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林树潮 唐贞云 黄立 郭珺 李振宝

林树潮, 唐贞云, 黄立, 郭珺, 李振宝. 振动台再现误差对试件响应的影响及修正方法[J]. 机械工程学报, 2017, 43(1): 118-126. doi: 10.11936/bjutxb2016040073
引用本文: 林树潮, 唐贞云, 黄立, 郭珺, 李振宝. 振动台再现误差对试件响应的影响及修正方法[J]. 机械工程学报, 2017, 43(1): 118-126. doi: 10.11936/bjutxb2016040073
LIN Shuchao, TANG Zhenyun, HUANG Li, GUO Jun, LI Zhenbao. Effect of Shaking Table Errors on Specimen Response and Its Correction Measures[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2017, 43(1): 118-126. doi: 10.11936/bjutxb2016040073
Citation: LIN Shuchao, TANG Zhenyun, HUANG Li, GUO Jun, LI Zhenbao. Effect of Shaking Table Errors on Specimen Response and Its Correction Measures[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2017, 43(1): 118-126. doi: 10.11936/bjutxb2016040073


doi: 10.11936/bjutxb2016040073
基金项目: 教育部留学归国资助项目(Q0004014201501)

    作者简介: 林树潮(1983—), 男, 博士研究生, 主要从事结构与工程抗震方面的研究, E-mail:945328799@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: TU317

Effect of Shaking Table Errors on Specimen Response and Its Correction Measures

  • 摘要: 为了改善振动台控制精度问题,获取准确的结构响应,首先就振动台特性对结构响应的影响进行了分析,而后基于振动台输入输出响应,提出了实测结构响应修正方法. 试验结果证明:修正方法较好地补偿了振动台误差的影响,修正后的试件响应能代表试件在期望地震动作用下的试件真实响应,因此,该修正方法能提高结构响应精度.


  • 图  振动台控制系统框图

    Figure  1.  Block diagram of shaking table control system

    图  不同负载下振动台传递函数

    Figure  2.  Transfer functions of shaking table with different specimens

    图  考虑振动台误差前后试件加速度响应对比

    Figure  3.  Comparison of acceleration with and without the consideration of shaking tabledynamics

    图  选用地震动傅里叶谱

    Figure  4.  Fourier spectrum of the selected ground motions

    图  振动台误差对原型试验反应谱的影响(Ms=0.5Mt)

    Figure  5.  Effect of shaking table errors on the response spectrum of prototype specimen when Ms=0.5Mt

    图  振动台误差对原型试验反应谱的影响(Ms=1.5Mt)

    Figure  6.  Effect of shaking table errors on the response spectrum of prototype specimen when Ms=1.5Mt

    图  振动台误差对缩尺试验反应谱的影响(Ms=1.5Mt)

    Figure  7.  Effect of shaking table errors on the response spectrum of scaled specimen when Ms=1.5Mt

    图  振动台误差对非线性结构试验反应谱的影响(Ms=1.5Mt)

    Figure  8.  Effect of shaking table errors on the response spectrum of nonlinear specimen when Ms=1.5Mt

    图  振动台试验流程

    Figure  9.  Overall process of a shaking table test

    图  10  振动台再现误差修正流程

    Figure  10.  Overall process of correction measures for shaking table errors

    图  11  试验照片

    Figure  11.  Photos in the testing

    图  12  振动台台面响应对比

    Figure  12.  Comparison of the shaking table response

    图  13  修正前后试件响应对比(Ms/Mt=0.7)

    Figure  13.  Comparison of the specimen response before and after correction when Ms/Mt=0.7

    图  14  修正前后试件响应对比(Ms/Mt=1.6)

    Figure  14.  Comparison of the specimen response before and after correction when Ms/Mt=1.6

    图  15  修正前后结构响应误差绝对值

    Figure  15.  Absolute errors of structural response before and after correction

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  • 收稿日期:  2016-04-22
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