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卫锋 周正 李莉 贺旭照

卫锋, 周正, 李莉, 贺旭照. 曲外锥乘波前体进气道低马赫数段实验研究[J]. 机械工程学报, 2017, 31(6): 1-7. doi: 10.11729/syltlx20170049
引用本文: 卫锋, 周正, 李莉, 贺旭照. 曲外锥乘波前体进气道低马赫数段实验研究[J]. 机械工程学报, 2017, 31(6): 1-7. doi: 10.11729/syltlx20170049
Wei Feng, Zhou Zheng, Li Li, He Xuzhao. Experimental studies of Curved Cone Waverider forebody Inlet(CCWI) at low Mach number range[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2017, 31(6): 1-7. doi: 10.11729/syltlx20170049
Citation: Wei Feng, Zhou Zheng, Li Li, He Xuzhao. Experimental studies of Curved Cone Waverider forebody Inlet(CCWI) at low Mach number range[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2017, 31(6): 1-7. doi: 10.11729/syltlx20170049


doi: 10.11729/syltlx20170049

国家自然科学基金 51376192


    卫锋(1987-), 男, 四川绵阳人, 硕士, 助理研究员。研究方向:高超声速气动布局及内外流一体化技术。通信地址:四川省绵阳市二环路南段6号19信箱01分箱(621000)。E-mail:wf_nudt@hotmail.com


    贺旭照, E-mail: hexuzhao@sina.com

  • 中图分类号: V235.213

Experimental studies of Curved Cone Waverider forebody Inlet(CCWI) at low Mach number range

  • 摘要: 为了研究新型一体化曲外锥乘波前体进气道在低马赫数端的自起动、抗反压特性及侧滑对性能的影响,基于几何约束及钝度修型的实用化风洞实验模型,采用进气道节流系统,在来流马赫数3.0、3.5和4.0,迎角-4°~6°范围内,不同堵锥位置状态下获得了一体化曲外锥乘波前体进气道的表面压力分布及流场高清纹影。实验结果表明,实验模型在来流马赫数3.5和4.0时具备自起动能力;在0°迎角,来流马赫数3.5和4.0,最大抗反压能力分别约为24和33倍来流压力;侧滑角对一体化曲外锥乘波前体进气道的流量捕获和流动压缩性能影响相对较弱。曲外锥乘波前体进气道具有同超燃冲压燃烧室、高超声速飞行器进行一体化设计的特性。


  • 图  实验模型三维视图

    Figure  1.  Three dimensional view of the geometrically constrained experimental model

    图  实验系统示意图

    Figure  2.  Schematic map of the experimental systems

    图  CCWI前体进气道在风洞中的实物照片

    Figure  3.  Photograph of the fully assembled CCWI model in the SITWT's test section

    图  CCWI实验模型三视图和测点分布

    Figure  4.  Three views of the CCWI experimental model

    图  实验模型机体侧对称面压力分布(Ma=4.0, 迎角0°)

    Figure  5.  Static pressure distributions on bodyside's symmetric wall at different throttling positions at Ma=4.0, AOA= 0°

    图  Ma=4.0、迎角0°时,不起动和自起动纹影照片和动态压力测点信号图

    Figure  6.  Unstart and restart schlieren maps at Ma=4.0, AOA= 0° and dynamic pressure distribution during CCWI's restarting

    图  Ma=3.5、迎角0°时,不起动和自起动纹影照片和动态压力测点信号图

    Figure  7.  Unstart and restart schlieren maps at Ma=3.5, AOA=0° and dynamic pressure distribution during CCWI's restarting

    图  Ma=3.0、迎角0°时,不起动纹影照片和动态压力测点信号图

    Figure  8.  Unstart schlieren maps and dynamic pressure distribution at Ma=3.0, AOA =0°

    图  起动和不起动状态的动态压力信号功率谱分布图

    Figure  9.  Spectra of dynamic pressure signals during start, unstart at Ma= 4.0 and unstart at Ma=3.0, AOA= 0°

    图  10  起动不起动状态的流量系数

    Figure  10.  Mass flux ratio under start and unstart conditions

    图  11  机体侧对称面压力分布(Ma=4.0、迎角6°)

    Figure  11.  Static pressure distribution on bodyside's symmetric wall at Ma=4.0, AOA= 6° as throttling cone moving forward

    图  12  不同来流马赫数和迎角下的最大抗反压能力

    Figure  12.  Maximum backpressure ratio at different Ma and AOA

    图  13  不同侧滑角条件下的对称面压力分布

    Figure  13.  Static pressure distribution on symmetric wall at different sideslip angles at Ma=4.0, AOA=0°

    图  14  不同侧滑角条件下的隔离段出口皮托压分布

    Figure  14.  Pitot pressure distributions in isolated exit plane at different sideslip angles at Ma=4.0, AOA=0°

    表  1  风洞自由来流条件

    Table  1.   Wind tunnel freestream flow conditions

    Ma p0/MPa T0/K Re
    4.03 0.63 288 3.09 × 107
    3.53 0.54 288 3.37× 107
    3.01 0.36 288 2.91× 107
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