2016 Vol. 38, No. 3

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From the Conflict to Conspiracy: Chengguan and Vendors Contact Logic: A Case Study in Hanzhengjie Governance
LIU Sheng
2016, 16(3): 1-7.

This paper focuses on the relationship between the chengguan and street vendors in social governance issues from conflict to conspire external manifestations and formation mechanism. Taking Hanzhengjie law enforcement officers as an example, through the participant observation and case analysis, from the frontline law enforcement perspective of the dynamic behavior of the inspectors, the paper pointed out that as a government law enforcement inspectors carrying out the process of the social governance, its enforcement rights are restricted from all sides, so in order to get the successful completion of the tasks they have conspired, which has become a common phenomenon in the current city administration. Finally, the existence of hawkersis the inevitable product of the current social development, the Government should be responsive to community needs and give the recognition of the necessity, change“clean”to “management” so as to improve the social governance and reduce social conflicts.

A Social Policy Analysis on Supporting Rural Enforced Male Bachelors
2016, 16(3): 8-14.

Rural enforced male bachelors issue is a typical performance of Chinese unbalanced population sex structure in twenty-first century. Based on the description on marriage behaviors’ difficulties, individual well-being and daily life support, the social policy on supporting this group of people is analyzed from the perspective of both the area they live and the age they are in. It suggests that it is necessary for the government to take measures to improve the social support policy system for rural enforced male bachelors in order to decrease the possible negative effect they may have on the whole society.

Prediction of the Forthcoming Employment Scale and Structure: A Perspective of International Comparison
CAI Yi-fei, REN Yuan
2016, 16(3): 12-13.

Employment is the foundation for people's lives, the cornerstone for the stability of our country. To grasp the forthcoming trends of employment scale and structure not only helps understand the stage characteristics of economic development but also has guiding significance for making policy of employment, educational training and social insurance. The current employment of China presents a similar characteristics with later stage of industrialization of developed countries. But facing the combined influence from the violent changes of economy and population structure, impact of foreign demand and new technological revolution, the employment trends in China looks complicated and confusing. Through systematic and comprehensive comparison of the long-term employment growth and structure evolution of the developed countries, it shows similar stage features on both the trends of employment amount and the portion of employment among countries, which can provide relatively accurate reference for the prediction of total employment and structure in China. The increase of the total demand for new jobs is slightly lower than the increase of the employment post, so labor supply is still abundant in China; Employment proportion of the secondary industry remained stable and service industry is the main field of creating employment. The declining employment in agriculture is mainly offset by the increase of service industry. In the secondary industry, proportion of the construction industry will continuously increase, the manufacturing industry will stay stable and the excavating industry will decline. In the third industry, produce services will increase and life services will decline.

Research on First Tier Cities Participation of Migrant Workers’Social Insurance
YANG Gui-hong, KANG Xiao-xi, YANG Qi
2016, 16(3): 15-23.

Recent years, many scholars focused on the social security of migrant workers, to understand the social insurance participation situation of the group. The paper selected four first tier cities in our country, making quantitative analysis of social security participation of migrant workers in these cities; we think different employment status, nature of units etc. have impacts for migrant workers’ social insurance rate. Therefore, to improve migrant workers’ social insurance rate, we should improve the quality of employment of migrant workers first, promoting them from the secondary labor market into primary labor market, promoting urbanization process in the group.