Dynamic Scattering Analysis of Midcourse Ballistic Targets with Separation Movements
摘要: 中段弹道目标会发生释放弹头、抛洒诱饵等多种形式的目标分离事件。在目标分离的前期,多目标之间距离较近,存在电磁耦合现象,诱发目标雷达散射截面积、极化等维度的电磁特征变化。准确地捕获这些变化就能辅助雷达进行资源调度,提高预警雷达对弹道目标的跟踪和识别能力。该文对中段弹道目标3种分离方式的动态散射特性进行了深入分析,在此基础上提出了可以判断目标分离事件发生的特征量,促进弹道目标行为辨识的发展。Abstract: In the midcourse trajectory of ballistic targets, warhead releasing and decoy throwing are two of the several types of target separation events. In the early stages, multiple targets are close to each other, and coupling scattering usually leads to variations in the radar cross section and polarization. If these variation features are investigated clearly, the tracking and recognition ability of an early warning radar will improve for ballistic targets. In this study, dynamic scattering of ballistic targets with three types of separation movements is analyzed; and several separation features that promote the action recognition development of midcourse ballistic targets are proposed.
Key words:
- Ballistic targets /
- Target separation /
- Multiple targets /
- Feature extraction
表 1 空间目标分离事件特征的定量化表征
Table 1. Separation accident features characterization for space targets
特征值 RCS 极化比 特征角 对称角 A B C A B C A B C A B C 均值 –10.12 –6.25 –9.01 59.81 63.12 21.93 36.42 34.68 36.98 0 0 –0.18 极差 15.63 25.88 27.08 33.24 30.54 44.10 29.69 41.71 41.37 0 1.55 45.25 标准差 3.26 4.78 4.14 5.86 6.21 6.67 6.77 10.33 8.09 0 0.11 3.82 变异系数 –0.32 –0.76 –0.46 0.10 0.10 0.30 0.19 0.30 0.22 –2.77 14.51 –21.75 平滑度 0.91 0.96 0.94 0.97 0.97 0.98 0.98 0.99 0.98 0 0.011 0.94 偏度系数 –0.63 1.09 1.69 0.36 0.69 0.33 –1.29 –1.07 –1.56 –6.17 14.06 –3.85 峰度系数 2.97 4.55 8.27 3.03 3.04 4.64 4.21 3.11 5.58 48.68 198.81 32.27 表 2 不同分离方式之间的隔离度
Table 2. Isolation measurement between separation movements characterization features
组合 A, B A, C B, C RCS隔离度 0.3346 0.2882 0.1437 极化比隔离度 0.0566 0.5917 0.6445 特征角隔离度 0.1977 0.1553 0.0708 对称角隔离度 0.2347 0.9362 0.9893 -
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