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赵嘉栋 张好 杨文广 赵婧华 景明勇 张临杰

赵嘉栋, 张好, 杨文广, 赵婧华, 景明勇, 张临杰. 基于里德伯原子电磁诱导透明效应的光脉冲减速[J]. 机械工程学报, 2021, 70(10): 103201. doi: 10.7498/aps.70.20210102
引用本文: 赵嘉栋, 张好, 杨文广, 赵婧华, 景明勇, 张临杰. 基于里德伯原子电磁诱导透明效应的光脉冲减速[J]. 机械工程学报, 2021, 70(10): 103201. doi: 10.7498/aps.70.20210102
Zhao Jia-Dong, Zhang Hao, Yang Wen-Guang, Zhao Jing-Hua, Jing Ming-Yong, Zhang Lin-Jie. Deceleration of optical pulses based on electromagnetically induced transparency of Rydberg atoms[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2021, 70(10): 103201. doi: 10.7498/aps.70.20210102
Citation: Zhao Jia-Dong, Zhang Hao, Yang Wen-Guang, Zhao Jing-Hua, Jing Ming-Yong, Zhang Lin-Jie. Deceleration of optical pulses based on electromagnetically induced transparency of Rydberg atoms[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2021, 70(10): 103201. doi: 10.7498/aps.70.20210102


doi: 10.7498/aps.70.20210102

    E-mail: haozhang@sxu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: 32.80.Ee, 42.50.Gy, 03.67.-a

Deceleration of optical pulses based on electromagnetically induced transparency of Rydberg atoms

More Information
  • 摘要: 基于铯里德伯原子的电磁诱导透明效应, 当光与原子能级频率共振时, 色散将剧烈变化, 吸收减弱. 此时光脉冲在原子介质中传播时, 将会出现减速. 在铯原子阶梯型三能级 $6 {\rm S}_{1/2}\rightarrow6 {\rm P}_{3/2}\rightarrow49 {\rm D}_{5/2} $ 系统中, 观察到由色散曲线陡峭变化导致的探测光脉冲减速现象, 并系统研究了耦合光强度和原子气室温度对光脉冲减慢的影响. 实验结果表明, 耦合光越弱, 延迟时间越长; 原子气室温度越高, 减速效应越明显, 与理论计算相符. 实验结果为之后进行的通过光脉冲减速效应测量微波电场提供了实验基础.


  • 图  铯原子阶梯型三能级系统示意图

    Figure  1.  3-ladder-level-system of cesium atoms.

    图  理论得到归一化后的色散和吸收曲线 (a)打开(虚线)和关上(实线)耦合光时原子系综的色散; (b)打开(虚线)和关上(实线)耦合光时原子系综对探测光的吸收

    Figure  2.  Theoretical plots of normalized absorption and dispersion: (a) Dispersion of cesium atoms ensemble with coupling laser on (dashed line) and off (solid line); (b) absorption of probe laser with coupling laser on (dashed line) and off (solid line)

    图  实验装置示意图(EOM为强度型电光调制器; $ \lambda/2 $ 为二分之一波片; PBS为偏振分束棱镜; Cell为铯原子气室; 852 HR/510 HT: 852 nm高反510 nm 高透镜; PD为探测器)

    Figure  3.  Schematic diagram of the experimental setup. (EOM, electro-optic intensity; $ \lambda/2 $ , half-wave plate; PBS, polarization beam splitter; Cell, Cesium vapor cell; 852 HR/510 HT, Dichroic beam splitter; PD, photoclectric detector).

    图  EIT信号随耦合光功率的变化 (a)不同耦合光功率下得到的EIT信号; (b) EIT线宽和EIT透射峰强度随耦合光功率的变化

    Figure  4.  Change of EIT signal with coupling power: (a) EIT signals obtained under different coupling power; (b) EIT line width and peak intensity vary with coupling power.

    图  耦合光功率和温度对输出光脉冲的影响 (a) 耦合光功率为5mW时输出光脉冲与参考光脉冲的对比(强度上归一化); (b)温度为40℃时输出光脉冲与参考光脉冲的对比(强度上归一化); (c) 延迟时间随耦合光功率的变化; (d)延迟时间随原子密度的变化

    Figure  5.  Change of output pulse with coupling power and tempreature: (a) Comparison of the output optical pulse and the reference optical pulse when the coupling optical power is 5mW (Normalization of intensity); (b) Comparison of the output optical pulse and the reference optical pulse when the temperature is 40℃(Normalization of intensity); (c) delay time vary with coupling power; (d) delay time vary with atom density.

    表  1  铯原子气室温度与密度的关系

    Table  1.   Relationship between cesium vapor cell temperature and density

    T/ $^{\circ}\mathrm{C}$ 25 30 35 40
    N/( $10^{11}\mathrm{cm^{-3}}$) 0.49 0.80 1.27 1.98
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  系统误差

    Table  2.   Systematic errors

    误差来源 光程差 铯原子气室 示波器通道 探测器
    延迟时间/ns 0.49 3.27 1.38 0.64
    下载: 导出CSV
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