摘要: 本文以大西客运专线高速铁路正交跨越地裂缝带为研究对象,基于有限元数值方法建立了高速铁路地基-地裂缝-路堤动力计算模型,模拟分析了高速列车荷载作用下有、无地裂缝带天然地基上路基的动力响应差异特征及影响规律。计算结果表明:列车荷载作用下无地裂缝带场地,路基动位移、加速度和动应力响应基本平稳,没有明显差异现象;而地裂缝带场地路基动位移、路堤本体内加速度均表现为上盘增大、下盘减小,垂直于线路走向路基动位移、加速度幅值衰减下盘大于上盘,地裂缝对加速度影响的临界深度约为地表以下15m;地裂缝的存在引起其上盘路基出现动应力降低和下盘动应力增强现象,地裂缝场地沿深度方向路基动应力影响的临界深度为地表以下10m。上述研究结果可为我国地裂缝发育区高速铁路建设与防灾减灾提供科学依据。Abstract: This paper takes the Datong-Xi'an passenger transport line subgrade orthogonally crossing ground fissure zone as research object. It establishes the foundation-ground fissure-embankment dynamic calculation model of high-speed railway with the finite element numerical method. It simulates and analyzes the dynamic response characteristics of subgrade on natural foundation with and without ground fissure zone under the action of high-speed train load. The results show that the response of dynamic displacement, acceleration and dynamic stratum stress of subgrade in natural site without ground fissure under train load is basically steady without obvious differences. In ground fissure site, the dynamic displacement of subgrade and the acceleration of embankment body both increases in the hanging wall and decreases in the footwall of active ground fissure zone, and the attenuation amplitude of dynamic displacement and acceleration of the subgrade in the footwall is greater than that of the hanging wall of ground fissure zone in perpendicular direction of train line. The critical influence depth of acceleration induced by ground fissure is about 15m below the ground. The dynamic stress in subgrade reduces in the hanging wall and increases in the footwall of ground fissure. The dynamic stress critical depth of subgrade in ground fissure site is 10m below the ground. The research results can provide scientific basis for the construction of high-speed railway and disaster prevention and mitigation in ground fissure development area in China.
表 1 地层物理力学参数
Table 1. Stratum physical and mechanical parameters
地层 重度γ
/(°)①粉土与粉砂互层 18.0 21 0.34 16.40 28.5 ②粉质黏土与粉(砂)土互层 19.8 30 0.32 23.75 17.0 ③粉质黏土 20.0 40 0.30 32.00 17.5 表 2 CRH380型高速列车模型参数
Table 2. Model parameters of CRH380 high-speed train
参数名称 数值 编组形式/节 8 转向架轴距/m 2.500 车辆宽度/m 3.380 中间车长度/m 25.000 全长/m 203.000 编组重量/kN 3884 转向架轴重/t ≤15 车辆高度/m 3.700 头车长度/m 26.500 转向架中心距/m 17.500 表 3 有限元模型计算参数
Table 3. Calculation parameters of the finite element model
参数名称 重度γ
/(°)钢轨 78 2.1×105 0.15 — — 轨枕 25 3×104 0.20 — — 道床 20 200 0.25 0 40 基床表层 19.5 190 0.3 80 30 基床底层 19 120 0.3 70 28 路堤 18.5 60 0.35 60 25 地裂缝 Kn=10 000 kPa,Ks=1000 kPa,c=12 kPa,φ=20° 表 4 跨地裂缝场地路基动力响应影响范围(单位:m)
Table 4. Influence range of dynamic response of subgrade crossing ground fissure site(unit: m)
影响范围 指标 备注 动位移 动加速度 动应力 上盘 下盘 上盘 下盘 上盘 下盘 横向(垂直于线路走向) 40 20 — 各结构层动力响应影响范围存在差异,路基纵向设防长度建议取大值,临界深度指的是地表以下,不包括路堤高度 纵向(线路走向) 基床表层 35 25 基本无变化 35 25 路堤本体 35 15 30 15 20 17 地基内部 32 25 15 13 — 临界深度(Hcr) — 15 10 -
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