摘要: 第六届地质(岩土)工程光电传感监测国际论坛于2017年11月3~5日在南京大学顺利召开。本届论坛主题为“基础设施监测技术前沿及应用”,共设置了35场特邀报告,来自近20个国家和地区的350余位代表参会。本届论坛显示,近几年来国内外地质和岩土工程光电传感监测领域的研究工作又取得了很多新进展:(1)光电感测解调技术不断成熟和完善,监测信噪比、空间分辨率等指标也突飞猛进;(2)国际上出现了一系列适用于地质与岩土工程监测的新型光电传感器,如聚合物光纤土工织物等;(3)光电传感器及其监测系统成为保障隧道、堤坝、核电站、桥梁等基础设施安全运营的有力工具,为这些设施的健康状态诊断和损伤识别提供了数据支撑;(4)光电传感监测技术在地质灾害监测预警中扮演了越来越重要的角色。未来的研究热点主要集中于3个方面:(1)高性价比的分布式光纤传感解调技术的研发;(2)匹配地质和岩土工程监测需求的新型光纤传感器及其布设工艺的研发;(3)基于人工智能的监测数据处理和灾害预警系统的开发。Abstract: This paer summarizes the 6th International Forum on Opto-Electronic Sensor-Based Monitoring in Geo-Engineering(6th OSMG- 2017)held in Nanjing University on 3-5 November 2017 under the theme"Frontiers and Applications of Infrastructure Monitoring Technologies". Attended by over 350 delegates from nearly 20 countries/regions, the 3-day forum was organized around 35 invited presentations. The forum showed the recent breakthroughs achieved worldwide pertaining to geo-engineering monitoring:(1)opto-electronic demodulation technologies are undergoing numerous developments and the monitoring accuracy and reliability are significantly enhanced; (2)a host of new sensors have been recently developed for geo-engineering monitoring such as smart geotextiles with integrated plastic optical fibers; (3)opto-electronic sensing can provide huge data for health diagnosis of infrastructures including tunnels, dams, nuclear power plants, and bridges, hence insuring the safety operation of these infrastructures; and (4)opto-electronic sensing is playing an increasingly important role in monitoring and early warning of geohazards. Suggested future research includes the need for:(1)cost-effective demodulation techniques for distributed fiber optic sensing technology; (2)special opto-electronic sensors for geo-engineering monitoring and their field installation methods; and (3)real-time huge monitoring data processing and early warning system of natural and anthropogenic hazards.
图 2 a基于相移光栅(π-FBG)的高精度光纤地形变传感器结构;b地形变监测方案(张文涛等,2017)
Figure 2. a A high-precision fiber earth deformation sensor based on π-FBG; b experimental scheme for earth deformation observation(Zhang et al., 2017)
图 3 地下水位和水分场光纤监测系统示意图(Cao et al., 2018)
Figure 3. Schematic illustration of the fiber optic monitoring system of groundwater level and water distribution (Cao et al., 2018)
图 4 葡萄牙路堤降雨入渗分布式光纤监测(Méndez,2017)
Figure 4. Distributed fiber optic sensing of road embankment under rainfall infiltration in Portugal(Méndez, 2017)
图 5 基于FBG光纤传感的隧道变形在线监测系统(Zhang et al., 2017)
Figure 5. Overall scheme of FBG-based online tunnel deformation monitoring system(Zhang et al., 2017)
图 6 基于光频域反射技术的降雨型滑坡模型试验(Schenato et al., 2017)
Figure 6. OFDR-based model test of rainfall-triggered landslide(Schenato et al., 2017)
图 7 安装有FBG张力传感器的柔性泥石流防护网(Yin et al., 2018)
Figure 7. A flexible barrier installed with FBG-SG tension transducers(Yin et al., 2018)
图 8 钻孔全断面光纤监测示意图(施斌等,2018)
Figure 8. Schematic of borehole full section monitoring using DFOS techniques(Shi et al., 2018)
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