Progresses in researches on adsorption and migration properties of bentonite colloids and their co-migration with nuclide in repository
摘要: 在阐述高放射性废物深地质处置库内膨润土胶体吸附迁移特性的基础上,总结了胶体与核素的共迁移试验、作用机理和模拟等方面研究成果。结果表明,膨润土胶体的吸附、迁移性受胶体浓度、地下水离子强度和pH影响显著,已有成果难以评价膨润土胶体对核素的吸附能力以及胶体的迁移能力。实验室动态柱试验和原位偶极子流场试验都关注到可移动胶体对核素迁移的促进作用以及过滤胶体对核素迁移的阻滞作用,但缺乏原位远距离胶体和核素共迁移试验成果。膨润土胶体和核素共迁移效果受胶体的吸附-解吸和胶体过滤作用控制,鲜少考虑介质的阻塞作用。双重渗透率模型和双重孔隙介质模型能够模拟特定条件下膨润土胶体和核素的共迁移穿透曲线,但考虑的裂隙系统简单,未考虑核素的竞争吸附效应。最后,提出了试验和理论方面的研究建议。Abstract: On the basis of elaborating the adsorption and migration properties of bentonite colloids in deep geological repository of high-level radioactive waste, a comprehensive review and summary of the co-migration experiments, interaction mechanisms and simulations of bentonite colloids and nuclides are summarized. The results show that the adsorption and mobility of the bentonite colloids are significantly affected by the concentration of the colloids, the ionic strength of groundwater and pH. The existing studies are difficult to evaluate the adsorption capacity of the bentonite colloids for nuclides and the migration capacity of the colloids themselves. The laboratory dynamic column tests and the in-situ dipole flow field tests both focus on the promotion of the mobile colloids and the blocking effects of filter colloids on the migration of the nuclide. There is a lack of examples of the co-migration of long-distance colloids and nuclides. The co-migration effects of the bentonite colloids and nuclides are controlled by the adsorption-desorption effect of the colloids and the filtering effect of the colloids, rarely considering the blocking effect of the medium. The dual permeability model and double-porosity model can simulate the co-migration breakthrough curves of the bentonite colloids and nuclides under specific conditions, but the fracture system considered is simple, and the competitive adsorption effect of the nuclides is not considered. For this reason, some suggestions for further experimental and theoretical researches are put forward.
Key words:
- high-level radioactive waste /
- bentonite colloid /
- adsorption-migration property /
- nuclide /
- co-transport /
- mechanism /
- achievement
表 1 离子强度和pH对共迁移影响
Table 1. Effect of ionic strength and pH on co-migration
核素-胶体 电解质(Ⅰ; pH) 胶体状态 效果 文献 Cs(Ⅰ) DW 稳定、可移动 0.08 促进 文献[29] Cs+BC 1.89 Sr(Ⅱ) NaClO4 50 mM; 9.5 稳定、可移动 72 促进 文献[21] Sr+BC 100 U(Ⅵ) NaCl 1 mM; 7 稳定、可移动 45 促进 文献[16] U+BC 68 Cs(Ⅰ) 碳酸盐微咸水170 mM; 7.6 不稳定 0.03~0.29 促进 文献[30] Cs+BC 0.27~0.31 Ce(Ⅲ) 17~41 阻滞 Ce+BC 0.8~1.4 U(Ⅵ) 39~67 阻滞 U+BC 23~40 Eu(Ⅲ) NaCl 1 mM; 6.5 稳定、可移动 34 促进 文献[17] Eu+BC 78 Eu(Ⅲ) NaCl 10 mM; 6.5 不稳定 68 阻滞 Eu+BC 18 Eu(Ⅲ) NaCl 1 mM; 3.5 不稳定 58 阻滞 Eu+BC 39 试验内容 胶体分数/% 阻滞因子 回收率/% 1单独迁移 I(Ⅰ)-131 0 1 100 Sr(Ⅱ)-85 0 3 87 Am(Ⅲ)-243 6~58 0.88 30 Pu(Ⅳ)-242 5~58 0.87 18 Th(IV)-232 20~30 0.86 — Np(Ⅴ)-237 0~10 1 97 U(Ⅵ)-238 0~12 1 53 2共迁移 I(Ⅰ)-131+BC 0 1 92 Sr(II)-85+BC 0 2.5 88 Am(Ⅲ)-241+BC 99 0.9 55 Pu(IV)-244+BC 84 0.9 77 Th(IV)-232 + BC 94 0.9 55 Np(Ⅴ)-237 + BC 0~1 1 78 U(Ⅵ)-233 + BC 6 1 98 Cs-137+BC 8 0.81;121 70 -
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