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Stability analysis of quasicrystal torsion micromirror actuator based on the strain gradient theory

Huang Yunzhi Feng Miaolin Chen Xiuhua

黄允祗, 冯淼林, 陈秀华. 基于应变梯度理论的准晶扭转微镜驱动器的稳定性分析[J]. 机械工程学报, 2022, 38(3): 521390. doi: 10.1007/s10409-021-09031-x
引用本文: 黄允祗, 冯淼林, 陈秀华. 基于应变梯度理论的准晶扭转微镜驱动器的稳定性分析[J]. 机械工程学报, 2022, 38(3): 521390. doi: 10.1007/s10409-021-09031-x
Y. Z. Huang, M. L. Feng, and X. H. Chen, Stability analysis of quasicrystal torsion micromirror actuator based on the strain gradient theory. Acta Mech. Sin., 2022, 38, http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' xlink:href='https://doi.org/10.1007/s10409-021-09031-x'>https://doi.org/10.1007/s10409-021-09031-x
Citation: Y. Z. Huang, M. L. Feng, and X. H. Chen, Stability analysis of quasicrystal torsion micromirror actuator based on the strain gradient theory. Acta Mech. Sin., 2022, 38, http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s10409-021-09031-x">https://doi.org/10.1007/s10409-021-09031-x

Stability analysis of quasicrystal torsion micromirror actuator based on the strain gradient theory

doi: 10.1007/s10409-021-09031-x

the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant

  • 摘要: 静电扭转微镜广泛应用于微米光开关、光衰减器、光学扫描仪和光学显示器等领域. 过去微镜镜面主要沿单轴或双轴方向偏转, 从而限制了入镜光线的反射范围. 本文通过建立圆形静电驱动微镜的动力学模型, 设计了一种可任意方向偏转的准晶微镜驱动器. 然后基于应变梯度理论进行数值求解, 分析了其静态和动态现象以及吸合失稳特性, 并比较了反射镜面在三种偏转方向下的结果. 研究表明, 镜面沿着不同方向偏转的结果存在显著差异. 当沿斜轴的偏转角度达到45°时, 吸合失稳电压值最小. 失稳电压还随着准晶的声子场-相位子场耦合弹性模量和相位子场弹性模量的增加而增加. 准晶的介电常数、应变梯度参数和空气阻尼都会影响到微镜动态系统的扭转. 此外, 微镜表面分布力的减小也会导致更大的吸合失稳电压.


  • 1.  A schematic view of the round, double-gimbaled system, showing the various relevant parameters: a the main view of the system; b the top view of the circular plate; c the bottom view of the circular plate; d the top view of the substrate.

    2.  Schematic diagram of electrostatic torsional mirror with model considering coupled torsion and bending effects.

    3.  A schematic view of the circular plate rotating along a the inner axis, b the outer axis, and c the oblique axis under the action of the electrostatic force in different areas.

    4.  The static behaviors of macro reference model analyzed by finite element simulation: stress amplitude for rotating along a the inner axis, b the outer axis, and c the oblique axis; displacement amplitude for rotating along d the inner axis, e the outer axis, and f the oblique axis.

    5.  Comparison of torsions in three directions (the inner, outer, and oblique axes) using FES and present model for macro mirror: a curve for torsion angle Θ; b curve for maximum displacement Δ.

    6.  Influences of a phonon-phason coupling elastic modulus R1 and b phason elastic modulus K1, and influences of c horizontal deflection angle φ and d strain gradient parameter-induced additional stiffness Js/J0 on the dimensionless pull-in tilting angle Θ and voltage β, respectively.

    7.  Comparison of time history curves of a the tilting angle Θ with different strain gradient parameter-induced additional stiffness Js/J0 and b the velocity of rotation ξ with different damping effects C¯vq and C¯sq, respectively.

    8.  Influence of QC permittivity ε1 on the maximum torsion angle Θm with different a damping effects C¯vq( = C¯sq) and b parameters of outer electrode position and width λ = b/a1.

    9.  Comparison of the phase portrait on the phase plane: a without damping effects (C¯vq= C¯sq= 0 ) and b with damping effects (C¯vq= C¯sq= 0.05).

    10.  Influence of a van der Waals moment (α3 = 0) and b thermal Casimir moment (α4 = 0) on the pull-in voltage βcp with different initial gap g0.

    Table 1.   Geometrical and material parameters of the combination structure of beam and plate

    Geometrical parametersQC material parameters
    H = 20 μm, R = 200 μm, a = 200 μm,b = a/2, g0 = H, a1 = a, a1 = 3a/2,L = b/2, L1 = b/2, L2 = 1.2R, L3 = L1, h1 = 10 μm, h2 = h1E = 197.5 × 109 N/m2,K1 = 122 × 109 N/m2,R1 = 17.7 × 109 N/m2,ν = 0.25
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