Experimental investigation on the effects of vortex generator on corner separation in a high-load compressor cascade
摘要: 涡流发生器能有效控制叶栅通道内的流动分离。为探明涡流发生器对高负荷压气机叶栅角区分离的控制效果,设计了不同周向位置的涡流发生器并进行实验。实验结果表明:涡流发生器通过其产生的尾涡改变通道内的旋涡结构,加强端壁区的低能流体与主流的掺混,抑制角区分离的形成进而达到了改善流动的效果。相对于原型叶栅,在-3°~3°迎角下加入涡流发生器后损失系数降低了5%~14%,气流转折角提高2.49°~3.15°。相对于方案A,涡流发生器远离吸力面0.15倍栅距时,角涡强度增强,气动性能下降;反之,接近吸力面0.15倍栅距时会增加角区额外损失,其流动控制效果较差。Abstract: The vortex generator could effectively reduce corner separation in the compressor cascade. To assess the flow control effects, schemes with different vortex generator's circumference positions were proposed and experimental investigations were performed. The results show that the vortex generator changes the vortices' structure by generating a trailing vortex, which enhances the mixing of the end-wall low momentum flow with the main flow and suppresses the corner separation. After application of VG scheme A, the averaged pressure loss coefficient is reduced by 5%~14% and the averaged flow turning angle increases 2.49°~3.15° with the incidence angle from -3° to 3°. Compared with VG scheme A, if the vortex generator gets 0.15 pitch length farther away from the suction surface then the corner vortex is enhanced and the aerodynamic performance is unsatisfactory; while additional corner loss can emerge and the control effect gets weakened if the vortex generator gets 0.15 pitch length closer to the suction surface.
表 1 叶栅几何参数
Table 1. Geometry parameters of the cascade
Parameters Value Chord length(C)/mm 91 Blade height(L)/mm 150 Pitch(S)/mm 45 Solidity(τ=C/S) 2.02 Aspect ratio(AR=L/C) 1.65 Outlet angle(β2k)/(°) 96.27 Stagger angle(γ)/(°) 25 Camber angle(θ)/(°) 62.81 表 2 原型叶栅和方案A流场参数对比
Table 2. Comparision of flow parameters between baseline and config A
Config Parameters i=-3° i=0° i=3° Baseline Loss 0.365 0.436 0.561 Angle 52.86° 55.16° 57.39° A Loss -14.0% -8.1% -5.0% Angle +2.63° +2.49° +3.15° 表 3 总压损失系数对比
Table 3. Relative magnitude of flow loss coefficient
Config i=-3° i=0° i=3° A 0.341 0.401 0.533 B +26.7% +9.5% +1.1% C +10.8% +9.4% +1.5% 表 4 气流转折角对比
Table 4. Relative magnitude of flow turning angle
Config i=-3° i=0° i=3° A 55.50° 57.65° 60.53° B -0.56° -1.85° -3.03° C -1.17° -1.48° -1.87° -
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