Modeling of the turbulent burning velocity for planar and Bunsen flames over a wide range of conditions
doi: 10.1007/s10409-021-09027-3
摘要: 本文提出并验证了一种适用于宽工况范围的湍流燃烧速度模型. 该模型具有显式表达式, 可用于湍流燃烧理论分析和模型构建. 模型主要由拉伸因子与湍流火焰面积两部分构成. 拉伸因子描述了湍流拉伸导致的局部火焰速度变化. 基于层流火焰的建表方法使拉伸因子模型能够考虑实际化学和输运特性的影响. 火焰面积模型根据自传播面的拉格朗日统计信息刻画了湍流火焰面的增长规律, 并考虑了湍流长度尺度和燃料特性的影响. 模型参数主要由流动及火焰参数、通用常数和层流火焰结果查表得到, 最后应用统一公式预测宽工况条件下的湍流燃烧速度变化. 本文应用宽工况范围下的自由传播平面火焰与本生灯火焰直接数值模拟和实验数据对模型开展评估与验证. 数据涵盖氢气至正十二烷等不同燃料、1–30个大气压、贫燃至富燃等不同当量比、湍流脉动速度与层流火焰速度比0.1–177.6, 湍流积分长度尺度与层流火焰厚度比0.5–66.7等条件下的共490个湍流燃烧工况. 对比不同工况的实验和模拟数据,模型预测的平均误差为28.1%. 相较其他现有模型, 该模型能正确描述不同燃料在宽工况范围下湍流燃烧速度变化趋势的差异.Abstract: We develop and assess a model of the turbulent burning velocity
over a wide range of conditions. The aim is to obtain an explicit model for turbulent combustion modeling and flame analysis. The model consists of sub models of the stretch factor and the turbulent flame area. The stretch factor characterizes the flame response of turbulence stretch and incorporates detailed chemistry and transport effects with a lookup table of laminar counterflow flames. The flame area model captures the area growth based on Lagrangian statistics of propagating surfaces and considers the effects of turbulence length scales and fuel characteristics. The present model predicts via an algebraic expression without free parameters. We assess the model using 490 cases of the direct numerical simulation or experiment reported from various research groups on planar and Bunsen flames over a wide range of conditions, covering fuels from hydrogen to n-dodecane, pressures from 1 to 30 atm, lean and rich mixtures, turbulence intensity ratios from 0.1 to 177.6, and turbulence length ratios from 0.5 to 66.7. Despite the scattering data in the literature, the comprehensive comparison shows that the proposed model has an overall good agreement over the wide range of conditions, with the averaged modeling error of 28.1%. -
Key words:
- Turbulent burning velocity /
- Turbulent premixed flame /
- Flame speed
3. Comparison of
calculated from the DNS [68] (symbols), the model Eq. (17) with length scale effects (solid lines), and the model Eq. (12) without length scale effects (dash-dotted lines). 5. Comparisons of
obtained from the DNS [42] (symbols with error bars for one standard deviation) and the proposed model Eq. (19) (solid lines) for lean hydrogen flames at atm, and 0.4, and , along with (dashed lines). Only the shades for one standard deviation are presented for clarity. 6. Comparisons of
obtained from the DNS (symbols with error bars for one standard deviation) and the proposed model Eq. (19) (solid lines) for methane flames at atm, , and and 1, along with (dashed lines). Note that the uncertainty of was not reported for the case. Dark and light shades denote one and two standard deviations for the model uncertainty range, respectively. 7. Comparisons of
obtained from the experiment [49] and the proposed model Eq. (19) for methane flames at various conditions. 8. Comparisons of
obtained from the DNS [32] (symbols) and the proposed model Eq. (19) (solid lines) for iso-octane flames with , and 2.0 MPa, along with (dashed lines). Dark and light shades denote one and two standard deviations for the model uncertainty range, respectively. . Table 1 Parameters of DNS/experimental datasets, along with the mean and root-mean-square (rms) modeling errors for each dataset
Dataset Configuration Fuel (atm) (K) Mean error (%) rms error (%) 1. Aspden et al., 2011 [42] planar H 1 0.31,0.4 298 28.7 26.1 2. Aspden et al., 2015 [43] planar H 1 0.4 298 9.0 6.6 3. Lu and Yang, 2020 [41] planar H 1-10 0.6 300 9.0 5.0 4. Zhang et al., 2021 [44] planar H 1,5,10 0.6 300 9.4 8.6 5. Aspden et al., 2016 [35] planar CH 1 0.7 298 31.8 10.4 6. Aspden et al., 2017 [36] planar CH 1 0.7 298 15.0 3.9 7. Wang et al., 2017 [45] planar CH 20 0.5 810 26.7 7.0 8. Lapointe et al., 2015 [46] planar C H 1 0.9 298, 500, 800 17.1 9.8 9. Savard et al., 2017 [32] planar C H 1, 20 0.9 298 9.9 4.2 10. Aspden et al., 2017 [36] planar C H 1 0.7 298 7.4 4.8 11. Kobayashi, 2002 [47] Bunsen CH 1-30 0.9 300 32.4 18.2 12. Kobayashi et al., 2005 [8] Bunsen CH 1-10 0.9 300, 573 41.7 15.0 13. Fragner et al., 2015 [48] Bunsen CH 1-4 0.7-1.0 300 8.3 10.7 14. Muppala et al., 2005 [13] Bunsen CH 1,5,10 0.9 298 22.8 16.7 15. Yuen and Gülder, 2013 [49] Bunsen CH 1 0.6-1.0 300 22.1 13.1 16. Tamadonfar and Gülder, 2014 [50] Bunsen CH 1 0.7-1.0 298 43.6 8.3 17. Tamadonfar and Gülder, 2015 [51] Bunsen CH 1 0.7-1.35 298 17.6 12.2 18. Wabel et al., 2017 [26] Bunsen CH 1 0.75 298 45.0 20.1 19. Wang et al., 2015 [52] Bunsen CH 5, 10 1.0 298 41.8 9.8 20. Zhang et al., 2018 [53] Bunsen CH 1 0.89 298 6.5 4.3 21. Cohé et al., 2009 [54] Bunsen CH 1,9 0.6 298 47.0 13.7 22. Venkateswaran et al,. 2015 [29] Bunsen CO/H 1,5,10 0.5-0.7 298 24.4 20.8 23. Zhang et al., 2018 [53] Bunsen CO/H 1 0.5-0.7 298 29.9 13.0 24. Cohé et al., 2007 [55] Bunsen CH /H 1-9 0.6-0.8 298 47.7 13.5 25. Zhang et al., 2020 [56] Bunsen CH /H 1 0.69-0.91 298 18.7 14.8 26. Ichikawa et al., 2019 [57] Bunsen CH /NH 5 0.9 298 15.5 7.2 27. Muppala et al., 2005 [13] Bunsen C H 5, 10 0.7 298 24.2 10.8 28. Tamadonfar and Gülder, 2015 [51] Bunsen C H 1 0.7-1.45 298 23.7 12.4 29. Gülder et al., 2000 [58] Bunsen C H 1 0.8,1.0 300 46.2 9.9 30. Zhang et al., 2018 [53] Bunsen C H 1 0.76 298 3.5 3.1 31. Yuen and Gülder, 2013 [49] Bunsen C H 1 0.7-1.0 300 20.0 12.9 32. Tamadonfar and Gülder, 2015 [51] Bunsen C H 1 0.8-1.35 298 18.8 7.8 33. Muppala et al., 2005 [13] Bunsen C H 5 0.9 298 32.9 17.3 -
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