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Mechanosensation of osteocyte with collagen hillocks and primary cilia under pressure and electric field stimulation

Wang Yan Li Chaoxin Dong Hao Yu Jianhao Yan Yang Wu Xiaogang Wang Yanqin Li Pengcui Wei Xiaochun Chen Weiyi

王岩, 李朝鑫, 董浩, 禹健豪, 燕杨, 武晓刚, 王艳芹, 李鹏翠, 卫小春, 陈维毅. 压力与电场协同作用下具有初级纤毛和胶原小丘的骨细胞的力学响应研究[J]. 机械工程学报, 2022, 38(3): 621569. doi: 10.1007/s10409-022-09004-x
引用本文: 王岩, 李朝鑫, 董浩, 禹健豪, 燕杨, 武晓刚, 王艳芹, 李鹏翠, 卫小春, 陈维毅. 压力与电场协同作用下具有初级纤毛和胶原小丘的骨细胞的力学响应研究[J]. 机械工程学报, 2022, 38(3): 621569. doi: 10.1007/s10409-022-09004-x
Y. Wang, C. Li, H. Dong, J. Yu, Y. Yan, X. Wu, Y. Wang, P. Li, X. Wei, and W. Chen,Mechanosensation of osteocyte with collagen hillocks and primary cilia under pressure and electric field stimulation. Acta Mech. Sin., 2022, 38, http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' xlink:href='https://doi.org/10.1007/s10409-022-09004-x'>https://doi.org/10.1007/s10409-022-09004-x
Citation: Y. Wang, C. Li, H. Dong, J. Yu, Y. Yan, X. Wu, Y. Wang, P. Li, X. Wei, and W. Chen,Mechanosensation of osteocyte with collagen hillocks and primary cilia under pressure and electric field stimulation. Acta Mech. Sin., 2022, 38, http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s10409-022-09004-x">https://doi.org/10.1007/s10409-022-09004-x

Mechanosensation of osteocyte with collagen hillocks and primary cilia under pressure and electric field stimulation

doi: 10.1007/s10409-022-09004-x

the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant

and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Grant

  • 摘要: 骨细胞内的力学传感器是骨细胞感知周围力学环境变化的最重要的细胞器. 为了评估骨陷窝-骨小管系统(LCS)内胶原小丘、细胞突触和初级纤毛作为力学传感器的生物力学效应, 我们利用COMSOL Multiphysics软件开发了一种压力-电场-结构相互作用的骨细胞模型, 以描述在流体流动和电场刺激下LCS中胶原小丘, 初级纤毛以及细胞突触作为骨细胞中力学传感器的力学感应效果. 分析了LCS中的力学信号(孔隙压力、流体速度、应力、变形)并且研究了胶原小丘弹性模量的变化、细胞突触的数量和位置、初级纤毛的长度和位置对骨细胞内力学传感器的力学敏感性以及骨细胞总体多孔弹性响应的影响. 结果表明, 初级纤毛和胶原小丘的存在将会导致骨细胞部分位置产生明显的应力集中(比骨细胞体其他位置的应力大1~2个数量级). 相比于细胞突触沿骨细胞短轴方向生长, 沿长轴方向生长可以刺激骨细胞产生更大的应力. 当初级纤毛位于骨细胞顶部时, 初级纤毛基底的应力比初级纤毛位于骨细胞底部时大8 Pa. 然而, 胶原小丘和初级纤毛的存在并不影骨细胞整体的力学信号分布. 所建立的模型可用于在多尺度水平上研究骨力学信号的传导机制.


  • 1.  Idealized finite element model of LCS inclusion osteocyte body under pressure-electricity synergic driven.

    2.  Selected points for statistical data of each osteocyte structure.

    3.  Time responses of pressure and electric field.

    4.  Maximum displacement curve of osteocyte body with t.

    5.  Comparison of mechanical signals of osteocyte without and with collagen hillocks in LCS. a Distribution of stress of osteocyte without collagen hillocks. b Distribution of stress of cell with collagen hillocks. c Distribution of displacement of osteocyte without collagen hillocks. d Distribution of displacement of osteocyte with collagen hillocks. e Distribution of pore pressure of cell without collagen hillocks; f Distribution of pore pressure of cell with collagen hillocks. g Distribution of pore flow rate of cell without collagen hillocks; h Distribution of pore flow rate of cell with collagen hillocks.

    6.  Comparison of mechanical signals of reference line of the cell without and with collagen hillocks in LCS. a Distribution of stress of reference line of the cell without and with collagen hillocks. b Distribution of displacement of reference line of the cell without and with collagen hillocks. c Distribution of pore pressure of reference line of the cell without and with collagen hillocks. d Distribution of pore flow rate of reference line of the cell without and with collagen hillocks.

    7.  The influence of the presence and absence of collagen hillocks on cell processes. a Mises stress nephogram of the x-z section with or without collagen hillocks. b The total displacement nephogram of the x-z section with or without collagen hillocks. c Comparison of the Mises stress of the AB line segment of the two hillocks with or without collagen hillocks. d Comparison of the total displacement of the AB line segment of the two hillocks with or without collagen hillock. e The influence of the presence or absence of collagen hillocks on the Mises stress near 1-3 hillocks. f The influence of the presence or absence of collagen hillocks on the total displacement near 1-3 hillocks.

    8.  The influence of the change of the elastic modulus ECN of the collagen hillocks on the stress and the total displacement. a The reference line stress distribution of different ECN; b the reference line displacement distribution of different ECN.

    9.  Three LCS models with changes in the direction and number of bone canaliculus and cell processes. Model 1: only a pair of bone canaliculus and cell processes grow in the direction of the osteocyte’s long axis; model 2: only a pair of bone canaliculus and cell processes grow in the direction of the osteocyte’s short axis; model 3: two pairs of bone canaliculus and cell processes grow together in the long axis and short axis .

    10.  The effect of changes in the direction and number of bone canaliculus and cell processes on mechanical signals. a The stress distribution of osteocyte in model 1; b the stress distribution of osteocyte in model 2; c the displacement distribution of osteocyte in model 1; d the displacement distribution of osteocyte in model 2.

    11.  The mechanical signals distribution of each part of different models. a Mises stress; b total displacement; c pore pressure; d pore flow rate.

    12.  a The stress nephogram of the primary cilium at the cross-section. b The selection point on the primary cilium. c The stress distribution on the selected point of primary cilium. d The displacement distribution on the selected point of primary cilium.

    13.  a The nephogram of fluid shear rate of osteocyte body. b The location distribution of 4 groups of primary cilia.

    14.  Maximum deflection of primary cilia at different locations and the corresponding load.

    15.  Location 1: Primary cilia are 0 μm from the central axis of osteocyte; Location 2: Primary cilia are 2 μm from the central axis of osteocyte; Location 3: Primary cilia are 4 μm from the central axis of bone cell; Location 4: Primary cilia are 6 μm from the central axis of osteocyte.

    16.  The mechanical signals of each part of osteocytes when primary cilia in different locations. a Stress, b total displacement, c pore pressure, d pore flow rate.

    17.  The mechanical signals of each part of osteocytes when the length of primary cilia is different. a Stress, b total displacement, c pore pressure, d pore flow rate.

    18.  The Mises stress of various parts of osteocyte: Collagen hillock: the average Mises stresses for collagen hillocks with different elastic moduli. Basal body: the average Mises stress for the basal body of primary cilia of different lengths.

    Table 1.   The sizes of osteocyte model [28]

    Components (μm)ValueImplication
    Xcytoplasm14The long axis of the cytoplasm
    Ycytoplasm8The short axis of the cytoplasm
    Hnucleus4The height of the cytoplasm
    Xnucleus7The long axis of the nucleus
    Ynucleus4The short axis of the nucleus
    Hnucleus3The height of the nucleus
    Dpc0.2The diameter of primary cilium
    Lpc0.4The length of primary cilium
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    Table 2.   Cytoplasmic parameters [31]

    Elastic modulus E (Pa)360Liquid density ρl(kg m3)992.52
    Poisson’s ratio νs0.38Dynamic viscosity μ (Pa s)0.001
    Solid density ρs(kg m3)800Compressibility χf (1 Pa1)4.35×10−10
    Permeability κ(m2)1×10−18Relaxation time τv(s)40
    Porosity εp0.2Shear modulus Gv(Pa)33.3
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    Table 3.   Nuclear parameters [31]

    Elastic modulus E (Pa)1440Liquid density ρl(kg m3)992.52
    Poisson’s ratio νs0.38Dynamic viscosity μ (Pa s)0.001
    Solid density ρs(kg m3)2000Compressibility χf (1 Pa1)4.35×10−10
    Permeability κ(m2)1×10−20Relaxation time τv(s)5
    Porosity εp0.1Shear modulus Gv(Pa)666.67
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