National expert consensus on prone position therapy in adult burn patients (2022 version)
摘要: 俯卧位通气(PPV)作为机械通气治疗的一部分越来越受重视,相关共识和指南相继出台。俯卧位治疗(PPT)在烧伤临床诊疗中应用较为普遍。与传统意义的PPV相比,烧伤PPT在适应证、流程细节、注意事项等方面存在显著差异。因此,中国老年医学学会烧创伤分会和中华医学会烧伤外科学分会重症学组汇总循证证据,牵头制订了《成人烧伤俯卧位治疗全国专家共识(2022版)》,从PPT作用机制、适应证、使用流程等方面形成推荐意见,以供临床参考。Abstract: Prone position ventilation (PPV) is attracting more and more attention as a part of mechanical ventilation treatment, and relevant consensus and guidelines have been formulated. Prone position therapy (PPT) is widely used in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of burns. Compared with traditional PPV, burn PPT is significantly different in indications, process details, precautions, etc. Therefore, the Burn and Trauma Branch of Chinese Geriatric Society and Critical Care Group of Chinese Burn Association collected the evidence,led the formulation of National expert consensus on prone position therapy in adult burn patients (2022 version), and formulated recommendations on action mechanism, indications, use process of PPT for clinical guidance.
Key words:
- Burns /
- Prone position /
- Ventilation /
- Expert consensus
表1 GRADE推荐强度分级与证据级别
推荐强度 证据级别 使用推荐 强推荐(1) 高级别证据(A) 必须使用 中等级别证据(B) 可能应该使用 专家建议 证据不足 本领域相关RCT非常有限 弱推荐(2) 低等级别证据(C) 可能不应该使用 极低级别证据(D) 不能使用 注:GRADE为推荐意见分级的评估、制订及评价,RCT为随机对照试验 -
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