet regulating values. Base on which, the high accuracy and wide range control of water pressure were achieved at last. Accurate water temperature control was gained through circular calefaction in seedtime and accurate temperature adjustment using variable parameter PID in test time. The problems of air pressure and temperature mutual coupling and the temperature change time delay were solved, through the method of fuzzy adaptive PID for temperature control and variable proportion coefficient PID for pressure control, and then realized the accurate air supply pressure and temperature control. Experimental results proved that the control algorithm is feasibility, and the performance of the spraying system can satisfy the technical requirements.
Key words:
- wind tunnel /
- spraying /
- water supply /
- air supply /
- control
表 1 供水供气压力控制精度要求
Table 1. Requisite pressure accuracy for water and air supply
Water pressure range/MPa Requisite accuracy/% Air pressure range/MPa Requisite accuracy/% 0.01~0.5 5 0.01~0.5 3 0.5~1.5 3 0.5~1.5 2 表 2 水泵转速设置
Table 2. Setting rotating speed of bump
Water pressure range/MPa Rotating speed of bump/(r·min-1) Number of bump 0.01~0.1 1200 1 0.1~0.2 1500 1 0.2~0.3 2000 1 0.3~0.5 2500 1 0.5~0.8 1500 2 0.8~1.2 2000 2 1.2~1.5 2500 2 -
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