Development and application of the measurement system for thrust vectoring tests at 2.4m×2.4m transonic wind tunnel
摘要: 推力矢量控制(TVC)技术能实现飞行器过失速机动飞行,使飞行器突破失速障、增强机敏性,在改善起降性能、巡航性能等方面具有重要作用。在2.4m跨声速风洞推力矢量试验中,采用3台六分量应变天平和2个独立的空气桥系统来实现飞机模型气动力和2个尾喷管转向喷流推进特性同时分别测量。推力矢量试验模型扁平外形使测力系统的布局及结构设计受到较大限制,狭小的模型内部需布置3台六分量天平、2套独立的空气桥系统及管路、支撑系统、压力测量系统等,采用传统方式无法完成如此复杂的系统设计,更无法完成高压条件下空气桥系统与测力天平的匹配设计。在测力系统的研制中,采用了一体化设计理念和刚度匹配设计方法,结合ANSYS有限元软件较好地解决了系统各部件的布局及结构优化等问题。天平校准结果和风洞试验结果证明测力系统满足推力矢量试验需求。Abstract: The thrust vectoring control (TVC) technology enables aircraft to fly in post-stall maneuver, which is very important for breaking through obstacle stall, enhancing mobility and improving take-off/landing and cruise performance. For TVC test at 2.4m×2.4m transonic wind tunnel, three six-component strain-gauge balances and two separate air systems are applied to respectively measure the performance of the whole model and nozzles at the same time. The thrust vector test model is flat, so that the layout and structure design of the measurement system is constrained. In the small internal model, it is very difficult to set up three six-component balances, two separate air bridge systems and pipeline, a supporting system, a pressure measurement system and so on. The complex system design cannot be realized by traditional methods and neither can the matching design of the air bridge system and the force balance under the condition of high pressure be accomplished. In the development of the measurement system, the integrated design concept and the stiffness matching design method are adopted. Combined with ANSYS finite element software, the layout and structure optimization of each component of the system have been solved. The results of balance calibration and wind tunnel test prove that the measurement system meets the requirement of thrust vector test.
Key words:
- thrust vector /
- wind tunnel balance /
- finite element /
- calibration
表 1 天平设计载荷
Table 1. Design load of balance
名称 Y
/(N·m)全机天平 15000 1000 1200 480 2200 500 推力天平 1200 200 800 50 1200 200 表 2 全机天平计算应变
Table 2. The calculated strain of primary balance
名称 Y Mz X Mx Z My 贴片处应变(×10-6) 445 480 390 270 170 340 表 3 推力天平的计算应变
Table 3. The calculated strain of thrust balance
应变(×10-6) Y Mz X Mx Z My 推力天平 205 560 270 175 207 558 推力天平带空气桥系统 0MPa 204 440 268 141 204 478 1MPa 198 400 267 140 203 442 2MPa 191 370 266 137 201 402 表 4 全机天平校准结果
Table 4. Calibration result of the primary balance
Y Mz X Mx Z My 校准不确定度/% 0.08 0.09 0.11 0.15 0.10 0.12 表 5 推力天平1校准结果
Table 5. Calibration result of the thrust balance 1
校准不确定度/% Y Mz X Mx Z My 推力天平 0.03 0.02 0.06 0.20 0.05 0.05 推力天平带空气桥系统 0MPa 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.90 0.14 0.19 1MPa 0.35 0.30 0.11 1.00 0.20 0.24 2MPa 0.50 0.45 0.11 1.50 0.30 0.30 60g/s 0.32 0.16 0.12 0.91 0.20 0.21 100g/s 0.50 0.22 0.20 1.00 0.23 0.30 200g/s 0.60 0.33 0.27 0.89 0.30 0.34 -
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