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黄康 朱梅婷 张飞鹏 许志龙 王洪涛 肖葵 吴俊升

黄康, 朱梅婷, 张飞鹏, 许志龙, 王洪涛, 肖葵, 吴俊升. 一种高效双功能电催化剂CoP/Co@NPC@rGO的制备[J]. 机械工程学报, 2018, 4(6): 107-115.
引用本文: 黄康, 朱梅婷, 张飞鹏, 许志龙, 王洪涛, 肖葵, 吴俊升. 一种高效双功能电催化剂CoP/Co@NPC@rGO的制备[J]. 机械工程学报, 2018, 4(6): 107-115.
HUANG Kang, ZHU Mei-ting, ZHANG Fei-peng, XU Zhi-long, WANG Hong-tao, XIAO Kui, WU Jun-sheng. Preparation of CoP/Co@NPC@rGO nanocomposites with an efficient bifunctional electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution and oxygen evolution reaction[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2018, 4(6): 107-115.
Citation: HUANG Kang, ZHU Mei-ting, ZHANG Fei-peng, XU Zhi-long, WANG Hong-tao, XIAO Kui, WU Jun-sheng. Preparation of CoP/Co@NPC@rGO nanocomposites with an efficient bifunctional electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution and oxygen evolution reaction[J]. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2018, 4(6): 107-115.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51771027);国家重点研发计划资助项目(2017YFB0702100)


  • 中图分类号: O643.3

Preparation of CoP/Co@NPC@rGO nanocomposites with an efficient bifunctional electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution and oxygen evolution reaction

More Information
  • 摘要: 简单的热处理和热处理磷化ZIF-67/氧化石墨烯(GO)前驱体得到具有典型的多孔碳结构特征的CoP/Co@NPC@rGO纳米复合材料电催化剂。通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、拉曼光谱(Raman)和N2等温吸脱附曲线等对其形貌、成分和结构进行分析和表征。采用线性扫描伏安法、电化学阻抗谱和计时电位法探讨了CoP/Co@NPC@rGO纳米复合电催化剂对氢气析出反应(HER)和氧气析出反应(OER)的电催化活性和稳定性。结果表明,CoP/Co@NPC@rGO‒350在1.0 mol·L–1 KOH溶液中达到10 mA·cm‒2电流密度的析氢过电位仅127 mV;同时,在1.0 mol·L–1 KOH溶液中显示出优于贵金属RuO2的析氧性能,达到10 mA·cm‒2电流密度的过电位为276 mV,塔菲尔斜率仅为42 mV·dec‒1。这种高析氢和析氧电催化活性主要归因于高度石墨化的N掺杂多孔碳与N掺杂石墨烯之间的协同效应。CoP/Co@NPC@rGO是电催化全解水电催化剂的候选材料,且为基于金属有机骨架(MOFs)/氧化石墨烯复合材料的高效电催化剂的设计开辟了一条新的途径。


  • 图  ZIF-67/氧化石墨烯的扫描电子显微镜图片(a)和X射线衍射谱图(b)

    Figure  1.  SEM image (a) and XRD pattern of ZIF-67/GO

    图  Co@NPC@GO‒800的表征。(a)扫描电子显微镜图片;(b)透射电子显微镜图片;(c)X射线衍射谱图;(d)拉曼光谱;(e)氮气等温吸脱附曲线;(f)孔径分布

    Figure  2.  Characterization of Co@NPC@GO‒800: (a) SEM; (b) TEM; (c) XRD; (d) Raman spectrum; (e) N2 ad-/desorption isotherms; (f) pore size distribution

    图  CoP/Co@NPC@rGO‒X的X射线衍射谱图

    Figure  3.  XRD patterns of CoP/Co@NPC are braided once clockwise. $\gamma_2$ crosses the branch cut of the votex hosting $\gamma_3$ and gains a minus sign while $\gamma_3$ crosses the branch cut of the votex hosting $\gamma_2$ and gains a minus sign. Hence the result is given by $\gamma_2\to-\gamma_3,\gamma_3\to\gamma_2$. (b) Worldlines in a space-time (x; t) diagram, describing four MZMs. @rGO‒X

    图  CoP/Co@NPC@GO‒350的结构表征。(a)扫描电子显微镜图片;(b)透射电子显微镜图片

    Figure  4.  Characterization of CoP/Co@NPC@rGO‒350: (a) SEM image; (b) TEM image

    图  CoP/Co@NPC@rGO‒350的X射线光电子能谱图。(a)全谱图;(b)N 1s;(c)Co 2p;(d)P 2p

    Figure  5.  XPS spectrum of CoP/Co@NPC@rGO‒350: (a) full spectrum; (b) N 1s; (c) Co 2p; (d) P 2p

    图  Co@NPC@rGO‒800、CoP/Co@NPC@rGO‒X和RuO2的析氧性能。(a)线性扫描伏安曲线;(b)塔菲尔斜率;(c)电化学阻抗;(d)计时电位曲线

    Figure  6.  Oxygen evolution performance of Co@NPC@rGO‒800, are braided once clockwise. $\gamma_2$ crosses the branch cut of the votex hosting $\gamma_3$ and gains a minus sign while $\gamma_3$ crosses the branch cut of the votex hosting $\gamma_2$ and gains a minus sign. Hence the result is given by $\gamma_2\to-\gamma_3,\gamma_3\to\gamma_2$. (b) Worldlines in a space-time (x; t) diagram, describing four MZMs. CoP/Co@NPC@rGO‒X, and RuO2: (a) Lsv curves; (b) Tafel slope; (c) EIS; (d) chronoamperometry

    图  Co@NPC@rGO‒800、CoP/Co@NPC@rGO‒X和Pt/C的析氢性能。(a)线性扫描伏安曲线;(b)塔菲尔斜率;(c)电化学阻抗谱;(d)计时电位曲线

    Figure  7.  Hydrogen evolution performance of Co@NPC@rGO‒800, CoP/Co@NPC@rGO‒X, and Pt/C: (a) Lsv curve; (b) Tafel slope; (c) EIS; (d) chronoamperometry

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  • 收稿日期:  2019-07-26
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