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Predictable forward performance processes in complete markets

Angoshtari Bahman

Angoshtari Bahman. Predictable forward performance processes in complete markets[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. doi: 10.3934/puqr.2023007
Citation: Angoshtari Bahman. Predictable forward performance processes in complete markets[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. doi: 10.3934/puqr.2023007

Predictable forward performance processes in complete markets

doi: 10.3934/puqr.2023007
Funds: I would like to thank Thaleia Zariphopoulou and Xunyu Zhou for motivating my interest in this topic and for their invaluable feedback on my work. I am grateful for helpful comments and suggestions from Samuel Cohen, Sigrid Källblad, Gechun Liang, Moris Strub, and the referees. I acknowledge support through a start-up grant at the University of Miami. Part of this research was performed while I was visiting the Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation (IMSI), which is supported by the National Science Foundation (Grant No. DMS-1929348).
  • Algorithm 1 Investment policy according to a PFPP
    Require: initial wealth $ x_0 $ and initial inverse marginal $ I_0=U_0' $
      $ {\bf{g}}\gets[\; ] $, $ X^*_0\gets x_0 $
      for $ n=0,1,\dots $ do
        Step 1 Observe $ {\boldsymbol{\Theta}}_{n+1} $. Set $ {\bf{g}}\gets {\bf{g}}\oplus {\boldsymbol{\Theta}}_{n+1} $ and $ \nu\gets $ the distribution of $ \rho_{n+1}|_{ {\bf{G}}_{n+1}= {\bf{g}}} $.
        Step 2 Find $ I_{n+1}\in {\cal{I}} $ satisfying $ \int_{ \mathbb{R}_+}I_{n+1}(\rho y) {\rm{d}} \nu(\rho)<+\infty $ and $ \int_{ \mathbb{R}_+}\rho I_{n+1}(\rho y) {\rm{d}}\nu(\rho) = $ $ I_n(y) $ for all $ y > 0 $. This is Problem 3.5.
        Step 3 Starting with wealth $ X^*_n $, invest over time period $ [n,n+1] $ to replicate the payoff $ X^*_{n+1}:= I_{n+1}\big(\rho_{n+1}I_n^{-1}(X^*_n)\big) $ at $ n+1 $. This is possible since the market is complete and $ \mathbb{E}[Z_{n+1}X^*_{n+1}| {\mathscr{F}}_n]=Z_nX^*_n $.
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    Algorithm 2 Investment policy according to a PFPP with CMIM functions
    Require: $ 0< \gamma_1\le \gamma_2 $ satisfying (4.15). Initial wealth $ x_0>0 $.
    Require: Initial risk-aversion measure $ m_0 $ satisfying $ \operatorname{supp}(m_0)\subset( \gamma_1, \gamma_2) $.
      $ {\bf{g}}\gets[\; ] $, $ X^*_0\gets x_0 $, $ I_0(y)\gets\int_{ \gamma_1}^{ \gamma_2} y^{-1/ \gamma} \mathrm{d} m_0( \gamma) $.
      for $ n=0,1,\dots $ do
       Step 1Observe $ {\boldsymbol{\Theta}}_{n+1} $. Set $ {\bf{g}}\gets {\bf{g}}\oplus {\boldsymbol{\Theta}}_{n+1} $ and $ \nu\gets $ the distribution of $ \rho_{n+1}|_{ {G}_{n+1}= {\bf{g}}} $.
       Step 2$ I_{n+1}(y)\gets\int_{ \gamma_1}^{ \gamma_2} y^{-1/ \gamma} \mathrm{d} m_{n+1}( \gamma) $ in which $ m_{n+1} $ is a measure equivalent to $ m_n $ with the Radon–Nikodym derivative $ \frac{ \mathrm{d} m_{n+1}}{ \mathrm{d} m_n}( \gamma)=\left( \int_{ \mathbb{R}_+} \rho^{1-\frac{1}{ \gamma}} \mathrm{d}\nu(\rho)\right)^{-1} $ for $ \gamma\in( \gamma_1, \gamma_2) $.
       Step 3Starting with wealth $ X^*_n $, invest over time period $ [n,n+1] $ to replicate the payoff $ X^*_{n+1}:= I_{n+1}\big(\rho_{n+1}I_n^{-1}(X^*_n)\big) $ at $ n+1 $. This is possible since the market is complete and $ \mathbb{E}[Z_{n+1}X^*_{n+1}| {\mathscr{F}}_n]=Z_nX^*_n $.
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  • 收稿日期:  2022-06-07
  • 录用日期:  2022-09-21
  • 网络出版日期:  2022-11-11


