Calculation and analysis of temperature distribution of single expansion after⁃body based on conjugate heat transfer
基于共轭传热数值计算方法,对某高隐身无人机(UAV)单边膨胀后体喷流作用下的壁面温度分布进行研究,利用薄壁型网格解决了面积大且厚度薄的蒙皮、侧板结构导致的网格量过大的问题,构建精度较高的计算模型,并完成相关计算分析,主要结论如下:传统的单一流体计算虽然可以得到相似的温度分布,但得到的温度值偏高,最大可相差50 K以上;共轭传热计算可以得到更为符合实际的结果,并且可以得到结构内部温度梯度的分布,为热应力分析及结构设计提供指导;对比相同流动条件下不同金属材料的影响,某耐高温合金的壁面温度极值比金属钢高约30 K,且其上、下壁面的温差更大,梯度更高,两材料纵向肋板位置温度梯度极值分别为120 K/cm和65 K/cm。 Abstract: Based on the conjugate heat transfer numerical simulation method,the wall temperature distribution of single expansion after⁃body of a high stealth unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was studied.The problem of excessive mesh caused by large area and thin thickness of skin and side plate structure was solved by using thin⁃walled layer mesh.A high⁃precision calculation model was constructed,and the relevant calculation and analysis was completed.The main conclusions were made as follows:although the traditional single fluid calculation can obtain similar temperature distribution,the temperature value was much higher,and the maximum difference can be more than 50 K;the results of conjugate heat transfer calculation were more practical,and could furthermore obtain the temperature gradient distribution in the structure,providing a guidance for thermal stress analysis and structural design;comparing the effects of different metal materials under the same flow conditions,the wall temperature extreme value of a high temperature resistant alloy was about 30 K higher than that of metal steel,and the temperature difference between the upper and lower walls was larger and the gradient was higher.The temperature gradient extreme values of longitudinal ribs of the two materials were 120 K/cm and 65 K/cm,respectively.-
Key words:
- conjugate heat transfer /
- jet flow /
- single expansion /
- nozzle duct /
- after⁃body /
- unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
表1 网格参数及说明
表1. Mesh parameters and description
参数 数值及说明 网格1 网格2 网格3 网格4 流体网格数/万 455 666 672 912 固体网格数/万 79 115 189 360 网格总数/万 534 781 861 1 272 流体网格粗细 较粗 中间 中间 较细 薄壁网格层数 3 3 5 7 -
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