Road Performance and Antifreeze Property of Antifreeze Micro-surfacing Asphalt Mixture
摘要: 为延迟路表积雪结冰、消除路面冻结,基于等体积置换法,设计了抗冻型微表处沥青混合料. 采用肯塔堡飞散试验、负荷轮黏砂试验、湿轮磨耗试验、表面构造深度测试和电导率试验等方法,研究了集料置换和填料置换2种类型微表处沥青混合料的路用性能与抗冻能力. 研究结果表明:盐化物的加入导致微表处沥青混合料湿轮磨耗值升高,轮辙变形率增加,表面构造深度降低. 填料置换型的抗冻微表处沥青混合料综合路用性能优于集料置换型微表处沥青混合料. 在实际使用过程中,混合料类型、盐化物质量分数、环境温度、使用时间等因素均会对抗冻型微表处沥青混合料的抗冻性能造成影响.Abstract: To delay the snow or ice forming on road pavement, as well as to prevent the pavement-ice bonded layer, antifreeze micro-surfacing asphalt mixtures were designed based on the volume displacement method. Two types of asphalt mixture replaced with aggregate-salt and filler-salt were investigated by Cantabro test, loading wheel test, abrasion test, texture depth test, and conductivity test respectively. Results indicate that the abrasion test value increase by the addition of salt, meanwhile, the rutting ratio increases and the texture depth of the surface is reduced. It is suggested that the engineering performance of micro-surfacing containing filler-salt is better than that of containing aggregate-salt. In actual application, the mixture’s type, salt content, environmental temperature and service time have great impacts on the antifreeze performance of antifreeze micro-surfacing asphalt mixtures.
Key words:
- antifreeze property /
- micro-surfacing /
- road performance /
- salt /
- antifreeze asphalt mixture
表 1 SBS改性乳化沥青技术指标
Table 1. Technical indexes of SBS modified emulsified asphalt
试验项目 试验结果 技术要求 试验方法 软化点(蒸发残留物)/℃ 58.5 ≥57 T 0606 针入度(100g, 25℃,5s)(蒸发残留物)/0.1mm 62.5 40~ 100 T 0604 延度(5℃ )(蒸发残留物)/cm 38.4 ≥20 T 0605 1d储存稳定性/% 0.8 ≤1 T 0655 表 2 粗集料主要技术性质
Table 2. Technical index of coarse aggregates%
试验项目 试验结果 标准要求 压碎值 15.5 ≤26 洛杉矶磨耗值 16.9 ≤28 坚固性 1.5 ≤12 表 3 细集料主要技术性质
Table 3. Technical index of fine aggregates
试验项目 试验结果 标准要求 细集料砂当量/% 92.8 ≥65 矿粉的表观密度/(g·cm-3) 2.765 ≥2.45 矿粉含水量/% 0.15 ≤1 -
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