Research on application of Rayleigh scattering velocity measurement in hypersonic low density wind tunnel
摘要: 采用基于法布里-珀罗干涉仪的干涉瑞利散射测速技术在Φ0.3m高超声速低密度风洞中进行了Ma5、Ma6、Ma12的流场速度和湍流度的测量,了解了瑞利散射速度和湍流度测量系统在高超声速流场中应用的情况,结果表明目前该风洞流场湍流度在1%以内,速度测量结果与流场校测偏差最大1.3%;对激波后返回舱模型绕流速度进行了测量,Ma6来流的测量结果与数值模拟结果吻合较好,而Ma12来流的测量结果与数值模拟结果相差69%,对原因进行了分析。在实验中发现目前Φ0.3m高超声速低密度风洞的流场存在一定程度的冷凝现象,并对后续研究工作提出了建议。Abstract: The velocity and turbulence level of Mach 5, 6 and 12 flow fields have been measured in the Φ0.3m hypersonic low density wind tunnel by the Rayleigh scattering principle using a Fabry-Perot interferometer. The application of the Rayleigh scattering measuring system in the velocity measurement of the hypersonic flow field is understood and realized. The turbulence level of the wind tunnel is below 1%, and the maximum deviation between the velocity measurement result and the flow-field calibration is 1.3%. The velocity in the flow field around the re-entry module after the shock wave has also been measured. The experimental result of the Mach 6 incoming flow is in agreement with numerical simulation results, but in the case of the Mach 12 incoming flow the deviation is 69%, and the reason is analyzed. It is found that through the experiment a certain condensation exists in the Φ0.3m hypersonic low density wind tunnel. Further research scheme is suggested.
Key words:
- hypersonic /
- wind tunnel /
- Rayleigh scattering /
- velocity measurement
表 1 实验状态
Table 1. Experimental states
序号 喷管名义Ma 介质 总压/MPa 总温/K 1 5 氮气 0.2 288 2 5 氮气 0.2 533 3 6 氮气 0.31 288 4 6 空气 0.34 441 5 12 氮气 5.53 628 -
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