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黄平 卜雪琴 林贵平 郁嘉

黄平,卜雪琴,林贵平,等.冰晶粒子运动过程中的相变特性[J].航空动力学报,2022,37(7):1379‑1391. doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20210484
引用本文: 黄平,卜雪琴,林贵平,等.冰晶粒子运动过程中的相变特性[J].航空动力学报,2022,37(7):1379‑1391. doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20210484
HUANG Ping,BU Xueqin,LIN Guiping,et al.Phase transition characteristics of ice crystal particles in motion[J].Journal of Aerospace Power,2022,37(7):1379‑1391. doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20210484
Citation: HUANG Ping,BU Xueqin,LIN Guiping,et al.Phase transition characteristics of ice crystal particles in motion[J].Journal of Aerospace Power,2022,37(7):1379‑1391. doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20210484


doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20210484

结冰与防除冰重点实验室开放课题 IADL20210102

国家重点研发计划 2021YFB2601700






  • 中图分类号: V233.94

Phase transition characteristics of ice crystal particles in motion

  • 摘要: 针对冰晶在温暖环境下运动时固液汽耦合的相变现象,基于欧拉法建立了冰晶粒子的运动相变模型和计算方法。计算了冰晶粒子在强迫对流环境下的融化相变过程,与实验结果对比验证了运动相变模型和计算方法的准确性。针对NACA0012翼型计算了冰晶绕流运动时的热力学特性,得到了冰晶粒子到达撞击表面时的融化状态与收集系数。研究了冰晶粒径大小、初始球形度、气流相对湿度和温度对运动相变的影响。结果表明:冰晶粒子运动相变模型可以有效地评估冰晶结冰风险,冰晶粒子的融化速率主要取决于粒子直径、球形度、气流温度、湿度等因素,环境温度为288 K时冰晶粒子的融化时间为27.5 s,而相同条件下环境温度为302 K时的融化时间仅有5.2 s。


    针对冰晶在温暖环境下运动时固液汽耦合的相变现象,基于欧拉法建立了冰晶粒子的运动相变模型和计算方法。计算了冰晶粒子在强迫对流环境下的融化相变过程,与实验结果对比验证了运动相变模型和计算方法的准确性。针对NACA0012翼型计算了冰晶绕流运动时的热力学特性,得到了冰晶粒子到达撞击表面时的融化状态与收集系数。研究了冰晶粒径大小、初始球形度、气流相对湿度和温度对运动相变的影响。结果表明:冰晶粒子运动相变模型可以有效地评估冰晶结冰风险,冰晶粒子的融化速率主要取决于粒子直径、球形度、气流温度、湿度等因素,环境温度为288 K时冰晶粒子的融化时间为27.5 s,而相同条件下环境温度为302 K时的融化时间仅有5.2 s。In view of the phase transition phenomenon of solid⁃liquid⁃vapor coupling when ice crystals moved in a warm environment,the phase transition model and calculation method of ice crystals were established based on Eulerian method.The melting phase transition processes of ice crystals under forced convection were calculated,and the comparison with the experimental results verified the accuracy of the movement phase transition model and calculation method.The thermodynamic characteristics of ice crystals moving around the NACA0012 airfoil were calculated,and the motion characteristics of ice crystals in a warm environment and the melting ratio were analyzed when they reached the impact surface.The influences of initial particle size,initial particle sphericity,air relative humidity and temperature on the movement phase transition were studied.The results showed that the ice crystal particle movement phase transition model can effectively evaluate the ice crystal icing risk,and the melting rate of ice crystal particles mainly counted on the particle diameter,sphericity,airflow temperature and humidity.When the air temperature was 288 K,the melting time of ice crystal particles was 27.5 s,while the melting time was only 5.2 s when the air temperature was 302 K under the same conditions.
  • 图  非球形冰晶粒子融化过程中形状的演变

    Figure  1.  Shape evolution of non⁃spherical ice particle during melting process

    图  冰粒子融化过程中三个阶段

    Figure  2.  Three stages of ice particle melting process

    图  计算域网格

    Figure  3.  Computational domain mesh

    图  融化时间计算值和实验值的对比

    Figure  4.  Comparison between computation and experiment values of melting time

    图  完全融化后粒径计算值与实验值的对比

    Figure  5.  Comparison between computation and experiment values of particle size after complete melting

    图  粒子温度随时间的变化

    Figure  6.  Variation of particle temperature with time

    图  固态冰和液态水的体积分数随时间的变化

    Figure  7.  Variation of volume fraction of solid ice and liquid water with time

    图  计算域网格划分

    Figure  8.  Computational domain mesh

    图  不同底层网格厚度时表面压力结果对比

    Figure  9.  Comparison of pressure results with different bottom mesh thickness

    图  10  粒子总的体积分数云图

    Figure  10.  Contours of particle total volume fraction

    图  11  固态冰的体积分数云图

    Figure  11.  Contours of solid ice volume fraction

    图  12  液态水的体积分数云图

    Figure  12.  Contours of liquid water volume fraction

    图  13  冰晶粒子局部收集系数

    Figure  13.  Local collection coefficient of ice crystals

    图  14  机翼前缘冰晶融化率

    Figure  14.  Melting rate of ice crystals at the leading edge of the wing

    图  15  融化时间与初始粒径大小的关系

    Figure  15.  Relationship between melting time and initial particle size

    图  16  蒸发占比与初始粒径大小的关系

    Figure  16.  Relationship between evaporation ratio and initial particle size

    图  17  融化时间与粒子球形度的关系

    Figure  17.  Relationship between melting time and particle sphericity

    图  18  蒸发占比与粒子球形度的关系

    Figure  18.  Relationship between evaporation ratio and particle sphericity

    图  19  融化时间与气流相对湿度的关系

    Figure  19.  Relationship between melting time and air relative humidity

    图  20  蒸发占比与气流相对湿度的关系

    Figure  20.  Relationship between evaporation ratio and air relative humidity

    图  21  融化时间与气流温度关系

    Figure  21.  Relationship between melting time and air temperature

    图  22  蒸发占比与气流温度关系

    Figure  22.  Relationship between evaporation ratio and air temperature

    表  1  Hauk实验条件

    Table  1.   Hauk's experimental conditions

    11293.2494 900256.41715
    21293.2494 900256.41994
    31292.8495 870255.50.7551
    41293.1494 9002570.841 071
    51.25293.2497 2002571915
    60.75288.26495 100256.41775
    70.75288.26495 100256.91591
    80.75288.36195 3002560.49690
    91293.27594 900256.211 013
    101293.27594 900256.51978
    111293.27895 600257.90.781 013
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