2023 Vol. 32, No. 1

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Improving the teleportation of quantum Fisher information under non-Markovian environment
Li Yan-Ling, Zeng Yi-Bo, Yao Lin, Xiao Xing
2023, 32(1): 010303. doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ac6497

Quantum teleportation is designed to send an unknown quantum state between two parties. In the perspective of remote quantum metrology, one may be interested in teleporting the information that is encoded by physical parameters synthesized by quantum Fisher information (QFI). However, the teleported QFI is often destroyed by the unavoidable interaction between the system and the environment. Here, we propose two schemes to improve the teleportation of QFI in the non-Markovian environment. One is to control the quantum system through the operations of weak measurement (WM) and corresponding quantum measurement reversal (QMR). The other is to modify the quantum system based on the monitoring result of the environment (i.e., environment-assisted measurement, EAM). It is found that, in the non-Markovian environment, these two schemes can improve the teleportation of QFI. By selecting the appropriate strengths of WM and QMR, the environment noise can be completely eliminated and the initial QFI is perfectly teleported. A comprehensive comparison shows that the second scheme not only has a higher probability of success than the first one, but also has a significant improvement of the teleported QFI.

Temperature characterizations of silica asymmetric Mach-Zehnder interferometer chip for quantum key distribution
Wu Dan, Li Xiao, Wang Liang-Liang, Zhang Jia-Shun, Chen Wei, Wang Yue, Wang Hong-Jie, Li Jian-Guang, Yin Xiao-Jie, Wu Yuan-Da, An Jun-Ming, Song Ze-Guo
2023, 32(1): 010305. doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ac9224

Quantum key distribution (QKD) system based on passive silica planar lightwave circuit (PLC) asymmetric Mach–Zehnder interferometers (AMZI) is characterized with thermal stability, low loss and sufficient integration scalability. However, waveguide stresses, both intrinsic and temperature-induced stresses, have significant impacts on the stable operation of the system. We have designed silica AMZI chips of 400 ps delay, with bend waveguides length equalized for both long and short arms to balance the stresses thereof. The temperature characteristics of the silica PLC AMZI chip are studied. The interference visibility at the single photon level is kept higher than 95% over a wide temperature range of 12 °C. The delay time change is 0.321 ps within a temperature change of 40 °C. The spectral shift is 0.0011~nm/0.1 °C. Temperature-induced delay time and peak wavelength variations do not affect the interference visibility. The experiment results demonstrate the advantage of being tolerant to chip temperature fluctuations.

Inhibitory effect induced by fractional Gaussian noise in neuronal system
Li Zhi-Kun, Li Dong-Xi
2023, 32(1): 010203. doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ac6332

We discover a phenomenon of inhibition effect induced by fractional Gaussian noise in a neuronal system. Firstly, essential properties of fractional Brownian motion (fBm) and generation of fractional Gaussian noise (fGn) are presented, and representative sample paths of fBm and corresponding spectral density of fGn are discussed at different Hurst indexes. Next, we consider the effect of fGn on neuronal firing, and observe that neuronal firing decreases first and then increases with increasing noise intensity and Hurst index of fGn by studying the time series evolution. To further quantify the inhibitory effect of fGn, by introducing the average discharge rate, we investigate the effects of noise and external current on neuronal firing, and find the occurrence of inhibitory effect about noise intensity and Hurst index of fGn at a certain level of current. Moreover, the inhibition effect is not easy to occur when the noise intensity and Hurst index are too large or too small. In view of opposite action mechanism compared with stochastic resonance, this suppression phenomenon is called inverse stochastic resonance (ISR). Finally, the inhibitory effect induced by fGn is further verified based on the inter-spike intervals (ISIs) in the neuronal system. Our work lays a solid foundation for future study of non-Gaussian-type noise on neuronal systems.

Enhancement of charging performance of quantum battery via quantum coherence of bath
Yu Wen-Li, Zhang Yun, Li Hai, Wei Guang-Fen, Han Li-Ping, Tian Feng, Zou Jian
2023, 32(1): 010302. doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ac728b

An open quantum battery (QB) model of a single qubit system charging in a coherent auxiliary bath (CAB) consisting of a series of independent coherent ancillae is considered. According to the collision charging protocol we derive a quantum master equation and obtain the analytical solution of QB in a steady state. We find that the full charging capacity (or the maximal extractable work (MEW)) of QB, in the weak QB-ancilla coupling limit, is positively correlated with the coherence magnitude of ancilla. Combining with the numerical simulations we compare with the charging properties of QB at finite coupling strength, such as the MEW, average charging power and the charging efficiency, when considering the bath to be a thermal auxiliary bath (TAB) and a CAB, respectively. We find that when the QB with CAB, in the weak coupling regime, is in fully charging, both its capacity and charging efficiency can go beyond its classical counterpart, and they increase with the increase of coherence magnitude of ancilla. In addition, the MEW of QB in the regime of relative strong coupling and strong coherent magnitude shows the oscillatory behavior with the charging time increasing, and the first peak value can even be larger than the full charging MEW of QB. This also leads to a much larger average charging power than that of QB with TAB in a short-time charging process. These features suggest that with the help of quantum coherence of CAB it becomes feasible to switch the charging schemes between the long-time slow charging protocol with large capacity and high efficiency and the short-time rapid charging protocol with highly charging power only by adjusting the coupling strength of QB-ancilla. This work clearly demonstrates that the quantum coherence of bath can not only serve as the role of “fuel” of QB to be utilized to improve the QB’s charging performance but also provide an alternative way to integrate the different charging protocols into a single QB.

Tolerance-enhanced SU(1,1) interferometers using asymmetric gain
Zhang Jian-Dong, Wang Shuai
2023, 32(1): 010306. doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ac981d

SU(1,1) interferometers play an important role in quantum metrology. Previous studies focus on various inputs and detection strategies with symmetric gain. In this paper, we analyze a modified SU(1,1) interferometer using asymmetric gain. Two vacuum states are used as the input and on–off detection is performed at the output. In a lossless scenario, symmetric gain is the optimal selection and the corresponding phase sensitivity can achieve the Heisenberg limit as well as the quantum Cramer–Rao bound. In addition, we analyze the phase sensitivity with symmetric gain in the lossy scenario. The phase sensitivity is sensitive to internal losses but extremely robust against external losses. We address the optimal asymmetric gain and the results suggest that this method can improve the tolerance to internal losses. Our work may contribute to the practical development of quantum metrology.

Enhancement of electron–positron pairs in combined potential wells with linear chirp frequency
Wang Li, Li Lie-Juan, Mohamedsedik Melike, An Rong, Li Jing-Jing, Xie Bo-Song, Zhang Feng-Shou
2023, 32(1): 010301. doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ac744b

Effect of linear chirp frequency on the process of electron–positron pairs production from vacuum is investigated by the computational quantum field theory. With appropriate chirp parameters, the number of electrons created under combined potential wells can be increased by two or three times. In the low frequency region, frequency modulation excites interference effect and multiphoton processes, which promotes the generation of electron–positron pairs. In the high frequency region, high frequency suppression inhibits the generation of electron–positron pairs. In addition, for a single potential well, the number of created electron–positron pairs can be enhanced by several orders of magnitude in the low frequency region.

Transformation relation between coherence and entanglement for two-qubit states
Zhou Qing-Yun, Fan Xiao-Gang, Zhao Fa, Wang Dong, Ye Liu
2023, 32(1): 010304. doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ac7454

Entanglement and coherence are two important resources in quantum information theory. A question naturally arises: Is there some connection between them? We prove that the entanglement of formation and the first-order coherence of two-qubit states satisfy an inequality relation. Two-qubit pure state reaches the upper bound of this inequality. A large number of randomly generated states are used to intuitively verify the complementarity between the entanglement of formation and the first-order coherence. We give the maximum accessible coherence of two-qubit states. Our research results will provide a reliable theoretical basis for conversion of the two quantum resources.

The coupled deep neural networks for coupling of the Stokes and Darcy–Forchheimer problems
Yue Jing, Li Jian, Zhang Wen, Chen Zhangxin
2023, 32(1): 010201. doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ac7554

We present an efficient deep learning method called coupled deep neural networks (CDNNs) for coupling of the Stokes and Darcy–Forchheimer problems. Our method compiles the interface conditions of the coupled problems into the networks properly and can be served as an efficient alternative to the complex coupled problems. To impose energy conservation constraints, the CDNNs utilize simple fully connected layers and a custom loss function to perform the model training process as well as the physical property of the exact solution. The approach can be beneficial for the following reasons: Firstly, we sample randomly and only input spatial coordinates without being restricted by the nature of samples. Secondly, our method is meshfree, which makes it more efficient than the traditional methods. Finally, the method is parallel and can solve multiple variables independently at the same time. We present the theoretical results to guarantee the convergence of the loss function and the convergence of the neural networks to the exact solution. Some numerical experiments are performed and discussed to demonstrate performance of the proposed method.

2023, 32(1): 010202. doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ac5c39

Diffusion in narrow curved channels with dead-ends as in extracellular space in the biological tissues, e.g., brain, tumors, muscles, etc. is a geometrically induced complex diffusion and is relevant to different kinds of biological, physical, and chemical systems. In this paper, we study the effects of geometry and confinement on the diffusion process in an elliptical comb-like structure and analyze its statistical properties. The ellipse domain whose boundary has the polar equation ρ ( θ ) = b 1 e 2 cos 2 θ with 0 < e < 1, θ ∈ [0,2 π], and b as a constant, can be obtained through stretched radius r such that Υ = r ρ ( θ) with r ∈ [0,1]. We suppose that, for fixed radius r = R, an elliptical motion takes place and is interspersed with a radial motion inward and outward of the ellipse. The probability distribution function (PDF) in the structure and the marginal PDF and mean square displacement (MSD) along the backbone are obtained numerically. The results show that a transient sub-diffusion behavior dominates the process for a time followed by a saturating state. The sub-diffusion regime and saturation threshold are affected by the length of the elliptical channel lateral branch and its curvature.