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谢实梦 黄林 王雪 迟子惠 汤永辉 郑铸 蒋华北

谢实梦, 黄林, 王雪, 迟子惠, 汤永辉, 郑铸, 蒋华北. 基于镂空阵列探头的反射式光声/热声双模态组织成像[J]. 机械工程学报, 2021, 70(10): 100701. doi: 10.7498/aps.70.20202012
引用本文: 谢实梦, 黄林, 王雪, 迟子惠, 汤永辉, 郑铸, 蒋华北. 基于镂空阵列探头的反射式光声/热声双模态组织成像[J]. 机械工程学报, 2021, 70(10): 100701. doi: 10.7498/aps.70.20202012
Xie Shi-Meng, Huang Lin, Wang Xue, Chi Zi-Hui, Tang Yong-Hui, Zheng Zhu, Jiang Hua-Bei. Reflection mode photoacoustic/thermoacoustic dual modality imaging based on hollow concave array[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2021, 70(10): 100701. doi: 10.7498/aps.70.20202012
Citation: Xie Shi-Meng, Huang Lin, Wang Xue, Chi Zi-Hui, Tang Yong-Hui, Zheng Zhu, Jiang Hua-Bei. Reflection mode photoacoustic/thermoacoustic dual modality imaging based on hollow concave array[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2021, 70(10): 100701. doi: 10.7498/aps.70.20202012


doi: 10.7498/aps.70.20202012

    E-mail: lhuang@uestc.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: 07.05.Pj, 87.85.Pq, 87.57.-s, 87.57.C-

Reflection mode photoacoustic/thermoacoustic dual modality imaging based on hollow concave array

More Information
  • 摘要: 光声和热声成像技术除激发源不同外, 可共用一套数据采集和处理系统, 具有天然的融合优势. 本文提出了一种基于镂空阵列的反射式光声/热声双模态成像技术, 该技术利用光纤与天线, 通过镂空阵列的开孔进行光声/热声信号激发, 使得激发光、微波和接收超声信号共轴, 构成明场光声/热声双模态成像模式. 通过对探头镂空部分晶元相位和幅值的补偿校准, 成功实现了3 mm直径塑料管、人体手臂、手背和脚背的双模态成像. 实验结果表明: 系统空间分辨率为0.33 mm, 双模态成像技术可同时提供组织的光学和微波吸收分布, 有助于肿瘤、糖尿病足等疾病的精准检测, 具有极广泛的临床应用前景.


  • 图  (a)为反射式光声/热声双模态成像系统框图; (b), (c)分别为反射式光声和热声成像探头接口实物图; (d), (e)分别为镂空探头俯视和侧视实物图

    Figure  1.  (a) Schematic of the photoacoustic (PA)/thermoacoustic (TA) dual modality imaging system; (b), (c) photograph of the PA and TA imaging system, respectively; (d), (e) Top view and side view of the hollow concave array, respectively.

    图  镂空阵列探头校准结果图 (a) 第47和48晶元接收到的热声信号波形; (b) 第49晶元所接收热声信号校准前和校准后的波形图, 以及与第48晶元热声信号波形图; (c), (d) 分别为校准前和校准后的热声图像

    Figure  2.  The calibration results of hollow transducer array: (a) TA signal received by the 47 th and 48 th elements; (b) the TA signal before and after calibration of the 49 th element, and the TA signal of the 48 th element; (c), (d) are the TA images before and after calibration, respectively. TAM: Thermoacoustic Amplitude.

    图  双模态成像性能验证实验 (a), (b) 分别为待成像物体示意图和实物图; (c), (d) 分别为热声图像和680 nm激发波长得到的光声图像; (e)融合后的热声/光声双模态图像

    Figure  3.  (a), (b) Schematic and photograph of the target, respectively; (c), (d) TA and PA images obtained at 680 nm, respectively; (e) the fused TA/PA image. PAM:Photoacoustic Amplitude

    图  空间分辨率实验 (a) 两根直径66 μm铜丝的热声成像结果; (b) 沿(a)中红色虚线的热声图像一维轮廓分布

    Figure  4.  TAI of two copper wires for system spatial resolution evaluation: (a) Recovered TA image; (b) recovered microwave absorption profile along the red dashed line shown in (a). TAM: Thermoacoustic Amplitude.

    图  正常人手臂双模态成像, 左侧为待成像平面示意图, A和B分别为自愿者1和2待成像手臂平面示意图; (a)−(d)和(e)−(h)依次为为自愿者1和2手臂的热声图像, 680, 720, 800 nm激发光声图像

    Figure  5.  The picture is the schematic of the opisthenar to be imaged, A and B are the detection plan of volunteers 1 and 2, respectively. (a)−(d) and (e)−(f) are TA image, 680 nm PA image, 720 nm PA image and 800 nm PA image of volunteers 1 and 2, respectively. TAM: Thermoacoustic Amplitude, PAM: Photoacoustic Amplitude.

    图  正常人手背双模态成像 (a) 待成像平面示意图; (b) 对应层面MRI图; (c)−(f) 依次为手背的热声图像, 680, 720和800 nm激发光声图像

    Figure  6.  (a) Schematic diagram of the plane to be imaged; (b) the corresponding MRI image; (c)−(f) are TA image, 680 nm PA image, 720 nm PA image and 800 nm image of hand, respectively. TAM: Thermoacoustic Amplitude, PAM: Photoacoustic Amplitude.

    图  正常人脚背双模态成像 (a), (b) 待成像平面彩色多普勒超声图; (c)成像层面示意图; (d)−(g) 依次为脚背的热声图像, 680, 720和800 nm激发光声图像

    Figure  7.  (a), (b) The color Doppler ultrasound images; (c) the schematic of imaging plane; (d)−(g) TA image, 680 nm PA image, 720 nm PA image and 800 nm image of instep, respectively. TAM: Thermoacoustic Amplitude, PAM: Photoacoustic Amplitude.

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