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赵锋 徐志明 吴其华 艾小锋

赵锋, 徐志明, 吴其华, 等. 中段弹道目标分离过程动态散射特性分析[J]. 雷达学报, 2021, 10(3): 360–369. doi: 10.12000/JR21047
引用本文: 赵锋, 徐志明, 吴其华, 等. 中段弹道目标分离过程动态散射特性分析[J]. 雷达学报, 2021, 10(3): 360–369. doi: 10.12000/JR21047
ZHAO Feng, XU Zhiming, WU Qihua, et al. Dynamic scattering analysis of midcourse ballistic targets with separation movements[J]. Journal of Radars, 2021, 10(3): 360–369. doi: 10.12000/JR21047
Citation: ZHAO Feng, XU Zhiming, WU Qihua, et al. Dynamic scattering analysis of midcourse ballistic targets with separation movements[J]. Journal of Radars, 2021, 10(3): 360–369. doi: 10.12000/JR21047


doi: 10.12000/JR21047
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(62071475, 61890541, 61890542, 62001481)

    赵 锋(1978–),男,江苏南京人,教授。主要研究方向为电子信息系统仿真建模评估





    赵锋 zhfbee@tom.com

    徐志明 zhimingxu@nudt.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TN955

Dynamic Scattering Analysis of Midcourse Ballistic Targets with Separation Movements

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (62071475, 61890541, 61890542, 62001481)
  • 摘要: 中段弹道目标会发生释放弹头、抛洒诱饵等多种形式的目标分离事件。在目标分离的前期,多目标之间距离较近,存在电磁耦合现象,诱发目标雷达散射截面积、极化等维度的电磁特征变化。准确地捕获这些变化就能辅助雷达进行资源调度,提高预警雷达对弹道目标的跟踪和识别能力。该文对中段弹道目标3种分离方式的动态散射特性进行了深入分析,在此基础上提出了可以判断目标分离事件发生的特征量,促进弹道目标行为辨识的发展。


  • 图  中段弹道目标动态分离过程示意图

    Figure  1.  Diagram of dynamic separation movement for mid-course ballistic targets

    图  中段弹道目标结构示意图

    Figure  2.  Structure of mid-course ballistic targets

    图  锥柱组合体目标3种分离方式示意图(纸面代表图2中的xOz平面)

    Figure  3.  Three types of separation movements for cone-cylinder-shaped ballistic targets (xOz plane in Fig. 2 coincides with the paper)

    图  锥柱组合体分离方式A动态RCS分布

    Figure  4.  Dynamic RCS distribution of cone-cylinder-shaped targets with separation movement A

    图  锥柱组合体分离方式B动态RCS分布

    Figure  5.  Dynamic RCS distribution of cone-cylinder-shaped targets with separation movement B

    图  锥柱组合体分离方式C动态RCS分布

    Figure  6.  Dynamic RCS distribution of cone-cylinder-shaped targets with separation movement C

    图  锥柱组合体RCS均值随着目标分离的变化

    Figure  7.  Mean variation of RCS for cone-cylinder-shaped targets with separation movements

    图  锥柱组合体极化比(SHH/SVH)随着目标分离的变化

    Figure  8.  Polarization ratio variation of cone-cylinder-shaped targets with separation movements

    图  锥柱组合体特征角随着目标分离的变化

    Figure  9.  Characterization angle variation of cone-cylinder-shaped targets with separation movements

    图  10  锥柱组合体对称角随着目标分离的变化

    Figure  10.  Symmetry angle variation of cone-cylinder-shaped targets with separation movement

    图  11  锥柱组合体RCS随着目标分离的变化(θ=15°)

    Figure  11.  RCS variation of cone-cylinder-shaped targets with separation movements (θ=15°)

    图  12  锥柱组合体极化比随着目标分离的变化(θ=15°)

    Figure  12.  Polarization ratio variation of cone-cylinder-shaped targets with separation movements (θ=15°)

    图  13  锥柱组合体特征角随着目标分离的变化(θ=15°)

    Figure  13.  Characterization angle variation of cone-cylinder-shaped targets with separation movements (θ=15°)

    图  14  锥柱组合体对称角随着目标分离的变化(θ=15°)

    Figure  14.  Symmetry angle variation of cone-cylinder-shaped targets with separation movements (θ=15°)

    表  1  空间目标分离事件特征的定量化表征

    Table  1.   Separation accident features characterization for space targets

    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  不同分离方式之间的隔离度

    Table  2.   Isolation measurement between separation movements characterization features

    组合A, BA, CB, C
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