摘要: Mg2Si作为一种天然丰富的环保材料, 在近红外波段吸收系数高, 应用于光电二极管中对替代市面上普遍使用的含有毒元素的红外探测器具有重要意义. 采用Silvaco软件中Atlas模块构建出以Mg2Si为吸收层的吸收层、电荷层和倍增层分离结构Mg2Si/Si雪崩光电二极管, 研究了电荷层和倍增层的厚度以及掺杂浓度对雪崩光电二极管的内部电场分布、穿通电压、击穿电压、C-V特性和瞬态响应的影响, 分析了偏置电压对I-V特性和光谱响应的影响, 得到了雪崩光电二极管初步优化后的穿通电压、击穿电压、暗电流密度、增益系数(Mn)和雪崩效应后对器件电流的放大倍数(M). 当入射光波长为1.31 µm, 光功率为0.01 W/cm2时, 光电二极管的穿通电压为17.5 V, 击穿电压为50 V, 在外加偏压为47.5 V (0.95倍击穿电压)下, 器件的光谱响应在波长为1.1 µm处取得峰值25 A/W, 暗电流密度约为3.6 × 10–5 A/cm2, Mn为19.6, 且Mn在器件击穿时有最大值为102, M为75.4. 根据模拟计算结果, 优化了器件结构参数, 为高性能的器件结构设计和实验制备提供理论指导.
- Mg2Si/Si异质结 /
- 光谱响应 /
- 增益系数
Abstract: InGaAs and HgCdTe materials are widely used in short wave infrared photodetectors, which contain heavy metal elements. The massive use of the heavy metal elements naturally results in their scarcity, and the nonnegligible environmental pollution. Searching for other suitable materials for infrared devices becomes a key to solving the above problems. As a kind of abundant and eco-friendly material, Mg2Si has a high absorption coefficient in the near-infrared band. Its application in infrared detector makes it possible to replace the infrared devices containing toxic elements on the market in the future. The Mg2Si/Si avalanche photodiode(APD) with separation structure of absorption layer, charge layer and multiplication layer, with Mg2Si serving as the absorption layer, is constructed by using the Atlas module in Silvaco software. The effects of the thickness and doping concentration of the charge layer and multiplier layer on the distribution of internal electric field, punch-through voltage, breakdown voltage (Vb), C-V characteristics, and transient response of Mg2Si/Si SACM-APD are simulated. The effects of bias voltage on the I-V characteristics and spectral response are analyzed. The punch-through voltage, breakdown voltage, dark current density, gain coefficient (Mn) and the current amplification factor (M) after avalanche effect of APD are obtained after the structure optimization. According to the simulation results, the spectral response wavelength of the device is extended to 1.6 μm, so the selection of Mg2Si as the absorption layer effectively extends the spectral response band of Si based APD. When the wavelength of incident light is 1.31 µm and the optical power is 10 mW/cm2, the obtained punch-through voltage is 17.5 V, and the breakdown voltage is 50 V. When the bias voltage is 47.5 V (0.95Vb), the peak value of spectral response is 25 A/W at a wavelength of 1.1 μm, a density of dark current is about 3.6 × 10–5 A/cm2, a multiplication factor Mn is 19.6, and Mn achieves a maximum value of 102 when the device is broken down. Meanwhile, the current amplification factor M after avalanche effect is 75.4, and the current gain effect of the SACM structure is obvious. The peak value of spectral response for the pin-type photodiode in the previous study is only 0.742 A/W. Comparing with the pin-type photodiode, the spectral response of Mg2Si/Si SACM-APD is greatly improved. In this work, the structure parameters of the device are optimized, which lays a nice foundation for fabricating the high-performance devices.-
Key words:
- Mg2Si/Si heterojunction /
- spectral response /
- gain coefficient
表 1 APD的结构参数
Table 1. Structural parameters of the APD.
层名 符号 厚度/μm 符号 浓度掺杂/
× 1016 cm–3金属电极层 — 0.1 — 0 Mg2Si接触层 Wp 0.15 Np 500 Mg2Si吸收层 Wa 0.6—4 Na 0.1 Si电荷层 Wc 0.1—0.3 Nc 6—14 Si倍增层 Wm 1 Nm 0.01—1 Si缓冲层 Wb 0.5 Nb 100 Si衬底 Ws 3.5 Ns 1000 表 2 模拟计算中采用的各层基本参数
Table 2. The parameters of different layers in the simulation.
表 3 模拟结果与目前国际水平对比
Table 3. Comparison of simulation results with current international level.
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