Influence of Dual Stealth Aircraft Coherent Jamming on Monopulse Radar and Impact Effectiveness Study
摘要: 针对当前关于双隐身飞机编队相干干扰对单脉冲雷达具体影响分析不足及误差有效性缺乏合理评价的问题,考虑双机回波相位差的随机性特点,建立了双隐身飞机相干干扰模型和角度误差评价模型. 设定双机突防运动场景,提取双机动态RCS,推导回波作用下的双机相干干扰引起的随机性角度误差计算式,求解随机性角度误差的一阶数字特征,并根据脱靶距离建立了角度误差有效性影响评价准则,解算角度误差的有效影响概率. 仿真表明:双隐身飞机相干干扰产生的角度误差均值较大,随机起伏性较弱,干扰效果较好,且误差对雷达影响有效概率较大,保证了编队突防安全性.Abstract: Due to the insufficient analysis on the specific impact of dual stealth aircraft formation self-defense coherent jamming on monopulse radar and the lack of rational evaluation to error effectiveness, considering the random characteristics of the phase difference between the dual aircraft echoes, a dual stealth aircraft coherent jamming model and an angle error evaluation model were established. Setting the track of dual aircraft and extracting the dynamic RCS of dual aircraft, a calculation formula was deduced for the random angle error caused by the dual aircraft coherent jamming under the echo. And then several processes were carried out including solving the first order digital characteristics of random angle errors, establishing the angle error validity evaluation criterion according to the miss distance, and calculating the validity probability of angle error. Simulation results show that the angle error caused by the dual stealth aircraft coherent jamming is relatively larger and the random fluctuation is weak. The stable jamming effect and large error validity probability to radar can insure the security of formation penetration.
表 1 飞机巡航参数设置
Table 1. Aircraft navigation parameter setting
机身参数 数据 巡航速度/(m·s−1) 500 隐身飞机编队巡航高度/km 10 隐身飞机编队航路捷径/km 32 纵向编队间距/m 280 巡航时间/s 160 表 2 雷达及干扰参数设置
Table 2. Radar and interference parameter settings
参数设置 数值 雷达平均发射功率/kW 150 雷达发射天线增益/dB 40 雷达接收天线增益/dB 40 雷达接收机带宽/MHz 5 隐身飞机St1干扰功率/W 50 隐身飞机St2干扰功率/W 50 单干扰天线增益/dB 10 单干扰设备损耗/dB 8 单干扰频宽/MHz 32 三代机RCS/dBsm 16 -
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