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曹秀芹 尹伟齐 赵振东

曹秀芹, 尹伟齐, 赵振东. 不同含水率下污泥流变模型的显著性水平分析[J]. 机械工程学报, 2017, 43(1): 150-157. doi: 10.11936/bjutxb2016020015
引用本文: 曹秀芹, 尹伟齐, 赵振东. 不同含水率下污泥流变模型的显著性水平分析[J]. 机械工程学报, 2017, 43(1): 150-157. doi: 10.11936/bjutxb2016020015
CAO Xiuqin, YIN Weiqi, ZHAO Zhendong. Analysis of the Significant Level of Sludge Rheological Models With Different Moisture Contents[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2017, 43(1): 150-157. doi: 10.11936/bjutxb2016020015
Citation: CAO Xiuqin, YIN Weiqi, ZHAO Zhendong. Analysis of the Significant Level of Sludge Rheological Models With Different Moisture Contents[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2017, 43(1): 150-157. doi: 10.11936/bjutxb2016020015


doi: 10.11936/bjutxb2016020015
基金项目: 北京市自然科学基金资助项目(KZ201310016017);北京建筑大学科研基地建设-科技创新平台资助项目(PXM2014014210000057)

    作者简介: 曹秀芹(1965—), 女, 教授, 主要从事废水处理理论技术、污泥及固体废弃物减量与资源化技术方面的研究, E-mail:caoxiuqin@bucea.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: U461;TP308

Analysis of the Significant Level of Sludge Rheological Models With Different Moisture Contents

  • 摘要: 典型的非牛顿流体流变模型有7种,为给出相对最优模型,结合污泥对流变模型进行显著性水平分析. 采用旋转黏度计在20℃时对含水率为93.99%~98.72%的污泥进行流变实验,分析其流变特性,并对这7种流变模型进行拟合和白噪声检验,验证其有效性. 结果表明:在低剪切速率0~150s-1时,含水率对污泥黏度的影响更大. 其中含水率为96.31%~98.72%的污泥表观黏度在0.5Pa·s以下,适合于远距离运输,而含水率93.99%~95.52%的污泥表观黏度偏大,不适合于远距离运输. 含水率为93.99%~95.52%时,两参数模型中,Power-law模型的显著性水平较高,优于其他两参数流变模型;含水率为93.99%~98.72%时,三参数模型中,流变模型Sisko优于H-B模型,四参数模型中,流变模型Carreau优于Cross模型.


  • 图  HAAKE Viscotester-550型旋转黏度计与转子结构

    Figure  1.  Rheological experimental platform of HAAKE Viscotester-550 rotary viscometer and rotor structure

    图  剪切应力随剪切速率的变化

    Figure  2.  Variation of shear stress along with shear rate

    图  黏度随剪切速率的变化

    Figure  3.  Variation of viscosity along with shear rate

    图  Power-law模型的残差序列的自相关与偏自相关函数

    Figure  4.  Autocorrelation function(ACF) and partial autocorrelation function (PACF)of residual Sequence in Power-law model

    图  Power-law模型的残差序列

    Figure  5.  Residual sequence of Power-law model

    表  1  7种非牛顿流体模型及其数学表达式

    Table  1.   Seven non-Newtonian fluid models and their mathematical equations

    流变模型 模型表达式
    Power-law τ=kγn
    Bingham τ=τ0pγ
    Casson τ0.5=τ00.5+μ0.5γ0.5
    H-B τ=τ0+kγn
    Sisko μ=μ+kγn-1
    Cross μ-μμ0-μ=11+(λγ)m
    Carreau μ-μμ0-μ=1(λγ)2]n-12
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    表  2  20℃时Matlab对不同含水率下污泥流变模型的拟合

    Table  2.   Fitting of the rheological models of the sludge with different water contents at 20℃ by Matlab

    模型 含水率/% 流变参数 R2
    Power-law k n
    98.72 0.0199 0.8032 0.8803
    97.90 0.5663 0.3920 0.9792
    97.37 0.5390 0.4609 0.9196
    96.31 1.4650 0.4256 0.9849
    95.52 11.7000 0.2478 0.9891
    93.99 24.3300 0.2678 0.9767
    Bingham τ0 μp
    98.72 0.2887 0.0055 0.9028
    97.90 2.2356 0.0102 0.9639
    97.37 2.6910 0.0159 0.9441
    96.31 6.4850 0.0336 0.9752
    95.52 28.2200 0.0662 0.9378
    93.99 62.9400 0.1635 0.9214
    Casson τ0 μ
    98.72 0.0681 0.0043 0.8913
    97.90 1.3972 0.0042 0.9841
    97.37 1.5090 0.0075 0.9425
    96.31 3.8350 0.0149 0.9916
    95.52 21.2410 0.0182 0.9825
    93.99 46.1700 0.0483 0.9644
    H-B τ0 k n
    98.72 0.4670 0.0009 1.3066 0.9114
    97.90 1.1542 0.1605 0.5703 0.9846
    97.37 2.4070 0.0322 0.8865 0.9454
    96.31 3.6350 0.3675 0.6249 0.9922
    95.52 12.9500 4.0150 0.3807 0.9933
    93.99 14.9300 15.2500 0.3248 0.9778
    Sisko k μ n
    98.72 0.3329 0.0042 0.0871 0.9588
    97.90 0.5411 0.0068 0.2786 0.9957
    97.37 1.3510 0.0085 0.2191 0.9957
    96.31 1.9270 0.0089 0.3771 0.9909
    95.52 13.1500 0.0492 0.1208 0.9993
    93.99 37.2800 0.1046 0.1244 0.9990
    Cross μ0 μ λ m
    98.72 0.1718 0.0058 0.2756 1.1070 0.9594
    97.90 0.2005 0.0123 0.0501 1.2889 0.9961
    97.37 0.9529 0.0138 0.3382 0.9638 0.9964
    96.31 0.7860 0.0385 0.0768 1.1890 0.9974
    95.52 5.3630 0.0822 0.1410 1.1090 0.9990
    93.99 11.9500 0.1755 0.1585 1.0716 0.9995
    Carreau μ0 μ λ n
    98.72 0.1490 0.0043 0.3637 0.0549 0.9587
    97.90 0.1777 0.0097 0.0707 0.0060 0.9976
    97.37 0.5138 0.0119 0.2317 0.1304 0.9962
    96.31 0.6388 0.0326 0.0951 0.0263 0.9983
    95.52 3.7100 0.0655 0.1362 0.0251 0.9994
    93.99 7.9150 0.1396 0.1453 0.0552 0.9998
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    表  3  Power-law模型残差序列的白噪声检验

    Table  3.   White noise test of Power-law model residual series

    延迟阶数 指标 延迟阶数 指标
    Q-Stat Prob Q-Stat Prob
    1 2.33 0.13 13 7.55 0.87
    2 3.94 0.14 14 8.93 0.84
    3 4.96 0.17 15 9.55 0.86
    4 5.93 0.21 16 10.22 0.89
    5 6.59 0.25 17 10.25 0.90
    6 6.97 0.32 18 10.81 0.89
    7 7.25 0.40 19 11.69 0.90
    8 7.37 0.50 20 12.07 0.89
    9 7.38 0.60 21 12.83 0.91
    10 7.40 0.69 22 13.89 0.90
    11 7.47 0.76 23 14.85 0.90
    12 7.53 0.82 24 15.72 0.89
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    表  4  含水率93.99%下不同流变模型的AIC与SBC值

    Table  4.   AIC and SBC values of different rheological models with the moisture content of 93.99%

    模型 参数个数 AIC SBC
    Power-law 125.37 137.40
    Bingham 2 193.35 205.38
    Casson 149.83 161.86
    Sisko 3 -214.54 -208.52
    H-B 123.77 131.80
    Cross 4 -429.13 -421.42
    Carreau -472.13 -478.13
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