Identification of CNC Machine Tools’ Geometric Errors Based on Circular Tests
摘要: 为了准确地辨识出三轴立式数控机床的各项几何误差,通过多体系统理论建立了三轴立式数控机床圆运动轨迹数学模型,分析了数控机床圆检验中典型误差对机床圆运动轨迹的影响机理. 考虑多种几何误差对机床圆检验运动轨迹的影响,提出了一种基于最小二乘法和多项式误差模型的几何误差辨识方法,该误差辨识方法可以辨识出三轴立式数控机床的21项几何误差. 数值仿真结果表明:该误差辨识方法具有准确性和可行性.Abstract: To identify the geometric errors of three-axis vertical CNC machine tools, the circular motion trajectories of three-axis vertical machine tools were modeled by using the theory of multi-body system. Based on the numerical simulations of circular motion trajectories, the influence mechanism of the typical geometric errors on the circular motion trajectories was analyzed. Considering the influence of multiple geometric errors on the circular motion trajectory, this paper put forward a geometric errors identification method, which can identify all 21 geometric errors of three-axis vertical machine tools based on the least squares method and polynomial based error modeling. Numerical simulation results demonstrate the accuracy and feasibility of this method.
Key words:
- CNC machine tools /
- circular tests /
- geometric errors identification
表 1 机床xOy平面各项几何误差辨识结果
Table 1. Identification results of kinematic errors inmachine tools’ xOy plane
误差项 系数 给定值 辨识值 系数辨识偏差率/% 误差项辨识偏差率/% dxx1 1×10-4 1×10-4 0 δx(x) dxx2 2×10-8 2×10-8 0 0 dxx3 1×10-12 9.986×10-13 0.14 δy(x) dyx2 2×10-6 1.990×10-6 0.50 0.51 dyx3 1×10-10 9.911×10-11 0.89 Δγx 2×dyx2 4×10-6 4×10-6 0 0.01 3×dyx3 3×10-10 2.973×10-10 1.10 dyy1 1×10-4 9.964×10-5 0.36 δy(y) dyy2 2×10-8 2.035×10-8 1.75 0.32 dyy3 1×10-12 1.023×10-12 2.15 δx(y) dxy2 2×10-6 2×10-6 0 0.01 dxy3 1×10-10 9.733×10-10 2.67 Δγy -2×dxy2 -4×10-6 -4×10-6 0 0 -3×dxy3 -3×10-10 -3×10-10 0 -
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