Numerical Simulation of Temperature in the Adsorbent Bed in Insolation
摘要: 为了研究在太阳照射下不同时刻吸附床内部温度的变化情况以及不同冷却条件对吸附床温度场的影响,在充分了解太阳辐射强度变化规律的基础上,建立了真空管吸附床的二维导热模型,并采用FLUENT软件对恒壁温冷却和空气自然对流冷却2种边界条件下吸附床内部的温度变化进行数值模拟研究,观察其吸附床内部温度场分布. 模拟结果表明:太阳照射下吸附床内部的温度分布明显是不均匀的;恒壁温冷却和空气自然对流冷却2种边界条件下吸附床内部达到的最大温度差值接近100℃. 因此,可以得出恒壁温的冷却效果远比空气自然对流冷却的效果好;吸附床内温度的不均匀分布将不利于整个吸附床的吸附性能.Abstract: To deeply study the internal temperature changes of the adsorbent bed in insolation, based on the fully understanding of solar radiation variation regularity and the configuration of evacuated tube bed, a two-dimensional model of heat transfer was established. To identify the effect of the internal cooling mode, the temperature field in the adsorbent bed under two cooling conditions was investigated with FLUENT techniques. Results show that the maximum temperature difference for the uniform wall temperature condition and natural convection of the air condition can reach 100℃. Meanwhile, the temperature distribution of the bed presents an obvious non-uniform phenomenon. It can be concluded that the uniform wall temperature condition has an obviously better cooling effect than that of the natural convection of the air condition. In addition, the non-uniform distribution of the temperature in the bed hinders the adsorption cooling performance.
Key words:
- solar radiation /
- adsorption refrigeration /
- cooling mode /
- temperature
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